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I don't want to spoil too much of the reaction, but I liked how this movie touched on more than just the science stuff, like feeling hopeful and not alone in the universe. I also liked how it mixed in some real human emotions with the whole space exploration stuff!! I feel like I'm becoming a space exploration expert with this and all the Star Trek I've been watching recently :) Anyway, hope you enjoy!

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[Full Reaction] Contact (1997)



OH DANG!!!! I forgot that Contact starts suddenly and REALLY REALLY REALLY LOUD!!! Sorry for that! I understood what you guys heard immediately when I saw the beginning! hahahahahaha


Yeah, as others have pointed out, Clinton did not take part in this movie. (Footage from other speeches/appearances was integrated into the movie with tricks.) However, his inclusion in it stirred up a bit of controversy when the movie was released, as it ostensibly made it seem like the President of the U.S. was endorsing something he actually wasn't. I personally wish he'd never been included. Not for any of the above ethical reasons, but because it's distracting and pulls the viewer from the story, and it dates the movie. I know that Robert Zemeckis did similar tricks in his previous movie, Forrest Gump. However, in that case, having Hanks interact with presidents from various eras worked, because it was played for comedy, no one in the audience ever questioned if it was real, and it was *intended* to date the era that Gump lived in. American history was the theme of Forrest Gump, so it was appropriate there.

Philip Alan

I love this movie. Loved the reaction! What a great ride!

Mark D

The movie left out the amazing ending the book posed. Ellie had set a task to a super-computer to calculate π (pi). After a long analysis, she received notice……..there is another message in π (pi)😵‍💫

Rick Williams

Such a good movie. It really makes you think. And such a good reaction Ladies.

Eddie Perkins

I thought I'd seen this movie before, but I had it mixed up with another one. That was good.


I don't know if you noticed. Her father at the beginning said it would 'be an awful waste of space". The reason why the gov't didn't officially give her credit because it's more important for them to be in control than it is for her to be 'right'. I'll bet anything they officially said "we'll take a chance on her".

Singing Wordwright

This is such a good movie. It remains one of my favorite comfort watches. No huge special effects or battle sequences or anything. Just a heartfelt story about the human need to connect with something beyond ourselves. whether by faith or science, in the end, they share the same goal. Contact. And ultimately, that’s all the aliens want as well. Simply to make that connection. I don’t know if you noticed, but the beach at the end is their recreation of the beach she drew for Pensacola. It wasn’t just her father on her mind, but that moment where she first reached out and found something outside herself.

Marty McGee

This is honestly one of my all-time favorites. I saw this movie when it first came out. I was in my early 20's and went with some friends. They were all disappointed that it wasn't your typical alien action movie, but it hit something deep inside of me. My own spiritual journey has evolved over the last 25 years since it came out. I have been on Joss's side. I have been on Ellie's strictly science side. And I have been on Ellie's side where she is at the end. I love that for the aliens, all they want is connection. It really is a beautiful movie that always hits me in the feels. Glad you got to experience it.


Just paid to join your Patreon so I could watch this as it's one of my favorite movies and books. The footage of Bill Clinton is from the incident in the 90s when scientists thought they had possibly discovered a microscopic fossil in a Martian meteorite. The White House wasn't very happy about it being used in this film. This movie is based on the 1985 novel Contact by astronomer Carl Sagan. Carl Sagan is probably the single greatest science educator who has ever lived — the man had an incredible depth of humility, passion, and love not only for science but for people and for humanity. In the 80s he had a miniseries on TV called Cosmos which he used as a platform to gently and diplomatically educate people about science, unapologetically including aspects which for some proved and still prove controversial. He disdained the proliferation of misinformation and of superstition and the many ways in which they are used by demagogues and fanatics to sow division and hatred. He passed away from cancer in 1996, about 7 months before the movie came out. The novel is even wilder and deeper than the movie, taking place over a longer period of time (about 12 years) and including an ending with even more profound implications. Importantly, the book explores the dramatic changes that knowledge of alien intelligence creates in human societies across the globe with a newfound sense of oneness among all people as humans instead of people of different nations and creeds and so on. As a person completely devoid of religious faith, without a spiritual bone in my body — and also a huge space nerd — this story depicts the closest thing I can possibly imagine to a religious experience. It's the sort of thing I deeply wish I could experience, the sort of thing I think our species desperately needs to break through the increasing morass of divisive nonsense ripping us apart. It'll always be one of my favorites.


This is a frustrating movie. The story by Carl Sagan is very intriguing. I have no idea if it follows the novel faithfully or not. But I find the first hour or so very slow and not very interesting. I did like to see Ellie with her father, that interaction is probably my favorite in the film. My favorite performance is John Hurt as Hadden, the eccentric rich engineer, but we see very little of him. I also enjoyed Tom Skerritt as Drumlin. We can debate some of the things he did but he was right about Ellie and her career. Many scientists have devoted decades to SETI with little to show for it. It is fun to debate but becomes trite compared to more serious research. The Joss character was mostly unnecessary. He was the theologian love interest. He worked better as the latter. The irony that faith became the fulcrum for Ellie, the empirical driven scientist, whose nexus never intersected with faith before is driven home in a decent final scene. I do enjoy James Woods. It is the trip to Vega and beyond I find less than satisfying. They go to the trouble of sending us instructions to build an incredible machine that will allow a single occupant transportation to the middle of the galaxy and when we get there they tell us almost nothing and provide no insight into anything. Why even bother? It was a tease on the grandest possible scale and a major reason I give this film only 7/10. By the way, the commentary by Jodie Foster for the film blu ray is very interesting. Most thespians are eschew such undertakings since they are much more comfortable with someone else writing what they need to say. Foster can hold her own and provides some fascinating insights.

Jacob King

This was my second time watching and I think it made less sense. Honestly, the Palmer Joss character skeeves me out. As a person of religious faith I find him to be manipulative and overbearing. He wants Ellie to be more open minded, yeah dude, she’s literally risking her life to test her theories and adjusts her worldview based on changing evidence meanwhile you finish the movie not having challenged yourself or had any kind of change. I suspect the problem lies with the filmmakers not wanting to offend anyone. I appreciate it being a big ideas film but Contact falls short of Solaris and 2001, and Interstellar and Arrival, because it doesn’t really have much to say. Don’t Look Up (2021) is a comedy featuring Timothée Chalamet. It’s not a romcom but he has a sweet romantic subplot with Jennifer Lawrence. It’s a parody of Deep Impact with one of the best casts in the history of movies. Also, Mark Rylance’s eccentric billionaire character is clearly riffing on John Hurt’s performance here.


The movie is fairly compressed version of the book. Hadden is a much more developed and less mysterious character in the novel, and Palmer's role is significantly larger. In the book, Rob Lowe's 5 minutes on screen as Richard Rank is a character named Billy Joe Rankin, who is presented as a standard-issue fiery televangelist, again with a much larger role, alongside Palmer's more reasonable take. The book takes place over a period of time about 3x longer than the movie, and the ending (both the journey and the aftermath) are significantly expanded compared to the movie.

Clay F (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 20:01:18 Jodie Foster: I recommend TAXI DRIVER (1976) which has a 12-year old Jodie Foster (as a prostitute) and a young Robert De Niro (as a taxi driver). --Nominated for Best Picture Oscar. --De Niro and Foster were each nominated for an Oscar. --Jodie Foster's older sister (age 19) was Jodie's body double for “more suggestive” scenes. As you may know, Jodie Foster is also in the new TRUE DETECTIVE: Night Country (2024) (6 episodes) that currently has a 94% rating on Rotten Tomatoes compared to 93% for the awesome first season that you reacted to.
2024-01-28 02:22:55 Jodie Foster: I recommend TAXI DRIVER (1976) which has a 12-year old Jodie Foster and a young Robert De Niro. --Nominated for Best Picture Oscar. --De Niro and Foster were each nominated for an Oscar. --Jodie Foster's older sister (age 19) was Jodie's body double for “more suggestive” scenes. As you may know, Jodie Foster is also in the new TRUE DETECTIVE: Night Country (2024) (6 episodes) that currently has a 94% rating on Rotten Tomatoes compared to 93% for the awesome first season that you reacted to.

Jodie Foster: I recommend TAXI DRIVER (1976) which has a 12-year old Jodie Foster and a young Robert De Niro. --Nominated for Best Picture Oscar. --De Niro and Foster were each nominated for an Oscar. --Jodie Foster's older sister (age 19) was Jodie's body double for “more suggestive” scenes. As you may know, Jodie Foster is also in the new TRUE DETECTIVE: Night Country (2024) (6 episodes) that currently has a 94% rating on Rotten Tomatoes compared to 93% for the awesome first season that you reacted to.