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Today is #ThankYouPatrons Day here at Patreon, and we wanted to tell you all how much we appreciate the kindness you've shown us the past two years.

When the two of us were just starting to get the hang of making videos on a regular upload schedule a couple years back, we were a really small channel with only a few thousand subscribers. Crossing the 10K mark was a big deal for us, and we celebrated by starting up our Merch store (complete with a post-credits gag that has aged *spectacularly* poorly since 2016).

That holiday season, we decided to take a bit of a leap of faith by starting a Patreon page, since a handful of our viewers had asked for it. What started as somewhat of a "Okay, so you guys want to just... give us money? For real? You really like our stuff that much?" quickly turned into undying gratitude for the fact that your generosity is the primary driver of our current ability to work on this channel full-time.

YouTube ad revenue was nice, but since that can be fickle (and especially after the AdPocalypse of last year we were a liiiittle on-edge), we knew we couldn't depend on it going forward. But it was the continued dedication of this community in early 2017, through our rapid growth last spring (thank god for finals season am I right?), and up to now that has proven a consistent, and reliable source of income for us. Where corporate revenue is great, it is only because of the dependable and genuine support from all of you that we ever decided to take OSP full-time after we graduated college.

Knowing that legions of you care enough about learning these fantastic stories in literature, mythology, and history to directly support us means the world. On this #ThankYouPatrons day, we want to give back — so we want to shake up the way we handle Patron rewards to make it better for all of you.

When we started our Patreon, we only had a few dozen supporters, and we certainly didn't know that we'd be working on OSP as our long-term jobs. So we focused on one-time gifts of sorts (like the chibi drawings and the dramatic readings). But we want to improve our rewards for your continued support.

To do that, we've added some options to the poll below, and we'd love to hear your own suggestions in the comments as well. We're planning to take the results and come up with a new system for pledges that will go into effect at the start of the new year to mark our second anniversary on Patreon.

So thank you all for the support you've given us over the months and years, and we hope that you continue to enjoy the content we produce for months and years to come :)

-Red and Blue



Monthly Q&A's?


Thank you for making such awesome videos!!!


I love your guys’ content and could not be more happy being a patron.

the great catfish

I just wanted to say great work and continue to do such a awesome job and you guys are the best :3


I genuinely enjoy the content, and as long as you enjoy making it that's all anyone can ask for.


Thank you both for making the content. I just bought a t-shirt the other day and I had to make a Dante "My soul has escaped my body" look. Ended up being over 50AUD in total to bring Victory For The Forces of Justice (which will be worn to play a Paladin in Pathfinder). So a code would be great. Or definitely more video games. Red & Blue play Skyrim like Nords?

Philip Kruse

I am already quite happy as it is, but all of these suggestions sound quite nice indeed :)

Lord Washington

Keep teaching us and making us laugh guys :)


Love you guys! I look forward to every video and my support is really just to make sure that they keep coming!

Lisa Ward

Cannot thank you both enough for all you create and bring to this channel. Ancient History is forever my jam and OSP is my happy place. ❤️💙


We are a patient folk, no need for early access. Them wallpapers tho...