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I feel like people say "middle of nowhere" when there isn't a place-that-sells-expensive-thing-that-you-can-put-Sriracha-on within 5 miles. But everywhere is somewhere.

So we're filming a thing. In the middle of somewhere. The last time we shot a video in nature, I accidentally ripped my pants smelling cow shit and had some very strong opinions about grass: 

It's for the top secret car project that I've kept going on about it. I promise there's only a few days left of me needing to be cryptic about it. Until then, here are some behind the scenes shots.

Here's a photo of me being completely unaware that there's a live snake coiled under that plank of wood to the left. My friends' dog Ardy went over to inspect the snake before we noticed it. 

First he growled at it, which seems like a proper evolutionary reaction. He then tried to roll in it, which makes a bit less sense. Fortunately we managed to pull him away from there before the snake told him to fuck off.

Ardy is the perfect shop dog, because he's snuggly AF, but also deaf, so no power tools scare him. He also wears the cutest little Carhartt jacket:

Usually it's just Scott and I filming videos. Our highest level of camerawork is making sure that the video is rolling, and that the top of my head stays in frame. So for this project, our friends who are actual television film crew professionals came to help out.

My friend Jax Marker, in the orange shirt, is a director. She's also one of my best friends. You might remember her as the person that I sent the world's saddest text to in the resin mask video. Then there's Scott Sorensen who's a director of photography. Both of them used to work on Mythbusters, and also shot Simone's Got Problems. 

When Soz isn't filming things, he models for stock images of "man enjoying sunset." 

This project has been a crazy amount of work. I've been pulling 20 hour days, which might not sound impressive unless you take into account that I normally sleep 11 hours a night. Marcos literally worked 72 hours straight trying to get everything done in time. I can't recommend it. But it's definitely a look:

Okay, I've got to get back to editing so that I have something to show you soon. And maybe snack on expensive-thing-that-you-can-put-Sriracha-on.

- Simone




Hi just became a patreon yippeeee


You are Aroura's long lost sister :)