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I'm not posting this until tomorrow morning PT so please keep it to yourself until then! DON'T LET ANYONE OUTSIDE OF THE ROBOT UPRISING SEE! Cover your screen while watching, cover your ears while watching, cover your face while watching, COVER ALL THE THINGS! I have no idea what I'm writing.

BTW any suggestions for video titles? I'm between "A robot did my nails" and “I got a manicure from a robot” but open AF to suggestions.

Wanted to write "PUSS PUSS" but realized very few would understand what it means. So here's a small Swedish lesson: 

"Puss" means "kiss" in Swedish but we tend to say goodbye to friends/family by saying "puss puss", AKA "kiss kiss". So puss puss Patreonizers. PUSS PUSS.


A robot did my nails

I had a robot do my nail polish because I'm DISAPPOINTED that it's 2017 and I still have to do that stuff myself. C'MON TECHNOLOGY CATCH UP 👇 OTHER PLACES WHERE I POST STUFF 👇 Join the Robot Uprising and support me on PATREON.



Could you actually make a robot with Fine Motor Control? Could you safely have someone else have their nails done? Anyway, perhaps too morose for this channel. 👍


How about "Nailed AF"?


Thank you for putting on the safety glasses. I was getting worried for you.


Shitty Robot Hand Job




You can shave my face, but not my nethers.

Bryce Mariano

squeezing the glue for the fake nails was my favorite part :D.


But will the shaving robot will shave hairless legs like in all of those commercials :) ? Anyway, I suggest a doll's head, so there will be less blood involved!


you could make it do a painting and then give it away in a raffle


That was terrifying!


Appropå inget. Hemskt vad som just hänt i sthlm. Hoppas inte det leder till mer hat från invandrarfientliga grupper oxå pga terrormisstanken. Jag ska inte göra det här till nåt politiskt inlägg ville bara ha det sagt. Hoppas alla dina vänner å familj i Sverige mår bra! ..... ///Speaking of "nothing". Terrible whats happended in sthlm. Hope it doesnt lead to even more hate as well. Im not gonna go into a political tirade. Just wanted to say something about it thats all. I hope your family and friends in sweden are safe! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . You dont have to reply btw (of course)


Puss och kram tillbaka!


Wow, frightening and awesome as always :) Keep up the great work ;)