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Hey guys! Here are the last 2 episodes of WandaVision!! I can't believe how far the show has come from the first few episodes and how they tied up all the loose ends in just 9 episodes. I did watch the end credit scene and put it in this time. Hope you guys enjoy!

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[Full Reaction] WandaVision EP:8-9


Clay F

Creative series. I really enjoyed the early episodes. I like how powerful Wanda is. I like her charsima. Her two kids crying for help as the end of the series is a nice touch. I give the series a 7 out of 10.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Perfect timing, needed something to watch and take my mind off the day, and it's just Tuesday lol

Andrew Fitzgerald

I know what you mean. I honestly thought it was Thursday today. Only 32 days to go till I take a four day vacation. 🤣

Gábor Árki

Ok, now I can finally write it down. I was quite pleasantly surprised Cassie just spot on figured it out at the 1 minute 20 seconds mark of episode 1: "Is this like a dream world?"

Godzilla Jones

You should go back, watch a few of these old sitcoms you don't know. Hit some key episodes of I Love Lucy, Bewitched, Brady Bunch, etc. Have a SitCom-athon.


It's not a dream world. Her powers literally change reality.

Texas Anla'Shok

So, what an epic ending that was. And Heyword was just one of the worst bad guys ever, maybe not in the sense of mass-murdering cosmic calamities, but he's that more insidious, realistic type of evil. No, that wasn't a new Wanda at the end, that was an astral projection, like Doctor Strange does. So, what do you think Nick Fury is up to? That's got to be the friend of her mother's, we saw him at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home in space working with the Skrulls. And in that vein, I didn't mention this at the time but a few episodes back when someone mentioned Captain Marvel, Monica looked rather displeased. I've been wondering what that's about. Looking forward to seeing you get to the next Marvel series.

Philip Alan

You not recognizing Brady Bunch has me feeling a certain way... OLD.

Gábor Árki

Yes, she made it reality. But at the same time it was a manifestation of her dream world, living happily in a sitcom version of a small town with a loving husband and their kids.

Craig Russell

OK, so next in the MCU TV line up is, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki, and Hawkeye, which have already aired. Coming this year is, Moon Knight (kind of like Marvels version of bat man), She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel, and Secret Invasion.

Richard Ryan

They actually put a name for "Ice Vision" in one episode, one time. They called him "Project Cataract" which is a phenomenally accurate code name for the reactivated weapon version of Vision, since a Cataract is: "a cloudy area in the lens of the eye that leads to a decrease in normal... Vision."

Jeff Conner

The comic book explanation for White Vision is that he's a reboot after Vision was basically destroyed. I didn't read the actual comic storyline, but read the synopsis. He has all the memories Vision did...so he remembers being married to Wanda, and loving her... ...but the "reboot" didn't give him emotion. So, while he can remember loving Wanda, he can't actually "feel" love. I'm wondering where they're going to go with that.


The Scarlet Witch we see at the end credits is more or less a astra projection like Dr. Strange used to learn and practice while being asleep and so on. But yes, this leads straight into Multiverse of Madness (Dr.Strange2) you can even hear Strange's theme at the end credit scene :) Like Agatha said... the Scarlet Witch is more powerful than the Sorcerer Supreme and in the comics... she is up there in terms of power with the top of the top. Will be really interesting what they do with her in Multiverse of Madness.


I think it would be fun for you to react to the most recent Dr. Strange 2 trailer.

Chad Bailey

I would love to see you post your reaction to the trailer for Doctor Strange: MULTIVERSE of MADNESS. It’s the next time we see Wanda and it takes place after Wandavision!!

Bryan Fritchie

I'm at the 2:37 mark of episode 8 & it is totally blurred out & there isn't any volume, to the point that I have no idea what you're seeing (other than what you say). This feels like it is the full reaction for people who sync up their own copy? If so, I think the links above are messed up.

Andy Hafler

Bryan, This is a watch along. You have to sync up your own copy. Hope that helps.

Bryan Fritchie

I think I see what you're saying though. Those posts always say YT Edit, and this one actually says Full Reaction. 👍🏻

Krusty “Topher”

Uhhhh which looks freakin awesome btw!!!! Dr Strange soooo underrated in my book! And Eggs Cumberbatch is awesome!

Bryan Fritchie

I just finished, thanks. I think this post was supposed to be for a higher level Patreon user (but I'm not complaining!). It's the first time I've seen a full reaction. It was a little hard to sync up at first but then I finally figured it out. It's not as easy to watch when it's two screens, but seeing the whole thing was also cool.


As a father Episode 8 really hits home for me. Wanda's parents distracted their kids from the war-torn country raging outside [insert: pandemic] by entertaining them with American sitcoms. That broke me in a way I didn't expect. Beautiful writing - and your reaction and surprise mirrored my own. Also have to add that Kathryn Hahn (Agnes / Agatha Harkness) blew me away with her acting. Paul Bettany's portrayal of a cybernetic being (Vision) that is trying to make an emotional connection with a heartbroken Wanda Maximoff I think is some of the best material in all of Marvel. "What is Grief, if not Love Persevering?" I really wish I was the human that wrote that first - but the credit goes to writers Jac Schaeffer and his staff, Laura Donney, Megan McDonnell and Cameron Squires. It is so good that it can be shamelessly repeated as a lesson to anyone experiencing great loss. Cassie, like the rest of us, you have gone from "What is going on?!?!?" to "I need to know more!!" I loved, loved your reaction to this series! I'm the idiot that always says to 'Just Be a Passenger' and I have to say that you were quite patient. : ) Thank you. (Be sure to take notes for trivia :)

Cole Jennett

Couldn’t agree more. Other notable lines are “You Vision, are the piece of the Mind Stone that lives in me...you are my sadness and my hope, but mostly you’re my love.” and “I have been a voice with no body, a body but not human, but now...a memory made real...who knows what I might be next”. And of course “We have said goodbye before...so it stands to reason...” “...we’ll say hello again”❤️❤️❤️

Alan Kobb

I'm glad, but hardly surprised that you liked WandaVision. Not only did it really advance the stories a ton, it gave Marvel Studios it's first Emmy Awards. WandaVsion was actually nominated for 23 Emmys, but only took home 3 of them for technical areas, Among the nominations were: Paul Bettany for Lead Actor Elizabeth Olsen for Lead Actress Kathryn Hahn for Best Supporting Actress Matt Shakman for Best Director I thought the smart money was on Kathryn Hahn who was spectacular. Monica Rambeau is planned to be in The Marvels in 2023, so we'll have to see then what she has become, In the comics she had several names such as Photon, Pulsar and most recently Spectrum. The whole thing about Wanda becoming The Scarlet Witch is once again a byproduct of Disney purchasing Fox's film library. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were originally associated with the X-Men in the comics, but crossed over occasionally, so Fox had control of them, but under the agreement, Marvel could use their "human" names, so in the MCU they were just Wanda and Pietro, and their superhero names were never said. In an earliy episode of WandaVision, Tyler Hayward even makes a snarky remark about her lack of a moniker. Now that the Fox and Marvel universes have come together, this was a good opportunity to give Wanda her true superhero name in grand fashion. As for Agatha, Disney has signed Kathryn Hahn to a long-term deal. First up is a new "dark comedy" series, Agatha:House of Harkness, now in production! She'll also be in movies!

Patrick Toscano

Those last two episodes always make me tear up. AlsoIf you ever rewatch the series pay attention to the commercials that play during the show. They refer to events from Wanda's past.


Random thought: Vision's "jobs" in Westview always seemed to be at some sort of tech company. If anyone remembers the short-lived sitcom Better Off Ted, it's amusing to think that if Wanda had been a fan, we might've seen Vision working one episode at Veridian Dynamics.


yes BUT I feel like the Multiverse of Madness trailer would be put in better context after seeing Loki, What If, and No Way Home

Josh Phillips

I’ve been incredibly busy, so a little late to the party! Really have been missing the MCU, so these have been really fun to watch with you!


Very cool rundown! I was unaware of most of that - thanks!

Gideon James

Hey Cassie, if possible could you please turn up your audio? If we turn you up 100% the movie audio bleeds in and is very annoying. Thx! Appreciate you!


If you ever watch a full reaction again, use firefox, it has a picture in picture option that makes things much easier.

Bryan Fritchie

Cassie, make sure you watch Loki before the new Doctor Strange movie comes out.

Bryan Fritchie

Thanks Kayla. I was streaming the Vimeo video to my TV from my phone. Then I had WandaVision playing on my tablet. So I wasn't using a browser anywhere.

Kevin C

Do not forget "What If". Especially before Doctor Strange 2.

Kevin C

Watching shows like this are an escape...but I'm not going to lie. Watching Wanda's childhood apartment suddenly explode and the unexploded bomb sitting there just hits different with what is going on in Ukraine right now. Made me remember the real world for a moment. Still...thank you for what you do! I loved watching these reactions with you.

Marty McGee

I've seen this series going on about 10 times now. It is my favorite story in the MCU. What I like about it is it doesn't pull any punches. It hits on all levels. Wanda's grief is so palpable that it feels completely genuine. I can completely understand and justify what she did. Yet, I also genuinely feel for the residents of Westview. The last 2 episodes always make me cry even after multiple watches. Ugly cry even. I know Wanda doesn't really face the people she hurt in the end. I hope that there's a payoff to that later on, and she can somehow make amends. Man the acting is this series was just stellar. Marvel struck gold when they first cast Elizabeth and Paul. Their chemistry is amazing. And Katherine Hahn is always great and was a perfect cast for Agnes/Agatha. I knew the love story would get to you Cassie. It was fun doing another rewatch with you!

Richard Bishop

Her "destiny" isn't the only thing in the darkhold/book... It basically shows you how to get whatever you desire... So she's reading it to try to figure out how to bring her children back.