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Quick idea I just did, so I dont miss a xmas post. Originally had a set of pics or comic page of sort of epic xmas idea, but couldn´t get myself to do it.  
Xmas is one of my favorite and strong holidays, and having to spend it alone this year strike me as hard as posible, I had to fight myself to not lose the xmas spirit ^^¿
That along other problems I had been having put me down a bit, some ghosts of the past.  and due to a new development, losing my happiest memory, the one I always used to find solace in my solitude, made a harsh dent in my soul.  all this last time I havent been as fast as usually with the art, commissions, personal or comics, but Im trying to cope with all this, and find my new drive of hope ^^
Sorry for this quick catharsis, but Im still trying to stay as cheerfull as always ^^
Always giving you all my best wishes. hoping that everyone got to spend this magic night with your love one.
and as always, thanks THANKS, for being there, for all your suport, all your help and interest, in my art, ideas and comic. Im lucky to have all of you and I wouldn´t be able to do anything without you. so again  THANKS! THANKS WITH ALL MY HEART




Well I can’t say in good consciousness, Merry Christmas with you being alone Gotta pick out a few gifts for you and put a lovely smile on your face


Merry christmas to you too !


Sorry to hear this. I wish you Frohe Weihnachten, regardless. And what a cute package. I want to dip it in honey and lick it clean.


Oh sweety it’s a great package big or small. I didn’t know you were having a rough Christmas. It isn’t the Christmas either of us wanted. We are still here. And God I would just hug n squeeze on you all day long. Wouldn’t be lonely then.


Sometimes the very best things come in small packages, and it's really wonderful of you to go through the effort of creating and sharing this in spite of everything. Have a good holiday, and take care of yourself. Christmas can be really hard, and remember to be gentle with yourself and good to yourself. You deserve all the best in the world and you're a wonderful soul, and you know if you ever need anything at all or just want someone to listen, I and a lot of others would be more'n happy to, I'm sure of that. Do what you need to do, for you, first and foremost. And I hope you can create new wonderful memories to help you through things. And never be afraid to reach out if you ever need to.