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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for A Few Good Men which will be premiering shortly on YT. Hope you Enjoy! 

Direct link in case the above link doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to A Few Good Men.  


[YT Edit] A Few Good Men (1992)


Keith Boyd

As far as your question about Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, back then it was a military base. But then shortly after 8/11 happened it became a prison as well for people involved in the attacks.

Tyler Foster

Your Letterboxd actually has two of Jack Nicholson's rom-coms on it. He was the lead in As Good As It Gets with Helen Hunt, and in Something's Gotta Give, with Diane Keaton. Perhaps you can re-watch those with Carly to see if you can find Jack charming (although he's only occasionally charming in As Good As It Gets). No surprise that everyone mentions Ghost for Demi Moore (and I agree), but she's also a lot of fun in a movie I expect to be the only person to mention: Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle.


For Jack Nicholson you just HAVE to watch "One flew over the cuckoo's nest" from 1975. I promise it will stick with you, and he doesn't play the evil character there ;) I'm pretty sure you are gonna like him there. The Oscars for that movie: * Best picture * Best actor in a leading role * Best actress in a leading role * Best director * Best writing, screenplay adapted from other material Further 4 nominations. Kinda makes it one to watch ;)

Ulf Jerlström

you should add G.I. Jane to the watch list demi is great in that movie. it will also give context to the oscar slap =)

Just Plain Bob

Cassie, Cassie, Cassie, so disappointed by some of your remarks at the end of the video. I thought it was really inappropriate to fantasize that the court martial of Dawson and Downey would be rescinded after the events of the film. As a direct result of their actions, a man died. That they were acting under orders does not excuse their behavior. A good rule of thumb is, How would I feel if this happened to one of my loved ones? How would you feel if two individuals broke into a loved one's home, in the middle of the night, stuffed a rag down their throat and bound their hands together and, as a result, they drowned on their own blood? Should they be let go, unpunished, because a third party ordered them to do so? Of course not. On an unrelated note, did you realize that Weinberg in this film was played by the same actor (Kevin Pollack) that assayed the role of Hockney in The Usual Suspects?

Jason Dolan

I loved the way you fantasized how everyone's lives played out after the movie! I always do that.

Shaun Ganyo

Well, well, WELL! All of you emotionally stunted little boys here on Patreon who find it so disgusting when I enjoy Popcorn in Bed reactions, get your pencils ready and your typing fingers limber...cuz I liked this one better than Usual Suspects!! Cassie! Wow, what a reaction! Ok, let's start with a comment on how AMAZING you look in this video, one, because it's true, and two, also, the little boys REALLY freak out when I describe your beauty! I am going to focus here on how incredible your hair looks in this reaction, golden cascades of flaxen beauty, just glorious! That HELLO EVERYONE is always so welcome and enthusiastic and warm, it's the perfect way to start your videos! I love it so much that you forget the movie you're going to watch, but you leave it in! It just makes everything all the more entertaining, real, and human. Your dad highly recommended! I wanna buy him a drink! Or, you know, a syrup, or, whatever is appropriate. As many have pointed out, Jacky Jack gets the blanket pulled up! An appropriate response! Your IMMEDIATE empathy for Santiago is one of your singular super powers. So gratifying to watch. I was wondering if Tom's cockiness in the beginning of the movie would warrant a "woof," but it did not quite raise to woof-able offense. So, let's talk about Kevin Pollack. He's a beautiful actor, he's also one of my top 5 standup comedians of all time. Two impressions he does I want to mention. I know you haven't seen any Star Trek, but he does the best James Tiberius Kirk ever to grace a stage. He also did an impression of Peter Falk, from tv's Colombo of the 1970's and 80's. Peter Falk actually had one artificial eye, one eye was removed when he was a child. Pollack mimics the glass eye to hilarious effect. Definitely worth a google! Actually, Cassie, I had a question. Are you in to stand up comedy at all, or is that a thing like music that you have never gotten to heavy into? If yes, do you have favorites? "As sad as this case I feel excited!" Perfect description, and perfect expression of same. Men have much to learn about their feelings from you! About Jack, "I gotta get rid of my preconceived notion...no, no, I haven't liked him in this movie." As usual, you are spot on, I love you asking questions and talking stuff through. Go with your gut! About Cruise, "She underestimates him because of his...um...(finger snap)...absent mindedness. Which, I feel like people do the same to me." My god, what a quote. You actually gave a small example of absent mindedness while talking about Tom's absent mindedness! I bet you're right that people do underestimate you, Cassie. I know that those that do so, do that at their peril, my dear! You're a super hero! Watching your, um, Shock and Awe, if you will, at Jack's douchiness is such a joy to behold. Tom is on the case! Your smile and rubbing your hands together in anticipation. It's so much fun to watch you watch great movies! End of court, day one: "How'd that go? I don't know. Who looks better? Who's the jury leading toward?" New Court TV show: Cassie on Crime? Cassie does Crime? Crime 'n' Cassie? I'm workshopping. "Why are you always giving me a resume?" "Cuz she's a woman," with a knowing smile. Bingo. They underestimate at their peril. "He's good." "He's good, too!" It's building, isn't it?? One teeny jump scare with the dude in the back seat. Makes the reaction feel more complete! That rhymes! You know, random thought. I'd pay good money for a Popcorn in Bed tumbler. The climatic interrogation with Tom and Jack. Totally engaged. Totally engrossed. Totally in the moment. Totally THERE. Rocking back and forth. Super Powers, Cassie. Super powers. Little did I know for 50 years I've been waiting to watch this lady name Cassie watch Jack say YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!! "That was satisfying! That was an ENDING!!" Amen, sister. Now, of course, as if this reaction wasn't great enough,then we get the sequel, as somebody said, A Few MORE Good men. The fanfic is the icing on the cake, the Cherry on the Sundae, the Coup de Grace! What a delight from a true delight! I've said it before, and I'll say it again, and I'm gonna keep saying it, so if it bothers you, if you think it's creepy, if you can't handle the truth, tough shit little boys. I love Cassie, and I love watching her watch movies. It's like watching movies for the first time again, and it provides me with endless hours and hours of entertainment and unbridled joy. I think Cassie is a singular talent in the world, and I am so glad and proud to pay for the privilege and the bargain it is to be a teeny tiny small part of her team! Deal with it. And Cassie, can't wait for what's next!

Mr Jordan

So, while looking up some Tom Cruise movies, his bio said he is left-handed, but in the movie at the baseball field, Tom bats right-handed. I'm wondering if he really hits right-handed or if they shot it that way for the movie. Yeah, I'm bored at work and needed a distraction.


Hahaha clearly! Who knows but if they can make John Rhys-Davies look 4 ft tall while fighting orcs beside Ian McKellen then I'd say they can do just about anything with the right camera angles.

Mr Jordan

I kept digging because this question was nagging me (again work is a little slow right now) and found a story about Gary Cooper playing baseball legend Lou Gehrig in the movie Pride Of The Yankees. Cooper was right handed, but Gehrig played left handed. So they shot Cooper throwing right handed for a scene and flipped the film so it looked like he threw it left-handed. Maybe similar film magic here. But then the question is why? Well, it's Tom Cruise so anything is possible. Most likely Tom just learned to bat right-handed. But anyways, this killed some time before lunch, so not a total loss.

Simon Haynes

This took me down a bit of a Google rabbithole but it looks like he might be ambidextrous.

Catherine LW

James, free speech is important because it allows us to see who the idiots are. 😏

Mr Jordan

Never thought about him being ambidextrous, but makes sense. He is Tom Cruise. Yeah that Google rabbit hole can get deep.

Catherine LW

Marvel… if ever there was a misnomer…

Shaun Ganyo

Lol. Really? That's the best you two bitter empty magpies have? Sigh. Sad, really.

Al Swearengen

So how many restraining orders do you currently have out on you? I'm setting the over/under at 6.

Shaun Ganyo

Haha, Little Alan, you're so sad! Restraining orders? Hmm, project much? Aren't those usually equipped with bitterness and unsurppressed rage?? I don't have those! Do you? Yes, yes you do. I'll answer for you since you probably aren't capable of doing it for yourself! I'll be happy to be your power of attorney!

Robin T

With respect, I don't think that's a good rule of thumb at all. The whole reason we bring in third party jurists, and insist they follow strict legal procedures and interpretations, or for that matter depict Justice wearing a blindfold, is because making decisions from a place of personal involvement is exactly what the justice system is trying to avoid. And with good reason. That said, of course "just following orders" isn't an excuse, and they are rightly discharged. But for behavior impartially determined to violate their oaths ("conduct unbecoming"), not over anyone's feelings or some moral imperative for punishment.

Shaun Ganyo

Aw, poor shish kabob! Yep, that was me. He got married at the end of that movie! Not that I would expect you to know that, since you have the intelligence of a sand flea, with the movie taste to match! Sorry about your life, brah!

Shehab Dawoud

Well, as we know from many adaptations, a lot of things are changed or added. So, him getting married and finally getting laid was clearly the thing they added to your story XD

Just Plain Bob

I wasn't referring to the judicial process but, rather, the attitude of a third party to a crime. In a court of law, evidence is all that matters. But, outside the courtroom, we are all free to decide for ourselves whether we believe someone is guilty or innocent of the crime with which they are charged and, if we believe them to be guilty, what punishment we believe is just. I find it lamentable that, too often (in my opinion), we stand ready to forgive someone of heinous acts because we find them likable. I believe that's what happened with Cassie when watching this film. Dawson and Downey were likable. And, so, Cassie was ready to let them off the hook. But their likability does nothing to change the fact that they committed a crime that, even if it hadn't resulted in a death, would have still been horrifying to it's victim and that victim's loved ones.

Miles E Coburn

Many ball players throw right and bat left. And vice versa. Then there are ball players who can bat both right and left. Those are called, switch hitters.

'Pappy' Johnston

"Those who abjure violence, can do so only because others are committing violence on their behalf." -George Orwell WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, we're not talking about someone breaking into your house and attacking you in your bed at home in the civilian world and you ending up being murdered. I think we can all agree that yes that is horribly wrong of someone to do that. This whole scenario takes place in a military setting, which is a whole different world! As they attest in the movie, in the military, in a Frontline unit, tasked with protecting national security and OUR beloved country and Constitutional rights, the working military member... is ABSOLUTELY not allowed to question orders....EVER!. If you're issued an YOU FOLLOW IT! EVEN IF YOUR OWN LIFE IS AT RISK because your team, your brothers and sisters in uniform's LIVES DEPEND ON IT! Your train that way. It's pounded into you from day one. As somebody who served through three armed conflicts and one war, I can tell you this is EXTREMELY important because when the bullets start flying and the Commander issues orders to react, if everybody stood there questioning the orders... because for some reason they may them morally questionable...there be a lot more (good guy side) people dead. War is an AWFUL, UGLY, NASTY business for a reason.

Just Plain Bob

Not only are they allowed to refuse unlawful orders, they are required to do so. The Code of Military Justice makes a black letter exception to the requirement to follow direct orders when those orders are unlawful. Committing crimes and later claiming that you are blameless because you were only following orders is commonly called the Nuremberg Defense. It got that name because former Nazis tried to make exactly the argument you are making to justify their actions in the concentration camps. I appreciate your service to our country, but excusing criminal behavior on the grounds that "I was given a direct order" is not only morally and ethically reprehensible, it is a criminal act.

Mike LL

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is one of only 3 films to win all the "top five" Oscars: Picture, Actor, Actress, Director and Screenplay. The other two are Silence of the Lambs and It Happened One Night (1934).


Holy crap! I just realized that the officer at the beginning who Demi petitions to be the defendants counsel is Admiral Chegwidden from JAG!! I knew I recognized that voice!! 🤯🤯🤯


I rather enjoyed reading your comment!! I found it hilarious & I think most people missed that it was firmly tongue-in-cheek 😆

Ricardo Alanis

Ghost is another great Demi Moore movie (and Patrick Swayze of course).


It's been mentioned already but As Good As It Gets is a great movie with Jack Nicholson as a "good" character...once you get to know him.

Sean Novack

@Robert, actually, in the United States we are Constitutionally required to presume the innocence of a defendant until they are PROVEN guilty. People forget that in our instant-gratification society, and to be frank I'm sick of it.

Sean Novack

@Scott, you hit the nail on the head. I couldn't have said it better. Grandfather was in WWII, father was in Vietnam, I was in Desert Storm. People who have never served will always argue the point though.

Just Plain Bob

Indeed, the Constitution does impose a presumption of innocence IN A COURT OF LAW. We're talking about personal/private opinion here. And anyone and everyone outside the courtroom is allowed to form their own opinion regarding someone's guilt or innocence. I don't know what "instant gratification" has to do with people forming their own opinions and expressing them. As for having served in the Armed Forces, I don't know why that should impart your opinion with more weight than anyone else's, much less preclude others from having an opinion. Do you vote in local or national elections? Have you ever served on a Board of Alderman, as a member of Congress or as President of the United States? Using the standard you've applied here, you should not only NOT VOTE but you shouldn't even have an opinion on governance unless you've held an elected position. After all, if you haven't served, you can't opine. It's a bizarre notion, particularly where matters of basic right and wrong are concerned. I understand, you believe that military personnel should have a blanket right against incrimination if they can show that they were acting "under orders." You should understand, though, that many men have gone to prison (or indeed, been executed in the case of the Nuremberg trials) for making that exact claim as a defense against criminal behavior. It's moral/ethical cowardice for one to blame their own criminality on others. Oh yes, and my grandfather served in WW2 (and became one of the first Green Berets, as well as earning multiple commendations during his military career, during which he rose to Lieutenant Colonel) as did my great uncle and my father and step-father both served in Vietnam. I'm proud of them, but it shouldn't give my opinion any extra weight. Also, I worked for more than twenty years as an investigator with the Comptroller's office, working with FBI Agents, IRS Agents, OIG Agents, TBI Agents, DA's investigators, Sheriff's investigators and local police. I conducted approximately 200 investigations during that time, supervised at least 100 other investigations, and testified as an expert witness at various trials (including sitting at the prosecutor's table and advising during voir dire), at numerous grand juries and sentencing hearings, at Boards of Professional Responsibility and worked with special prosecutors and prosecutors pro tem on numerous cases, as well as District Attorneys across my state. So, I guess with that pedigree, I'm allowed to have an opinion about our judicial process and you are not.