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WARNING! This is a really long post. Long story short: I just posted two new videos. You can watch them 



I can't believe it's finally here. The day that I can tell you that I TURNED MY TESLA INTO A PICKUP TRUCK! I set out to beat Elon Musk to making the world's first Tesla pickup. And I'm so excited to introduce you to  ✨TRUCKLA ✨

Marcos and I started talking about making an electric pickup truck over a year ago. Here's a dramatic reading of that moment:

Me [played by Tilda Swinton]: I would love an electric pickup truck to haul around lumber and stuff. 

Marcos [also played by Tilda Swinton, she has incredible range]: You should just build one. 

Me: I think I'll just buy a Tesla, cut it in half and make my own pickup truck out of it.

Marcos: Yeah. That makes sense. 

And then after a leisurely build, me and my new pickup truck lived on happily ever after. Roll the end credits.

Okay. I'm leaving out some details. That includes hours and hours of planning and drafting and Googling why-aren't-there-any-electric-pickup-trucks-that-are-rugged-but-like-look-cool and looking at Teslas online when I should have been asleep and telling myself over and over "just do it, just click on the B U Y  N O W button" and then being like "oh fuck, I should not have clicked that button" and thinking "I can't cut this car in half, it's too perfect" and having to get a bite guard because the stress of the project made me grind my teeth and sending texts like "You up? Want to cut a Tesla in half?" and ripping out the backseat and the trunk and having to turn off the car's computer because it was sending all kinds of error reports to Tesla snitching on everything we were doing and drinking something like 182 coffees and sneaking out in the morning while Cheese Louise was sleeping so she wouldn't know that I was seeing another electric vehicle and scouting locations on farms to shoot a fake truck commercial and hiding Truckla under a tarp to drive her 2 hours north for a shoot and Marcos staying up for something like 72 hours straight to finish it on time and learning to lasso with a charging cord and hugging my friend's dog, Ardy, and asking him to tell me it was going to be alright and that I hadn't made a huge mistake.

And, in the end, we did it. It was a colossal effort but this incredible-but-scrappy team worked for hours and hours and hours and created the world's first official unofficial Tesla pickup! We even filmed a fake commercial for it. And a 31 minute long build video.

This is truly my dream car. It has a custom lumber rack, a 3' 11'' wide bed, a 110V power outlet and I can't believe I get to drive this. 

Most of all I'm very excited about not having to order an Uber/Lyft and be like, "Oh, hey. Is it okay if we put some 2x4s, a couple gallons of paint and a bandsaw in your trunk? Thanks!" Because, that is seriously how it's been. I bet I have like a 2-star rating (and I am very polite in a car - so that's saying something.)

Right as we had removed the roof and the trunk cover.

Laura Kampf and Rich Rebuilds came to help build Truckla! And to take highly curated photos.

Ooops our friend Ryan is a stunt driver.

As we were cutting up the car, we saved some of the scrap metal and turned them into key rings. We're giving half of them away to the patrons who have been here the longest. The other half is up for grabs! 

If you want one, submit your best slogan for Truckla in the comments below. It's haul or nothing. We'll select the winners later this week!

Also - meet our new mannequin ThreeSim, here shown wearing one of the t-shirt designs we made for Truckla. Everybody on Patreon is getting 20% off! Just go over to Teespring and enter the promo code TRUCKYEAH when you check out.

This is only part of the crew that helped make Truckla happen. I can't believe that I get to hang out with these people. And that we cut my brand new Tesla apart to turn it into a pickup truck. It'll be something to tell all those hypothetical grandkids about.  

Okay. Now go watch the videos if you haven't already! I have to figure out how to weatherproof Truckla so I can drive it in the rain. 

I don't say this very often but I love you all so much. Thanks for being along for the ride.





You all are really a talented team, that was a really really big project Simone, for the slogan I thought too much about it and I wasn't sure about it but here it is: "This is what happen when you cross the line"


Ah too late now but I thought of a slogan: Get yourself a Giertz dispatch with Truckla.