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Hey team!
Blue here — I wanted to let you know that we're slightly rearranging our Patreon tiers for the new year. Red and I have been extremely pleased with our Patreon operations this year, and, per your feedback in the last seasonal update, it seems like many of you feel the same way! That's Great! And we're deeply fortunate to have a community that not only watches and enjoys our work, but actively chooses to support our educational content directly, to the benefit of literally millions of other people online. You guys rock. All of you.

So, why the changes? Basically, we created our current tier structure when we had around 600 patrons, and currently we have over 2,000 — so some of the rewards have become cumbersome to create/distribute due to the increasing size of our community. Our goal with this rework is to streamline and democratize the process. We're letting you know now to give you a month to make any adjustments to your pledge, or to request an applicable reward before we switch over. (Specifically, if you qualify for a video topic request or a chibi/map, please reach out to us before the end of the year.)

With that said, here are the new tiers:

Circle 1: Limbo ($1) — This tier is largely staying the same (Patreon feed, seasonal updates, Patrons' Discord flair, Patron-questions-first for the OSPodcast, 15% Merch Store Discount (RBC-M20-OSP in case you missed it)), but for every seasonal update, we'll put out polls for you all to vote on a Trope Talk and a HistoryMaker for the coming season.

Five Man Band ($5) — This tier is for the art-lovers! Here you'll get the monthly HD video-wallpaper packs (which include a peek ahead to the next month's topics), as well as weekly preview images every Monday for that Friday's upcoming video.

Achilles' Blanket Fort ($10) — This tier is for heroes seeking glory! Patrons in this tier and above will have their names included in the credits of every video.

Trickster Deities ($25) — The new top-tier! Patrons in this tier all receive an exclusive digital artwork every month (these are fun, seasonally-relevant drawings made just for this tier. Winter months could have a scene of Thor and Loki snowball fighting, Summer months could have a scene of the Egyptian gods at the beach.) Trickster Deity patrons will also have their names featured more prominently in video credits.

We think that this new setup of tiers will be easier to navigate for all of you as well as for us. Overall, these changes 1) democratize Patron involvement in selecting new video topics, 2) lower the cost of digital artwork rewards, 3) streamline the credits so each name has more space to shine, and 4) simplify the process for high-tier digital goodies and make some really fun bonus art for you in the process.  If you have any questions about this new setup, let us know in the comments and we'll do our best to answer!

As I mentioned at the top, these changes go into effect on January 1, so please adjust as necessary before then. Red and I are really excited for this new tier-system and we think you will love it too. Again, we have to thank you all so much for choosing to support us on Patreon. Creating content online is a wonderful but often uncertain venture, and you all have been the foundation of certainty that allow us to breathe easy and know that we can keep making the content that you and countless others enjoy.

Stay healthy, stay sane, stay hydrated — we're rooting for you.



So just to clarify--there will no longer be the option of $1000 topic choosing, correct? Seasonal drawings sound awesome though.


You can still set your pledge to whatever amount you like. But yes, were consolidating from 5 tiers down to 4, and removing the $100 option, as well as the $1,000-lifetime-pledge topic request. -B


I notice that the chibi/map art reward is gone. I already got mine (thank by the way), and I understand that it is a big time sink, but is it going to be gone permanently? I liked seeing the end results.


All previously posted images will stay up! There's no reason for us to delete old art. We'll just discontinue making new ones, in favor of the Trickster Deity-tier monthly exclusive artworks. -B


hello, i have been trying to dm you guys to use my chibi/map reward, but have been unable to, is there anything i can do?


With doing away the chibi/map option will you guys be open to opening commissions at a price point that would be worth your time?


Hi. Patreon typically withholds messaging functionality for brand-new patrons until the first payment is accepted. You should be able to operate messages starting on Friday, after you get your first video charge. -B


My whole thought process on this: "YAY! Wallpapers!"


Will the wallpapers be paired (north & south hemisphere) or dependent on your own locale? Regardless, you're awesome :-)


I'll be honest, I'm not sure yet. Opening commissions will swamp me with a massive backlog of requests, and what with all the Everything Else Happening I don't know if I'm emotionally prepared for that. -R

Nina Rose

Will the pledges still be per video? Or are they switching to per month?


Pledges will still be per video, but you can set a monthly cap in your settings. -B


I'm late to the party, but how do I get the discord tag thingy? I have a question for ask OSPod, but I want to wait for the tag (because why not)