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Oh man this movie had everything I wanted.  It is crazy that two movies technically in the same genre (Heat and The Sting) could be in the same genre, have such different feelings but I could enjoy both. I was having so much fun in this one! 

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[Full Reaction] The Sting (1973)


Jane Harker

"The Color of Money", with Paul Newman and Tom Cruise should be next. More con men, pool hustlers, great movie.


Love this reaction! What I think about during this movie is Cool Hand Luke. It’s not scary, not romantic but super interesting.


That was one of my favorite movies, and I loved your reaction at the end. Another good con-man movie is Dirty Rotten Scoundrels from 1988. I think you would like that one too.

Matthew Scarth

Cassie, I know you have a ton of movies to get through but if you love this type of movie where a plan comes together you should watch The Brothers Bloom, it's one if the best of the genre but less well known.

Mike H

❤❤❤ This has been one of my favorite movies since I saw it in the early 90s. The best reaction in the year I've been a patron, easily. You got rooked as bad as Lonegan!! Absolutely loved it and would watch it again with you bringing Carly into the fold...oh my gosh, I might even pay extra for that!! :D

Joshua James Wagoner

You should watch Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid if you enjoyed the Paul Newman Robert Redford dynamic.

Ragnar Miersch

Watching you fawn over Redford and Newman was my favorite part of the reaction. Growing up every female I knew over the age of 10 was in love with these guys. Last month it was Brad Pitt, same thing. And I remember you saying a few things about Bogart a few months ago. I'm not being critical by any means, just fascinated. It makes me wonder, however. Who in the current era of films to you find this attractive?

Jim Williams

I am a new Patron and I have spent 40 years in the broadcasting/TV as a producer, director, writer and executive. I find your reactions to films to be both fresh as well as entertaining. Redford and Newman are two of the most famous leading men in movie history. At the time Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid made news because the dream team of the two super stars - in this case two leading men wasn't done. But the duo got along so well they went on to do the Sting. I agree that you really must see Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid b/c it a movie I really think you would enjoy plus I know your subscribers would love to see your reaction. Also, just glad to join the Pop Corn in Bed Family

Zane From Canada

I don't think Robert Redford and Brad Pitt are related. They spell and pronounce their names differently. 🤣🤣🤣

Louis Wilberger

The music was the Entertainer by Scott Joplin and hit the top of the charts. Pretty good for a song written over a hundred years ago.

Mark Harrell

A “dick” is old time slang for police. Local police, railroad police. And Chicago, where this was set was and still is THE most corrupt city in the US. From the lowest neighborhood politicians to the mayor and most every civilian city worker and the police. Bribes, influence peddling, if there is any possible way for corruption it happens in Chicago and the state of Illinois

Herman Orff

There’s another side to Redford, and it’s serious and impressive: his commitment to important social issues. “All the President’s Men” is the biggest example. (Screenwriter William Goldman, noting the huge impact it had on voters, said it might be one of the very few films to actually change the course of American history.) Then there is “Ordinary People” — the first film Redford directed. Such a beautiful story about family dynamics in the wake of a tragedy. And an intelligent, compassionate look at mental illness and psychiatric treatment. But the one that came to mind was “Brubaker”. I saw it again recently, and — wow. This one tackles prison reform. It’s based on a true story and Redford is wonderful in the title role. (There’s also a small part for a young Morgan Freeman.) Dramatic and inspiring film. But it’s also raw. The subject matter is not pretty, and the film doesn’t try to make it so. This was the right choice. Softened edges would have entirely undermined the film. As it stands, it’s excellent — and emotionally brutal.


You'd love Focus (2015) :) https://popcornrequests.com/title/tt2381941 - Only two people requesting it so far (... and I'm one of them)

Steve Barrett

OMG - when the movie was over, did you call Paul Newmans character gorfandorf!! too funny. Too many lord of the rings movies