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Hey guys! Don't want to spoil anything on this one but I do want to say that I apologize for the bland wall behind me!! Trying to get everything setup and it should be good to go soon! Hope you guys enjoy the reaction! Thanks so much for sticking with me through the move <3 <3

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[Full Reaction] Obi-Wan Kenobi Part III & IV


Josh Phillips

I’ve really enjoyed this series. Seeing Ewan McGregor back as Obi-Wan has been fantastic! My favorite thing so far is seeing how truly powerful Vader is. We’ve only ever gotten glimpses of it from Rogue One and the OT.

Gábor Árki

Oh boy. Let's say I had very mixed feelings after the first two, but didn't write anything hoping it might get better. Quite the opposite though. Both the writing and the execution is just Rise of Skywalker level bad full of so obvious plot holes and riddled with illogical plot moments that it is hard to believe. The lost me irrevocably after pulling that Austin Powers Mini Me escape. Not even Cassie's reaction can save this for me anymore. :(


I've watched everything SW, read books and comics SW fans are the biggest crybabies ever. Just wait 10yrs from then they will be saying how it was not that bad. Should have heard all the Ashoka comments when she was first introduced, and the Rebels show comments. Now people love it lol.

Cole Jennett

I love, that you are loving the series, and the magic is coming back for you. It’s not there for me, I think it has been just alright. But it’s not about me. My goal is to help you find tv and movies that you will love, and I’m glad to see it’s working.


have you seen ep 5? not that its guaranteed to turn u around on this show but in my opinion its a big step up

Cole Jennett

You know, just being honest, but I had to rack my brain a bit to remember what happened and it was just yesterday I saw it. It was fine as well. It just hasn’t got me excited for the next episode each week. It’s more like, oh yeah, it’s Wednesday.

Gábor Árki

Here it is, but BEWARE, it contains some spoilers for Austin Powers in Goldmember (which is the 3rd movie in this franchise and also a spoof of the James Bond franchise): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_iPFHi1SWE

Celeste McAllister

CONGRATULATIONS! A new home and Garden and the popcorn room you've wanted! A work in progress,a labor of love! I watched OWK episode 5 this series is crazy ! I love Ewen McGregor he is such a solid actor..Darth Vader is not just a guest in the series he is the perfect obsessed maniacal heavy,I have to wonder if the little girl who plays Leia is related to Carrie Fisher such a strong resemblance,Congrats again Cassie will the housewarming be a blowout shindig? :)

Tim Mclouth

This show is great either way the payoff will be the last 2 episodes. When they start doing Asoka with Rosario Dawson just imagine a fight between Vader and Asoka


Not so fun fact about Vader, the suit the Emperor made him is meant to keep him alive but also in constant agony, so his wounds still feel fresh, which is one of the reasons why he’s constantly so furious and vengeful

Sean Stuart

I really hope Taika Wahiti Star Wars movie is truly all new characters and no real ties in. No John Williams musical cues either. Get rid of all fan expectations and just something fresh set a long time ago in a galaxy far away. Great reaction Cassie

Jyn Jilly

Star Wars is a universe, so there should always be ties to something or it's not a Star Wars movie. Maybe.. and I say this as SW fan.. it should just end haha I love SW but I don't think it's meant to go on forever. Which is why people are feeling like you where they're like "Make Star Wars but without anything from Star Wars" lol I'd rather just see a new sci-fi fantasy franchise get made

Mike Lemon

@Jyn- The Pilgrims landing in the New World had no tie in with the Battle of Sekigahara even though both occurred in the same universe, same planet even, at roughly the same time.

Michael Jung

Yes, the prequels basically established the Jedi Order was essentially a type of cult (albeit legally sanctioned) that allowed Jedi to separate Force sensitive children from their families shortly after birth. Allegedly this is to prevent them from forming attachments (even to their birth families) which can lead to the Dark Side. However, this narrow minded view later led to their downfall.

Mr. Killeverything

I wonder if Padme is still alive and Anakin killed her body double and it was the body double who had their kids.


Wow... Seeing Obi-Wan on that Empire ship avoiding stormtroopers totally gave me Episode IV vibes when old Obi-Wan was on the Deathstar trying to shut down the tractor beam with Luke and Han trying to save Leia.


The writing is atrocious. Heck, it was revealed during an interview that one of the Kenobi writers was oblivious of Revenge of the Sith and had no clue Obi Wan knew Anakin was Darth Vader. Unbelievable.

Michael Jung

Fun fact - the baby brother Obi-Wan mentions to Leia was once meant to be none other than Luke's uncle Owen Lars! In the original Return of the Jedi screenplay, we learn Kenobi and Owen are related. The scene never made it into the actual movie, but in the novelization, Obi-Wan mentions his brother Owen, which means Anakin and Obi-Wan are technically stepbrothers and Kenobi is Luke's step-uncle. However, this was retconned in a later story where Obi-Wan realized his visions of his brother were actually future visions of Anakin's stepbrother Owen, although Kenobi continues to feel a brotherly bond with Owen. Now that Obi-Wan is revisiting those memories, however, maybe Owen will once again be revealed as his brother! (Yeesh! Since when did family relations in Star Wars get so "Days of Our Lives"? (I mean, we did always have the Luke/Leia sibling relationship, so I guess since always, but still...)