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Hey everyone!! Happy 4th for those here in the USA and I hope all my Canuck friends had a great and safe Canada Day, I am heading  to the Great White North tomorrow, wish me luck on that llooonnnggg drive. 

I'm sorry Once Upon a Time in Hollywood isn't up yet, will be tonight! 

Here is what is coming up this week, some fun ones! We have Rush and A Time to Kill also coming up the week after. I may start The Mandalorian while I'm in Canada too!

Ok so last night on instagram @popcorninbed,  I drew a new year for our "Noms of Oscars Past Poll"-1998! I had seen "Titanic" and "Good Will Hunting", so the poll will be "L.A. Confidential" (this has been so close on so many I feel like) "As Good As It Gets" and "The Full Monty" This time I decided to let YT in on the poll, so head over there to vote-https://www.youtube.com/c/PopcornInBed/community

Hope you have a wonderful 4th, I am proud to live here, thankful for our freedoms and committed to remembering those who fought and continue to for our liberties!



Christopher B.

Even with L.A. Confidential being a fantastic winner for this poll, please still keep in mind for a future watch As Good As It Gets, as it is also an excellent movie. Safe travels Cass!

William Bryan

Just an FYI the first ten minutes of A Time to Kill are rough.


Enjoy your vacation Cassie! I will wave at you!

Stick Figure Studios

I am really looking forward to this week. M:I-3 is fun (a definite step up from 2) and Phillip Seymour Hoffman is easily the best villain of that franchise, but I've been wanting you to watch E.T. since I first learned you've never seen it. It's difficult to communicate to younger people nowadays just how enormous Steven Spielberg's E.T. was when it was released 40 years ago because there really is no comparable phenomenon to it today. Nothing out there now approaches not just the level of popularity and cultural impact it achieved but of the overwhelming (almost universal) adoration it received. E.T. was more than just a movie. It was some kind of miracle. An earnestly heartfelt, masterfully made and intimately human story that resonated deeply with the whole world. Ever since it's Cannes premiere where it received a standing ovation (at a time when that actually meant something) E.T. has been defying expectations and realizing the impossible, which can still provide hope for us in a time of oppressive despair. For me personally, as someone who was 6 when E.T. came out, it is just baked into my DNA as a person. Obviously I loved it as a child. As an adolescent I got a little too cool and cynical for its emotional directness, but as an adult (and now especially as a middle-aged man) I rediscovered it's beauty, simplicity and depth. It is one of my all-time favorite films and a big part of why Spielberg is my all-time favorite filmmaker. Really looking forward to this reaction. So glad Carly got to join you.

Marty McGee

I haven't seen E.T. as an adult, but it was a favorite as a kid. I was around Elliot's age when it came out, so it hit me at the right age. I'm looking forward to re-experiencing it. MI3 is one of the strongest in the series and resets the overall tone of the series going forward after the more stylized second one. I think you'll find that this is one of the few series of movies that get better or at least hold their quality with each installment. And of course looking forward to the end of the Kenobi series. Hope you have a wonderful vacation and safe travels!

Marty McGee

I know movies used to have longer times at the theaters than they do today. I guess that's because VCR's were not quite a household essential yet. Also, HBO was in its infancy. But, I seem to remember E.T. being in the theater for a really long time. I know I saw it multiple times in the theater. E.T. and Indiana Jones really sealed the success for Spielberg.

Stick Figure Studios

Successful movies did indeed have much longer runs in cinemas before home video and cable TV was a thing (years even), but E.T. was also re-released multiple times before it finally hit VHS in 1988. You are right about how it and RAIDERS cemented Spielberg's place in our culture after the embarrassing failure of "1941" threatened to undo the success he achieved with JAWS and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS.

Stick Figure Studios

I think E.T. is just as meaningful if you're an adult as it is if you're a kid... perhaps even more so. As C.S. Lewis said: "A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest." and E.T. is a great children's story. :-)

Jeff Milcheck

Excited for E.T! It was the first film I ever saw in theaters. I think I was around 5. But I still remember it... the only other reactor I follow is Ashleigh Burton. She hated this film with a passion... but I have high hopes Cassie’s gonna love it. And also shed some tears.

Hannah Mather

I saw ET as a kid and I absolutely HATED it with a passion. Ill give it another go with you as an adult though.

Stick Figure Studios

It was the first film my wife ever saw in a theater as well (mine was 1979's THE MUPPET MOVIE at age 3). I am certain Cassie and Caejy will love it.

Jason Chirevas

Full disclosure: I don’t like Ashleigh Burton at all. I just went over and checked the end of her E.T. reaction, and it seems to me she made the cardinal mistake of viewing and reviewing the movie based on what she thought it was going to be and what she wanted it to be — in this case, another Close Encounters — rather than what it was and wanted to accomplish. Cassie has never done that.

Shehab Dawoud

Ashleigh Burton😂😂😂 that loud obnoxious girl who couldn’t sit through The Godfather without being distracted by anything that came on the screen unrelated to the plot? Is that the measuring stick? I hope not, that would mean the standards for movie reactions are in the toilet.

Colin Gutierrez

I saw it when I was 7 or 8 and it scared the living crap out of me. Then when I was around 10 I saw The Thing and forgot all about E.T. XD

Eric Wallace

Super stoked for mission impossible 3

Stick Figure Studios

I don't really watch too many other reactors, but I have checked in on a few just out of curiosity and even liked one or two, though it has mostly just further confirmed for me that Cassie is the best out there. The only Ashleigh Burton reaction I've seen is ET (just on a fluke) and not only was her commentary was a bit obnoxious, but her last analysis was pretty poor. If that's standard for her, I don't think I'll watch any more

Jeff Milcheck

Her E.T. Reaction was pretty early on in her channel. And I usually agree with her on movies she likes/dislikes… people have been trying to get her to give it a rewatch.. maybe she was just in a bad mood that day. She’s gotten a lot better. And yeah she can come across as a little obnoxious but that’s part of her charm. I think she’s funny… I’d give her another chance with a more recent reaction. She did Goodfellas recently. And I don’t follow many reactors regularly either. I used to really love Brandon Likes Movies. In fact he was the first reactor I ever followed, but sadly he stopped watching movies for the most part and just watches TV shows mostly. And mostly Star Wars/Marvel related stuff which I’m not into at all… I do watch the occasional Holden Hardman reaction tho.

Aaron Mann

Looking forward to A Time To Kill. Another court room movie to consider that I'm confident you would enjoy is Amistad. It checks off a lot of boxes for you. It's a Steven Spielberg directed film. It's a courtroom drama. And it's based on a true story.


A time to kill that's gonna be a rough one also my father worked on that film he even played pool with the Sutherlands :)