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Of course I have to do her....! ^^¿



Jazzy Sparks

This looks amazing!


OMG!!!! ^w^

Zawkian Puppy

Damm man it looks amazing! You know what would be great?~ to have her have a huge erection~ It fits her edgy style hehe

Chris Mattson

I hope you color this! I love it!


It's super cool to see your sketch and refining process to these clean, gorgeous lines. I really love the way you captured her, and how you dealt with her mechanical nature; amazing way to work in everything about her, too, from the cart to the keytar to her personality. FNaF really has been catering more and more to furry stuff, huh? Especially with these more android animatronics. Not that I'm complaining when it results in more fanart like this, though!


Yeap I always loved the games but didint like the animatronics, The design of this last game is absolutly amazing, the aestetics, the Pizzaplex, the animatronics, everything is so awsomely 80s. its amazing I really like how this animatronics looks. and Im loving to get lost in the pizzaplex, so many things, and I wish so much a mall like that to be real ^^


I was never super into the games but I always liked how deceptively deep it actually was. One of those games where I'd watch a playthrough but wouldn't play it myself, you know? But this latest game really is something else with the way it's evolved the series and brought such a new, interesting location to life, and how they've evolved the machines, too. I love the aesthetics of it all and the theme, the characterization. It definitely feels like so much more. And the 80s nostalgia is so perfect because it just swallows you up and it's all around you so it all just feels so... perfect, natural.