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This video was requested by our longtime patron Antonio Juarez! Thank you Antonio :)

You know how people talk about the new world and colonization and big european empires starting in 1492? Yeah, screw that nonsense, today we're going to focus exclusively on the early history of atlantic exploration by spain and portugual, with extra attention paid to the exploration of the Azores, Madeira & Canary islands off to the west of Iberia. If I do say so myself, I rather think it's a fun new approach to an established topic, and I hope you enjoy it!



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Portugal doesn't ever seen to get alot of flak in western history classes. Not any praise either but it's unfortunate how significant every event in history can be but missing some minor context (Portugal starts the trend of transcontinental colonies) completely changes the way people see the narrative.

Jason Veevaert

I got to wonder what history would have looked like if the Muslims had retained control of the Spanish area. Would Mexico and South America still get colonized but with Muslim influences? Would these colonial processes still have ocurred?


Thinking of the European colonisation period as beginning in 1492 reminds me of Europa Universalis. That game really had a big impact on me, as Euro-centric as it was.

Anthony Docimo

I'd wager that the Spanish would've focused more on their traditional enemies (france, mostly), leaving the ocean to the Portugese