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Hey guys! Sheesh I feel like I can't catch up to my life these days but that's ok because I spent the weekend in Montana ("I will live in Montana. And I will marry a round American woman and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me.") Except I just cuddled my new baby niece and was in heaven!

Ok how about those Oscars last night?! There is a heated debate going on at my house whether it was staged or real, I think Ben has never been more wrong, there is no way they would both agree to that and risk their reputations.  Also did you see the "Pulp Fiction" reunion presenters? I felt just so cool to catch the references and having actually seen what they were talking about. I really want to watch "Coda" now as well. I though it was really special when they were all signing clapping when it won :)

Ok this week we have Tyler Foster's pick of my watch as his Trivia Night winning prize! He gave me a list of 5 movies and I picked The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind! Also finishing up Falcon and Star Wars 8....dun dun duuuunnnnn!

Ok I wanted to some sort of Oscar Poll and after a lot of consideration and weighing the work of it and how to make the most people happy this is what we are going to do.  Later today I will post a video on here of me drawing from a popcorn bucket a year. I will have decades from 1940-1980, and then after that years individually from 1980-2020. Then I will take the "Best Picture Nominees" for that year (or winners from the decade if that is picked) and put them on a poll here on Patreon. It's going to be fun!! I think I may do this once a month at least for the foreseeable future.

Ok guys, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate every comment, message, meme made, YouTube view and care from you that goes into my channel. I am humbled every day by your support and I just love you all!

Did March just fly by for anyone else? Spring is coming!!!




Tyler Foster! Great choice my dude! This one's a thinker. I actually rather dislike romance movies but Eternal Sunshine puts a very different twist on the genre and I think its one most of us can relate to to some degree. I'm excited for that one.


I don't think it was staged but I won't rule it out. Will Smith is a cuck whos been publicly humiliated by his wife and he snapped is what I think. The ratings for the Oscars were in the gutter last year and more and more people are FINALLY saying that we don't give a rat's fart about celebrities or their opinions. This generated more buzz than they've had the last 4 years. Plus there is major political strife in the USA right now (and thats an understatement), the Biden administration is desperate for anything to draw attention away from their failures and from Hunter's laptop. Also there is the fact that after it happened Will Smith was allowed to stay at the event and still give an acceptance speech. He literally committed a violent crime on live tv and he was not even escorted off the property. Of course this could be a simple case of Will Smith is one of the privileged elites and he doesn't live by the same laws as us lowly humans. It wouldnt be that shocking if that were the case, Alec Baldwin did literally point a gun at a woman a few months ago, pulled the trigger, and killed her, and nothing will ever come of that.... Honestly I think it was real. Will Smith has had to publicly acknowledge his wife likes to sleep around and its clear that that eats at him...I mean it should eat at any normal human being. I think he snapped, and the oscars and the elites nearly peed their pants with joy and all cried out simultaneously "we're saved! they'll be talking about this for months! How do we capitalize on this?" Sorry for bringing up politics. I've been subbed here 8 months and if you look through my Comments Cassie this is the first time I've brought them into the conversation. I don't come here for political arguments or anything more fierce than friendly banter and debates about movies and such. I bring it up today because you asked and that's what I think the honest answer to be.

Damien beatty

Your political arguments here have nothing to do with the other. Keep your conspiracy crap to yourself!

Brian Jones

There's no debate about it... It was 100% real. The Academy is already "investigating" it and has condemned the action. Smith was WAY out of line, and while it's just speculation, it's likely due to the issues he's had on the home front over the last few years. Ironically he originally laughed at the joke, and it wasn't until his wife appeared sour about it that he decided he was going to pull such a punk move. Chris showed an amazing amount of restraint considering, and played it off as professionally as possible. Much respect to Chris Rock.

Al Swearengen

Don't you hate when rich, elite, out-of-touch narcissists get away with everything? I remember when our president was one of those spoiled, privileged, draft dodgers who never worked a day in his life. His name rhymed with Chump.


"Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple."

Richard Maurer

I find it amusing that people call actors and athletes the "elites" but totally ignore the studio heads and team owners - the real "elites".


Rage-assaulting a comedian for doing his job sets a very bad precedence, even if the joke was in poor taste.

Jason Dolan

"It was 53 seconds between Chris Rock mentioning Macbeth in a theatre and getting slapped by a guy with the same initials as Shakespeare who played King Richard [Williams] who was, in turn, comforted by the guy who played Macbeth. Shakespeare on a mad one last night." https://www.distractify.com/p/macbeth-theater-superstition#:~:text=Per%20the%20theatrical%20superstition%20known,or%20performing%20%E2%80%94%20brings%20bad%20luck.

Shaun Ganyo

Uff da. To all of this one. Or maybe more appropriate would be, "woof."


Richard the studio heads are of course on that very same list. I mentioned them in my post just not by name.


Lol whatever Al. I'll just remind you that Biden just said he would use chemical weapons the other night. Defend that. "Truanonashodidapressure" -joe biden 2020


Sorry Damien but we are in a culture war whether you like it or not. The two very likely are related. And as for conspiracy theories? I'll take that a a compliment considering how many other conspiracy theories have come true in the last 3 years. Remember when vaccine passports and the lab leak theory were considered conspiracy theories? People were banned off social media for talking about it and now many countries including the usa have implemented some sort of vaccine passport and lableak is considered very possible. So please call me a conspiracy theorist and tell me to watch more Alex Jones.

Michael Simpson

Saw your poll. A very good Best Picture that may be a little out of range is The Best Years of Our Lives, a post-WWII drama examining the difficulties three veterans had re-entering civilian life after coming home from the war. I'd recommend it for a future poll; it has some great opportunities for ewactions, too. Also B and W.

Shaun Ganyo

Wonderful words (IMO) from NBA all time great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar about the Will Smith deal: "By hitting Rock, he announced that his wife was incapable of defending herself — against words. This patronizing, paternal attitude infantilizes women and reduces them to helpless damsels needing a Big Strong Man to defend their honor least they swoon from the vapors. If he was really doing it for his wife, and not his own need to prove himself, he might have thought about the negative attention this brought on them, much harsher than the benign joke. That would have been truly defending and respecting her.” "Those who protect don’t brag about it in front of 15 million people. They just do it and shut up. You don’t do it as a movie promotion claiming how you’re like the character you just won an award portraying. But, of course, the speech was about justifying his violence. Apparently, so many people need Smith’s protection that occasionally it gets too much and someone needs to be smacked.” That's a slam dunk! Or a sweet sky hook from 8 feet.


I saw this film in a large theatre screening at film school. I have never forgotten the scene where he returns to the plane. The music is incredible. Great recommendation.


Kareem Abdul-Jabber laying down some wisdom. Love it.


Kareem is right. Also Chris Rock has his own words of wisdom: https://www.webmd.com/men/features/chris-rock-parenting

Mr Jordan

Even though it was one of her least favorite movies she has reacted to, I can imagine Cassie jumping up all excited when the Pulp Fiction cast showed up at the Oscars and she got all the references. So, it wasn't a total loss :-)

Matt Blanchette

You might hate the upcoming "Star War" you'll be watching. Some people had REALLY adverse reactions to it, for varying reasons. It does stuff that... doesn't really seem to follow on properly from the previous film coherently. It alienated a good swath of viewers. You might call it a "Rocky V", or you might like it.

Gideon James

Any updates on this week's full reactions? Are we getting the Falcon 5/6 and Last Jedi today 4/3? Or did I miss something? If we are getting them can they not be late Sunday or 4am tomorrow?  Would appreciate some content on the weekend. Thanks 


For a "baseball movie", Major League is a waste of time. - I would rather have seen "For Love Of The Game" with Kevin Costner. As for "heist" movies... How about the 1989, Pierce Brosnan film, "The Heist," or the 2011 "Tower Heist" with Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy.