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Just wanted to apologise for the slow uploads, and especially to the Tip Jar donators who haven't had any comics yet. I'm working on the next comic which will be out within the month, and future installments will be posted at least once a month going forward!

Thank you all so much for the support, I definitely wasn't expecting this kind of response. It's looking like I'm going to have a lot more time to work on my comics which is absolutely wild. I still have some other work to finish up this month, but I can't wait to start dedicating some proper hours to the comics. More art to come in the next couple of weeks! 

(PS I think I rushed my tiers and launch a bit, I'm gonna go ahead and refund January's £1.50 pledges seeing as you guys didn't get anything last month. Refunds may take up to a week to get back to you!)



Whenever you get around to it. Lol


Thanks for the update! Still Happy to support though. :)


Thanks for the update! Can't wait to see what you have in the pipe. I don't need a refund, but I was thinking: by refunding, do you get hit with processing fees twice? Would it be better for everyone if you just don't collect for February, instead?


No rush! And I don't need a refund either :-)


Thanks for the update! Definitely don't need a refund, but you do whatever suits you best~


No need to refund. You don’t owe us anything. The purpose of having a patron isn’t to sell us something, it’s a way for us to support you.


I just got mine and was wondering what was going on. Well I guess I'll go get a soda or something.


Hey kudos on the refund but if It were me I would not mind. Money is freely given to support cool art, congrats on the launch going well :)