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Ok here are the last two episodes of Falcon and the Winter Soldier (sheesh too long of a name) Although this show wasn't as strong as WandavVsion in my opinion, I think it was necessary (for me at least) to be ok with a new Captain America in Sam. It had some good moments and ideas for sure and Bucky4ever <3 <3.

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[Full Reaction] The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (EP 5-6)


Stick Figure Studios

"sheesh too long of a name." Did you notice by the end that it got even longer? :-) Anyway, I'm glad you saw it and enjoyed it. As I mentioned elsewhere, it's probably my least favorite of the MCU Disney+ shows so far, but it had its moments. Thought it got a little preachy near the end, but I liked Sam's new Captain America uniform. Didn't care for what they did with Sharon carter, but maybe that will become significant later.

Gideon James

The order Cassie is Loki next then Black Widow, What If, Shang-Chi, Hawkeye, Eternals, Moon Knight. This is supposed to be Marvel's official order.

Mike LL

I hope Sharon is working undercover to entrap some bad guys, but that is just speculation and wishful thinking on my part, but I can hope.


dont need falcon, who is not a super soldier, to be captain america. we need him to be falcon. it doesnt even make sense, he would not be able to wield a shield as a weapon..hes just a guy with a wing suit. its like the writers think that him being falcon is some kind of slight and they have to upgrade him so they feel better about themselves. this show and the majority of the marvel shows are a mess. hopefully we can power through them here or just not even bother with them. nothing of value will be lost.

Cole Jennett

We did everything we could to get her to watch Falcon and Winter Soldier before Black Widow. Since Loki actually ended after Black Widow released we gave her a win, lol. Also Eternals would be before Hawkeye

Mike Lemon

I think Eric July nailed it when he said something like, "they only see validation with classically white characters." Meaning the writers think a black character (and there are a ton in the books- Blade, hello, he lead to the MCU) can't stand on their own, but a black character taking "the mantle" of a white character can. It's a pretty racist attitude from the writers if you ask me.

Jason Dolan

You can skip probably What If though - it's just alternate reality stuff - you just need to watch it RIGHT before you see Doctor Strange 2. You do need to watch Black Widow before Hawkeye and then you can watch the rest of them in any order.

TinCan Cosmanaut

I'm with you Cassie. I was Really Really hoping bucky would be the next captain america

TinCan Cosmanaut

I shouldnt but it upsets me so much no one recognizes GSP. He's the second best Canadian Athlete of all time. After Wayne Gretsky

Bob Hanflig

Whenever I see this title I think of the movie the Falcon and the Snowman. Very diffrent from the show. It is a true story of 2 Americans who sell secrets to the USSR in 1974 stars Sean Penn.


you take it wrong. ive been a 'comics guy' since the 80s. they made a non super soldier captain america. it wouldnt work. its not an opinion.

Mike LL

So you have seen a Marvel official order that is not the release order? I did an internet search and found a release order, a chronological order, and a different timeline order. I still maintain that it is not important or even set in stone which order you watch these properties. It was important to watch the MCU in release order up to and including Endgame, but in Phase 4, it just doesn't matter, unless some future property "sets" the events in a certain order. After all Black Widow was delayed by the studio and was meant to be released before WandaVision.

Andrew Hogan

First off, you’re wearing two articles of clothing of two of my favorite movies, so that’s a win. This show gets the least amount of support but as others have mentioned the reason I love it is because I grew up on buddy cop movies in the 80’s and I enjoy the dynamic they have. It’s funny everybody has had their favorite series, and they don’t like the rest. Personally I’ve enjoyed them all for various reasons, they all have a different flavor and get to flesh out some characters that haven’t been able to shine. I guess you’re watching Black Widow next, so there’s Loki, What If (animated), Shang-Chi, Venom 2, Eternals, Hawkeye, you’ve seen Spider-Man, and everyone is currently watching Moon Knight right now, followed by Morbius currently in theaters.

Andrew Hogan

From what I understand a lot of people were unhappy with it to the point Marvel scrapped plans on making her a bad guy.

Andrew Hogan

I disagree with the argument of a black character can only succeed if he’s given the mantle to a point. I have no idea if that’s what the writers actually thought, but it’s a little difficult considering most of the iconic characters are white, which was the choice at the time. How many popular black characters are their in the comics?, 5 maybe 10, now, who knows since all the stories have been retconned a million times. As far as the shows being a mess, I just don’t see it, sure they’re different in style, but unless I hear some actual points being made this just sounds like whining. Some of them were rushed due to COVID and either I hear people complain Marvel is all the same and needs to be different and then when they do something different it’s all a mess, so you just throw your hands up and let’s the chips fall where they may. As for whether or not Sam can be Captain America because he isn’t a super soldier is up for debate. Sure Steve was a super soldier, but is he as powerful as Hulk, or Thor, Thanos etc. They’re all going to have to fight against the odds, otherwise, it’ll just be Superman / Captain Marvel flying in and saving the day.


i never said a black character can only succeed if hes given the mantle. i said that they should be creating interesting bespoke black characters instead of just trying to repurpose other existing popular characters because THEY are creatively deficient. first of all lets go over something. what do you think the percentage of black people in america is? did you say 12%? because thats what it is. 12%. its not 75%. its not 50%. its not 25%. so what percentage of black characters do we need to fill your quota exactly? there are a ton of black comic characters. storm, bishop, power man, Monica Rambeau(original captain marvel), blade, spawn, Isaiah Bradley(a black SUPER SOLDIER who took the mantle of captain america), war machine, bedlam, cyborg, deathlok, tombstone, steel, falcon, black lightning, mister terrific, john stewart(green lantern which is a core not one singular hero), black goliath, cloak, prowler...on and on and on. you clearly just dont know what you are talking about. based on the percentage of black people in the US this should be about 1 black super hero for every 7 white super heros. the shows have no direction, the plots are uninteresting and advance nothing in the mcu, they pull the switcharoo with characters like hawkeye replacing him in his own show. the writing is bad and preachy, they ruined marvel zombies, they waste the few precious creative opportunities they have and they are seemingly created by people who have no interest in comics at all. they are not doing anything 'different'. its just a boring lazy mess. covid is not an excuse no matter how hard people try to make it one. we have clear markers not only for caps strength(holding back an entire helicopter) and his strength directly compared to falcon(got lapped like 10 times without breaking a sweat). hes not as strong as the hulk but he is several times strong than a normal human such that he can actually wield things like a shield as an effective modern weapon.


heres the thing , John Walker was a real combat soldier , won the medal of honor many times , if there were cell phones and civilian public opinion John Walker would not be so popular , a battle with a casualty in a public square brought to the forefront what war really is , Death , brought to humans by other humans , Viet Nam on tv , and as recent as Ukraine shows the ugliness and destruction . so because John Walker killed an enemy combatant ,something he was trained to do , in public , he was punished . The irony of modern warfare

Cole Jennett

Morbius isn’t part of the MCU. Agree with everything else you were saying though.


i love Sam's character and want him to be Cap, BUT...Captain America is a Super Soldier. The shield was iconic and allowed him to do more, but it was his improved Physicality that made him "Super". Doctor Erskine: "Good becomes Great!" Sam is good but for future fights, he'd need the edge without the tech. but really enjoyed how they laid out the Characters. like that Bucky is Cap's Friend, whether Steve or Sam


If you think they are uninteresting that's fair. Everyone will have a different opinion. But to say they have no direction is naive. Unless you've had some behind the scenes access to story boards for the next 6-10 years. From the material we've seen so far in this phase, this would be equivalent to knowing what happens in Endgame by the end of the first Thor movie. The rest of your comments are absurd at best so those I won't even get into.


Interesting detail about this series. The street Isaiah lives on isn't a coincidence. It was chosen because the blue house in the background at the end of the street was MLK Jr's childhood home. The writers thought it would be a nice Easter egg considering the show's themes.

Doug Fisher

@matthew Finally someone with objectivity, taste, and independent thought! Most people can't see that tokenization is an insult. Falcon was a great character and one of the few black characters developed to it's potential. To take that away to give him a tokenized Captain America is sad and demeaning. Most of Disney Marvel (Star Wars... etc.) is garbage. They only focus on "The Message" and forget lore, cannon, reference material, and just basic (not even good) story telling. I find it funny (in a sad way) how so many are duped and fall for dangling keys and simple fan servicing! "Oooohhhh it has 'Star Wars' or 'Marvel' in the title so that means I have to love it!", yet what they can't seem to see is that Disney is just churning out factory made drivel, with extremely weak and shallow writing. @eric The fact that you disagree with him say you are not a comics guy, way more than him! Any real comic fan would be puking at what they have done to Falcon.

Doug Fisher

Bucky should have been, especially if you take comic lore into account. But today's Hollywood is all about tokenization so there is no way they would give the mantle to a white guy over a black guy. Though it doesn't matter anyway since Loki has ruined all of Marvel.

Lorenzo Baxter

My god what a retard you are. Both Falcon and Sam have been Cap so it has everything to do with comic lore. Jesus some people you just can't get to. Disappointing. We need a real life Thanos to come up in here already.