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Hey guys, Blue here just dropping in to thank you all so much for choosing to support the work we do here on OSP. I know we say it a lot in many different contexts: at the ends of videos, on streams, on the podcast, but it's difficult to articulate just how incredible it is that a community of almost 2,500 people enjoy what we do so much that you've chosen to monetarily support our silly internet videos.

I was actually just talking to some friends (all friends from fencing, of course) and we got on the subject of how communities like patreon afford such a valuable combination of job security and creative freedom. We're extraordinarily lucky that the youtube gods almost never do us dirty, but there are so many other channels that are either smaller or more vulnerable to demonetization, but are kept afloat almost entirely by the support of patreon. It's honestly astounding what such a small share of an audience (in our case, 2,500 out of 1,500,000) can accomplish.

It's because of patrons like you that smaller channels can continue to make content without fear that ad revenue will be low or inconsistent, and that radically lowers the bar to letting more creators participate in the online creative ecosystem part or full-time. Heck, Patreon is what gave Red and I the confidence to make OSP into our jobs out of college. In many cases the difference between an underappreciated gem of a channel and an established presence online can be a handful of supporters like you, whether you choose to support an artist on patreon or simply watch the content, subscribe, and tell your friends how cool it is. That's infinitely harder to get metrics for, so it's harder to explain, but it's a critical step towards success for any creator. It's still shocking to me that raw enthusiasm can make someone's hobby into a career, but we've seen it happen time and time again, most recently in the wonderful case of Max Miller's Tasting History, who took the leap into making the channel his full-time job in part because of his community on patreon.

My point here is not just to say thank you, but to try and articulate just how damn cool it is that you here on Patreon have made a difference for literally thousands of creators like us.

Best job in the world, best community in the world.
Thanks team :)



YOU GUYS ARE DOPE. Your videos are funny and informative and enjoyable and accessible. And you are all personable and approachable and just generally delightful! Also YOU FENCE???? I didn't know that! I do too :D

Bryant Taylor

Aw, Blue. We’re happy to support a channel that puts out so much quality stuff!


🥺 My heart ❤ We love you guys keep up the amazing work!!!


I read the whole thing waiting for an announcement or a plug but nope, literally just a thank you :D i love that, keep doing what you do


You guys are amazing. I always look forward to watching your content!


The metrics are hard to get, but I have introduced at least 4 or 5 people to your channel. I'd trumpet it from the rooftops if I could. I love you guys. Keep being awesome!


I should be thanking you guys. You got me into the Classics. You provided an easy place to learn about mythology and history in a way that works for me. You reignited my love of learning. You helped me see the beauty in things I originally thought were overrated or boring or uncool. You guys opened a door in my spirituality a smidge and now I learned that Dionysus wants to work with me and he cares for me a lot! I owe you guys so much. Thank YOU! 📜📖🔮🗺✨

Augusta Wickman

Patreon has been a really great innovation helping many creatives be able to afford to persue their passions, and you guy's videos are especially entertaining and enlightening.


I have a love of mythology and history I never had before your channel. I'm also slowly reading through Journey to the West because of your videos! I'm happy y'all are able to keep cranking out awesome videos


Love you guys! Max Miller from Tasting History is a great channel. Does this name drop mean a possible collab in the future!? Haha. I mean that would be strange but regardless I love the real history and cultural analysis content from this part of Youtube.

Matthew Foweraker

Hey, I pay for what I feel is worth the money and you guys deliver :). Now if you would eventually deliver more of the Mabinogi...


I got sucked into OSP with the Lore Olympus tweet about the Hades and Persephone video, and I've been here since then. I'd just like to thank you guys for putting all out there for us, with funny, smart content, from the podcast to livestreams to the vids.

James Obsidian

When I first saw you guys Blue I was impressed by 2 key things, the type of humor you both had in telling the stories and events, and then the level of research you were able to share at the same time. I love supporting you both because your channel demonstrates how learning can be fun and informative at the same time. Well done and keep it up. I die laughing at all those Thor and Loki jokes.


Your content has been amazing and a wonderful break from the med school grind it is worth it ten times over


I think I started with trope talks and never looked back. You guys have been an inspiration and I love learning from you. Also I'd never heard of Max Miller before, so thanks for plugging him :)

Sinan Altınuç

I am in a strange position where I envy your job but on the other hand I am self aware enough to know that I couldn't do this as nearly good as you do :) So you do have one of the coolest jobs. People complain a lot about current state of the internet because of the freedom they provide to the content creators like you guys. In more classical media the content creators depended on the resources provided by large companies which may have different agendas and priorities. It would be hard to have cool content where enthusiastic people are geeking about really intellectual stuff. So... Thank you I guess... Keep on being moderately sarcastic :D


Fencing IS the SHIZZIT!!! mah mann!!

SlightlyEmbittered Productions

You guys are wonderful and you make great stuff. As someone who's been watching since 2015, I've been overjoyed to watch your channel grow. And now you're over a million subs. Congratulations.


Welcome & my likewise gratitude to you & Red!

Kraken Artificer

Seriously, though. I was already into literature and mythology, and honestly followed the channel for Trope Talk, but now I'm honestly kinda into history, and it's all Blue's fault. What are you doing to me, Blue!? (Whatever it is, keep doing it, it's great.)

Kraken Artificer

Aw, we love you guys too! Did anyone else read this in Blue's voice?

frank sands

I really love Red's work on Tropes and Myths and that's what made me start watching the channel, but Blue's videos are also amazing. I loved the one about architecture!


Goddamn it you two rule so hard


So, when are we going to get a Tasting History/OSP crossover episode? :P

Jason Veevaert

Watching this channel has allowed me to learn many things about subjects that interest me, particularly in history and mythology. I love the witty takes you guys have on these things, and I have applied factoids that I learned from your channel in talking points and shared your videos with my family! Thank you guys, Red, Blue (and I think Cyan?) for being so awesome! P.S. just read American Gods based on how it’s talked up on this channel, well worth the read!


Fencing buddies are the best buddies, because even if they stab you in the back, they have the decency to do so from the front. On a more serious note, Being on Patreon gives me the peace of mind that I am contributing to the shape of the internet that I spend my time in. I believe that every new frontier should resist corporate influences as much as possible for as long as possible, and until the internet gets fully locked down by the powers that be, I'll appreciate the freedoms that remain. I also have realized recently that a 5 min video may bring me as much enjoyment as a full-length film, so I had to re-evaluate the way I value entertainment, and make sure that I am supporting the people that make the content that I think has the most value, instead of supporting big budget games/movies because I've been targeted by an advert.


I have learned so much about religion, history, and my own ancestors from your videos. I know on one side I go back to Northern and Eastern Europe, England, Ireland, Germany, Poland, and on the other I go back to Puerto Rico, and then presumably Spain. It's a shame that I have so much information about one side of my family and not the other, but I suppose that's what the Spanish Inquisition and Colonization will do. I will say, I was hoping someday you might do a piece on the Taino people of Puerto Rico and Carribean. I understand how difficult that would be given what happened when Crispy Clonebus arrived, but it'd make me a happy Sparrow.

Melissa Aaron

I second. I started watching that and became a Patron almost immediately.