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The OSGang and special guest Frost talk about Hugh Jackman's terrible wig in Van Helsing (2004)


The Yaki

Fun fact it was not Glasgow looking filthy in the batman. It was mostly Liverpool. This was partial due to covid it was supposed to be Glasgow but they couldn't film in both cities.

Thomas Blight

Apparently Avatar + Red is what gets me to check out Indigo’s other podcasts, first Rolling with Difficulty and now Moviestruck 🤪


It must be hell inside Reds head

Edward Olson

Rather than geometric shapes I think a fun idea would be that it’s just any religious symbol. Like imagine a vampire archeologist on a dig, picks up a strange object and it burns them. They turn to their team and say it’s a religious artifact and has to come up with some obscure reason for how they know, like “oh well you see this bit looks like a symbol sometimes used for the god _____, and this bit intertwined has been associated with other gods of (harvest, sun, rain, etc) in this region.”