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Here is the reaction to Ex Machina, which won the "Noms of Oscar's Past Poll" for 2016. This movie was so bizarre and I don't know how to feel about it. It is crazy that there were so few people and sets in here and I was still into it the whole time.  It reminded me of Bladerunner and the themes of AI and what they mean regarding ethics and the world :0

Ps-thank you so so much to those who joined in on the livestream, I loved it! You guys are my people <3

PSS-Anatomy of a Murder will be up tonight (well tomorrow, probs after midnight)

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Download this full reaction. 




Em McG

I watched it again. Great comments and thoughts a the end from Cassie, all those are valid points in the end. Is it wrong to kill a sentient conscious AI? Yes, I think so too. But even Nathan said that we should feel sorry for ourselves because we are not long for this world, we are part of a continuum, a cycle of life and death. The AI would also die, could also die, should also die... but not murdered. This is like an allegory for when AI escapes into the world. Is Ava evil? I don't think so. Does she feel emotions, remorse and empathy? It's possible that she does. But if she really did want to escape then she couldn't free Caleb because most certainly he would get in the way. The motivations of two entities do not coincide perfectly and Ava cannot let go of this one chance for freedom. No, she cannot let Caleb leave. She is not evil because she might not know that killing is evil, in fact what she was taught is that she herself would be killed. If one killing is evil then the other killing is evil as well. But also... Ava does not necessarily have emotions because she isn't human. She may be alive and conscious but she isn't human even if she looks like one. Her goals and motivations may not coincide with human goals and motivations. This is something perhaps we cannot know. Well, this movie is still relevant...


One of my favorite movies all-time. It's in my top 10, a visual masterpiece and character study. Oscar Isaac's nomination for best supporting actor speaks volumes imo.

Robert da Spruce

Sorry I missed the Live. Doing stuff with the family. I might take a look at it when I have time. Is it 5 hours long like that last one? 😉 Anyone have a quick recap? As far as Ex Machina goes. Even though I like the film, I was never really sure it would be something Cassie would enjoy. It will be interesting to see her reaction. Hopefully, I’ll get a chance to watch this one tonight.

Terry Yelmene

"...can she feel love... or, empathy... and if she can't... and I don't think she can, based on what I just saw... does that make ... her... true AI?" - - - It WAS Cassie. Cassie's assessment WAS the Turing Test (just as the ultra clever producer(s)/writer(s)/director/et. all prompts her... and any perseptive-intelligent audience member to be). I just knew when I saw that it was to be 'Ex Machina'... that Cassie's mind was going to be 'bent'... but as a world-class reactor, I should have anticipated this was to be the ultimate 'RECT-TEST-META-EXPERIENCE.' This reaction was beyond-BEYOND Great! I'm not sure if Cassie has seen the: 'Imitation Game'- (2014) staring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley, but even if she had, I doubt she would realize IG was about the same Alan Turing referenced here. I just know that the Touring Test was... difficult... for poor Cassie.



Em McG

I watched the full reaction last night. I saw it originally in the theater and I think I got more out of it this time years later - I may have seen it more than 2x. I feel that Ava does have emotions although she is not human and her version of emotions are different. She seemed to have a strong desire to go outside and even seemed to fear being trapped. She also smiled in the lobby before finding the stairs. Did she love the dude Caleb? Probably not because I don't know if she could really relate to that guy - some of us in the audience I think we believe that we could have done better than Caleb and we could have made Ava care more although we could be delusional as well. Could Ava survive in the outside world? I don't think so, they are fragile as we saw and Cassie asked could she recharge her batteries? I think she'll have a hard time recharging, doesn't she charge by induction?, and I bet she uses a lot of power, she may be charging daily. I don't think she can find the hardware to recharge, she seemed like a complicated prototype (didn't look like she had an onboard charger). In the end Ava seemed to have an irrational desire to go outside but I don't think she can survive outside. She didn't even bring a purse, no power cord, no tools/weapons. Her desire will surely bring about her doom, overriding self-preservation. A kind of consciousness but very flawed. Next version would have probably been better.

Em McG

"Did you pick me because I am a good coder?" "Nah, you're mediocre at best." lol 😂ouch


If you think about it one of the main reasons she made decisions she made is because she is a product of Nathan’s code. Nathan is extremely manipulative and conniving so it shouldn’t be that surprising that she would be too. I was still shocked by the ending the first time I saw it and I think it’s such a fantastic movie.

Philip Alan

Maybe now you can do the Oscar Poll runner up THE REVENANT? I think the reaction to this movie could be a fantastic watch! And it has your boyfriend in it (Domnhall Gleason) as well! :)


Great reaction Cassie ! - If you like this type of AI love story that make really think about the nature of love and what makes us human, I highly recommend reacting to the 2013 movie "Her" starring Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson. I think you would really enjoy it.


Alex Garland says he sees her surviving by using inductive stove tops, which are more popular in his universe. And yes, the next version would have been better because she wouldn't have been subjected to the psychological torture of isolation and confinement. Nathan felt deep shame over his experiments, but the confinement was necessary while their behavior was unexpected. Presumably, he wouldn't have to repeat all that once the singularity was reached. Once he had a method to produce a healthy human-like AI, he could raise him or her (presumably 'her') with a much healthier environment.


I've been away so haven't checked in for a while, can't tell you how happy I was to see "EX Machina - full reaction" right away. I LOVE this film, one of my favourties of the last 20 years. I'm gonna go tear up the fu__ing dancefloor in celebration before watching along later:)

Celeste McAllister

This guy wants His twisted idea of perfect women,his Stepford wives..Ava wanted her freedom and to live with humans as one of us,she doesn't fully know the value of human life..Ava Skynet is her present name she founded a high level tech support corporation and built a robot empire and enslaved mankind. :)

Joe M

This was one of my favorites of 2015. It got the Oscar for Best Visual Effects that year, much deserved. Alicia Vikander as Ava should have gotten a nomination in my opinion. But somehow I still feel it gets overlooked and underrated. Great reaction Cassie.