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Can a artist show off a little? This is what I draw when i'm want to make a normal illustration for a change. You know, so when a stranger ask what i draw, I can show something)

Two main characters of a comics which i probably never start.


p.s. and if you think: "Sane, you draw this when you constantly late on your promises?! Shame!", I actually started this picture about three month ago and were constantly switching on patreon thingies from it.




Everything about that redhead's design grabs my eye. I love all of it, the corset, the skirt, those boots, especially the pistols! My first thought was, I really want to know her story! My second thought was, predictably, I wonder if she gets tied up that story? I admit she kind of steals the scene from the fellow beside her! It's a pretty snazzy piece , so thank you for sharing it!




This is idea for a normal adventure comics) so even if she get captured at one point this will not be main theme


Never start? That's a real shame because this teaser really has me interested, both in the characters and their situation. Looks like Time Travel and/or Magic are involved maybe?


never start cause i don't have patience to draw one thing ) Also still not enough skill in comics Guy is a Mage, whose in this setting already a international independent organization. Girl is Anti-Mage, they trained all their live to follow Mages as a companions-guides (Mages usually extremely asocial) and also to put a bullet in his head if Mage goes crazy or start using "Chaos" magic.

Second of Many

Looks fantastic. The characters feel rich and full of personality. Love it, especially the focus on details. The emphasis on things like texture really helps make them feel real. As does the sparkle in the redhead's wonderful blue eyes. Would love to see more