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Following some recent developments that have formed since the November project update we have now made the decision to make a further adjustment to our project schedule moving forwards. This comes in the form of a new title announcement as well as shuffling the order around a bit.

Without further ado firstly project 7 will remain as Shining Song Starnova: Idol Empire and will be the next release of Love in Space. Idol Empire will be a business simulator spin off game featuring the girls from our last project Shining Song Starnova where you as the Producer will need to nurture your small business and idols from the humble beginning into a thriving empire that is able to punch above its weight at the Idol Grand Prix!

As of yet there is no release date confirmed for Idol Empire and this will come at a later time along with a product page once more development milestones have been hit.

Following completion of project 7 we will then be starting development of the new entry to the schedule, that is the long awaited sequel to Sunrider: Liberation Day and the next main entry to the Sunrider timeline.

Details on Sunrider 4 for now will not be available beyond it being the project we plan to promote to the active development after Idol Empire so you can expect to hear more primarily through Patreon closer to the time it happens and during development.

As both of these projects above are likely going to keep us busy for the foreseeable future both ProM and Wonderland will be going back into the freezer for now however fret not we will return to these as a topic for another day.

Our New Project Schedule:

- Project 7: Shining Song Starnova Idol Empire (active)
- Project 8: Sunrider 4 The Captain's Return (on hold)
- Project 9/10: ProM [code name] / Wonderland [code name] (both of these are on hold but their order in the schedule will now be revised at a later date following completion of 8 + 9).



Patrick Fenner

Happily waiting for the next addition to the story! Just became a patreon of this amazing story!


I am still waiting on captains return. It has been years since the last battle. But i am sure he will once again take off toward the event horizon. The true Love in Space is not idol management but the brilliance of the thermonuclear charges ripping apart the enemy's flagship.