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Wweeellll that got cray pretty fast! I don't want to spoil anything,  but certain characters broke my heart, the creatures were way too weird, but I do love Benedict Cumberbatch and Rachel McAdam's ❤️ the tone seemed kind of different in this? it's always fun to watch a movie with Carly and we had the craziest thunderstorm during this! 

Also, so sorry for the lack of audio quality, hopefully you can still get the gist of our reaction. I didn't plug the mic in all the way and didn't realize until after. So sorry!! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

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[Full Reaction] Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)



I love this movie, I think it sets up a solo Scarlet Witch movie perfectly. This was an homage to super hero movie lovers from the original X-men and Fantastic 4 days. Plus Raimi put his classic horror fingerprints all over it. You gotta respect what they did with everything here, at least I do.


horrible movie. Marvel completely jumped the shark with this one. with this and next Thor...this was probably the last marvel for me

Mr Trick

This movie is a mess, they wreck Wanda as a character, Strange has virtually no real arc in his own movie, they botch the introduction of significant new characters and the through-lines from the first movie are tenuous at best, downright non-existent at worst. To paraphrase Forrest Gump; “That’s all I’ve got to say about that.”

Jesus Garcia

Hey Cassie, I was wondering. Have you seen The Eternals yet? not sure if you ever mentioned it.

Colin Gutierrez

It's in the bottom three MCU movies for me, yet still manages to be better than half the DC movies I've seen.


As far as if anyone loved this movie: it me. Of course, I'm a big fan of the director(Sam Raimi)'s horror movies, so this was a bkast for me. It's definitely a wild swing of a movie, and I can easily see how it's a miss for some people, but it’s probably one of my favorite MCU films(and definitely my favorite Sam Raimi superhero movie).

Rick Williams

Very weird and dark movie. Didn't care for it. I don't like where they have taken the MCU. All the original heroes are gone or soon Will be the way things are going.

Patrick Egan

I wasn't a big fan of this one, overall. But it did give us a live-action version of Captain Carter(seen in animated form in the What If? series), and Hayley Atwell looked SO FREAKING COOL as Captain Carter!

Richard Maurer

The first time I watched this movie I was a little disappointed. I've now watched it four times including two with reactors (Cassie and Natalie Gold) - I love this movie. This movie has become one of my top tier MCU movies, and it gets better every time I have watched it. I recommend repeated viewing for those with a open mind as you see more with every viewing. Many people seem to think Wanda "turned" to evil, like she had a choice. The only chance she had was to not read the Darkhold, once she started it was too late. Think of the Darkhold as being like the One Ring in LotR, except much faster acting. The fact that through Wanda's love for her children she was able to overcome the corruption from the Darkhold made her the true hero of the movie, in the end.

Brian Jones

Hard disagree..... I actually think it get's worse with every re-watch. There's so much wrong it's not really even worth getting into, so if you enjoyed it, more power to you. In my personal opinion Marvel has been missing the mark on everything since Endgame, and this entire phase of movies has been pretty mediocre at best, and downright awful at worst.

Richard Maurer

And I have to hard disagree with you, but to each their own. As for the MCU after Endgame, setting that high a mark is unrealistic. It took time and a lot of movies to build to Endgame, and very few of those movies were near the level of Endgame. Yet all those movies were important in building the narrative that led to Endgame. I personally have enjoyed all the movies since Endgame to varying degrees, with even my least favorite (Eternals) being at least watchable. I will say however that they are missing a unifying movie -ala The Avengers - that would help tie these various movies together. Hopefully something along those lines will appear soon.

Jayson Phillips

Black Bolt is an Inhuman, they were created by the Kree as an experiment on humans, Mrd. Marvel is also an Inhuman from the comics. There was a series called inhumans and the actor is the same.

Brian Jones

It wasn't "setting a bar", it was simply having good writers and directors. Something Marvel has been sorely missing since the Russo Brothers and Markus and McFeely left the fold. They were responsible for the biggest hits Marvel ever had. And once they lose Gunn after guardians 3, they will have pretty much lost all their high caliber talent. Taika Waititi sure as hell isn't going to save them. He just shit the bed royally on the new Thor film and basically turned the entire MCU into a parody of itself with a single film. Unless Feige makes some major changes soon the franchise is going to slowly collapse. It's already living on the barrowed time of the films that came before this phase.

Richard Maurer

I'm sorry, but the fact that you think this Dr. Strange was bad just negates everything you say about Marvel. In this and other comment sections you constantly badmouth everything they do since Endgame, and I don't see it that way. You're just being a hater for some reason.

Brian Jones

"the fact that you think this Dr. Strange was bad just negates everything you say about Marvel." - Why Richard? Simply because it's an opinion you don't agree with? The box office for this phase, as well as the viewership on Disney+ have both reflected that the excitement for Marvel is losing it's luster, especially with Thor and The Eternals. You can rage against reality all you like, but the facts are what they are. The numbers are falling off for Marvel, albeit slowly, but they are falling off. The universe is living on borrowed time due to the good faith of the films that came before it. Hence why you see a ton of excitement for opening weekends and then a drastic falloff in box-office the second and third week. It won't stop them from making close to a billion on many of their established characters, but it's a diminishing return overall, and I've already explained the obvious reasons. "In this and other comment sections you constantly badmouth everything they do since Endgame" - Not at all. I've commented that the Spiderman film was pretty amazing. I was also quite fond of WandaVision, but sadly it's the last really creative thing Disney/Marvel has done. Loki started out OK, but then fell flat by the end. Hawkeye did the same by kind of screwing the pooch on the finale. It's kind of becoming a pattern for them at this point. Do you just automatically label someone a "hater" if they express an opinion that you don't like? Even when said opinion reflects actual reality?

Richard Maurer

I will say that your opinion on DS2 negates it for me, I did mean objectively for everyone. As for you liking some things post Endgame, I wouldn't know that because every post I've seen of yours only mentions how bad Marvels been post Endgame. Maybe talk about what you like more often if you don't want to be labeled a hater.

Brian Jones

"Maybe talk about what you like more often if you don't want to be labeled a hater." - Better yet, maybe try not assuming up front that someone you know virtually nothing about is a "hater" just because you disagree with them. Just a thought. I believe in honesty Richard. And when a good portion of the fanbase as well as critics are taking notice of the slippage in the franchise, simply writing it off as "haters" doesn't carry much credibility these days. There's a reason you're seeing disagreements more and more regarding the Marvel properties in the online sphere. We are long past the days of where the fanbase was united around Marvel. The same is happening in Star Wars fandom as well. The same thing will happen with any franchise when it's clearly missing the mark.

Richard Maurer

I can only go by what you post, and everything I've seen you post on Marvel is negative. Bottom line: I just don't have the same problem with Marvel that you do.

Joe M

Would love for this one to be moved over to YouTube eventually. Can’t access it on Vimeo anymore.