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You may have noticed that the testing builds have recently gone a bit quiet, fear not this is not the work of a villainous plot (you can now see yourself out Kamijou) but rather because we've now shifted our focus towards the story scenario for Idol Empire and getting it written up ready for implementing.

Progress wise we're still going strong and remain on track however for now we won't be pushing any new builds for new features or fixes until this particular bit of work is done. That said a big thank you to everyone so far who has made bug reports and shared with us what you would like to see, we hope you'll continue to lend us your feedback once we're ready for the next stage too.

Also while you're here we want to give you a heads up that we're planning to make an announcement fairly soon in regards to a decision that was finalised recently and relates to the future, this will primarily be released via our social media accounts so if you don't follow us already we highly recommend doing so.





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