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  • Interfacing: The game's UI now is developed enough to allow us to rollout game features and conduct testing. We'll revisit this later in development to clean it up ready for release.

  • Sound: The base game soundtrack is for the current time considered complete, all efforts for music are now on the game's OP.

  • CGs and Backgrounds: Below Decks of the Sunrider BG has been dropped at least for the foreseeable future.

  • CGs and Backgrounds: Bath House Scene, Ava

  • CGs and Backgrounds: Volaris Dock

  • CGs and Backgrounds: Captain's Quarters

Internal - In Progress

  • The Community Manager is now back and is catching up on developments and picking up matters that have been parked while been away.

  • Internal Build: No new builds have been compiled while the Community Manager has been away, all progress have been purely in the development environment. These will now be cleaned up and new builds will start resuming this week.

    It is expected it will play up roughly to the point narratively where Admiral Grey was introduced in First Arrival although some of this may need to be temporarily removed to stabilise the builds.


  • N/A

External - In Progress

  • Sound: The Opening Theme for the game.

In other news the extended key art visual poster that will primarily be presented to the player on the main menu has now been finalised as the following. Bringing together the completed designs showed a few months back, the completed logo and a peep at the new Sunrider.


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