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 First of all, I want to say that I am really very grateful for your support so far. The price changes below are not meant to suck more money out of you, but  rearrangements that were always meant to happen sooner or later. If anybody decides that I've gotten greedy or if you simply can't afford the new prices and cancel your pledges, I will understood and won't hold any grudges. I want to explain the reasons behind them, and hopefully it will all make sense:

1) $4 tier is now $5:

Those of you who follow other Patreons on this site have probably noticed that I have been charging less then others for similar content. This was because back when I first established prices, I didn't have much content to reward people with, so I felt like I couldn't ask for such a large sum. Now, with many months behind us, this is not a problem anymore. For a several months, I've been thinking about making a change, but everytime  i were pushing this decision for later times.  

Also, in the future, this tier will have Patreon exclusive pictures, like if the current comic has a few pages that are too M to post them at DA, they will be posted here.

2) The $20 tier works differently now:

Like before, you can send me your ideas every month, but instead of drawing all of them, I will choose a few that I like the most and draw only them.
When I had only 3-5 monthly sketches to draw,  they wasn't a problem, but the number has grown recently and it's started to eat a lot of time each month, and that meant I had less time to make new pin-ups or other illustrations, things I am known and loved for. By trying to save time, I was starting to put less effort in each sketch, and that wasn't fair to anyone.

I still love the monthly sketch system, it gave me a lot of good ideas and this new rule is just meant to help me focus on doing a good job on best of them, while saving me some time to work on other things too.

 Also, this new system will push Patrons to be more creative in their ideas. The more interesting it will sound - the more likely it will be chosen by me. For example: Hermione & Ginny really well rope-tied and with big ballgags / harness ballgags, trying to sneak through the castle late one night without being caught. is a much better idea than: character X and Y tied.

3) The new $60 tier:

This new tier is for people who want to get a guaranteed monthly sketch from me. It will work just like the $20 tier worked before, but there will be only 3 slots . The up-side: you can ask for up to three characters, now.

 At first, I was thinking about simply charging more for a monthly sketch and reducing the number of slots, but I think the option to choose the most interesting sketches and giving people the option for a guaranteed sketch would be a little more fair, since now there's options for both! A simple combination of ideas in the end, to try to be fair to everyone.

What this means: Every month there will be 5 monthly sketches (20 and 60 tiers combined) + 1-2 mine

Thank you for attention and I hope you continue to follow me, either on a tier or not - no matter what!

p.s. 1) All current 20$ tier patrons will get their November sketches as before, even if they cancel/lower their pledges. New system will start from December.

2) I'm not sure but you maybe will have access to the 5$ tier posts while staying with the 4$ plefge.  Is it true or not - tell me in the comments ) 



That all makes a lot of sense to me, and hopefully it will help you out as well. Thanks for letting us know.


Sounds pretty fair and understandable - a good way to make sure that you are getting the value for yourself out of the tiers too, as it's never good when you're not able to take the time or put in the effort you feel good about!


Will you post the comics on HF? Or some other site?


Honestly - I don't know yet. This is why i were hesitant to put this remark in a news. I have in plans several pages that gonna slip into M, because people probably want that. But DA will put them down from the cite and this series never were popular on HF as mush as on DA. So idea were born to make them Patreon exclusive, to help me lure more people =) . But this is still in draft, cause i always prefer for my art to be in free access.