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(Slugs are an important part of any balanced diet)




So, I know that the bog girl is named Fen (at least per the model sheet), but now the question is, what is the Orc lady's name? Or is that a mystery until we get her model sheet? ;) (BTW, awesome artstuffs, been keeping an eye on your stuff for a while.)


I think her name is Roogie! Maybe. I'm terrible at deciding on names. Thank you so much!! :D


if someone showed her how cute and smart rats can be do u think she'd reconsider eating them D: i like to believe maybe


I love Orc Lady's expression. As if she doesn't hate mushrooms because of how they taste but because one once kicked her mother in the shins or something.

Jessica Moorleghen

Bog girl should offer her talents for annual cranberry harvests, for premium pay negotiation (as long as she does not eat the wolf spiders)