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Hey guys! Finally back to Star Wars!! Here is the full reaction to The Force Awakens. Play nice ;) #donthatetheplayerhatethegame

PS: The buzzing/hissing in the intro goes away for the rest of the reaction, forgot to unplug my mic charger.

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

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Download this full reaction. 




Philip Alan

There's no "Force Awakens" download here. It's "Starman". Please fix? Thank you!

Erik Daniel

"I like Poe. He reminds me of Luke but, maybe even better" whoa, I am not a huge Star Wars fan so I'm fine with it, but... you should probably be careful lol.


Yea I agree with the rest of the commenters. Out of the new trilogy this is the best in my opinion and honestly I like the movie! It definitely is the next two movies that spoil the trilogy and generate a lot of the disdain for the newer films.


I think this is a perfectly fun movie. In this first of the new trilogy I actually really liked the new characters. But. I'm sorry I won't be watching the next reactions... I absolutely despise The Last Jedi. It's a complete travesty what they did with everything that had been set up here.


I’m glad you loved this movie, I like this new trilogy. As a fan of the originals and with the opportunity I had to fulfil my dream to be an extra in them, they each hold a special place in my heart!


Hi guys! I've been a Star Wars fan since forever. I had the privilege of seeing the debut of each of them on the “Big Screen”! I have all the movies... and I've lost count... the number of times I've watched them... whenever I want to relax on the couch! I just hope they don't stop here!! Do many more!! From the first... it was a breath of fresh air, something new, innovative, giving wings to our imagination!... (whoever saw the first... the second... etc... saw the evolution of special effects – before remaster time – you know what I mean) Before this one? Flash Gordon!? Metropolis? Space 1999? 2001 Space Odyssey? (which, according to the reasoning of many, shouldn't have continued with 2010... and that's why they abandoned 2061 and 3001!! Fans!?). Jules Verne's Voyage to the Moon? And few more... From here came great actors and actresses, some already awarded. But it seems that "The fans" only have one in mind: Mark Hammil (the only one who criticized the new trilogy... for having lost the spotlight... is only known for having made this series!?) Comics and Cartoons have contributed to the “Shaping the Mind” of many... and depicting in a “depressing” way the evolution of the films, the series! Open mind!! These are ENTERTAINMENT movies, not “BASED ON TRUE FACTS”!! Sorry, for my English All the best 😉

Richard Shepard

Watched all the originals the day they were released in the theaters and they were awesome at the time of release and of course we had the critics who thought it was all just space fictitious jumbo jumbo except they all agreed that the effects back in the day were excellent. I love the entire series, they all moved me to chills, tears and full emotional swings that i never really enjoyed with the first movies till i was much older and had kids of my own and introduced them to the movies. Looking forward to watching the remaining movies with you as they all have epic moments, effects and fulfill the story in a very good way. So happy you liked this so much.

Martin Skouboe

Episode VII wasn't a bad Star Wars movie. A bit of a rehash but I get why they wanted a bit of a nostalgia hit to kick things off. The next two are god awful though with VIII being the worst Star Wars movie I have ever seen! Don't get me wrong, I hope you like them. It's an amazing universe and I would love to be able to enjoy the new ones. I just can't.


The only real mistake of this movie was Leia not hugging Chewie at the end. Other then that, it was a perfectly good Star Wars movie. Still enjoying watching it. Rey's introduction at the start of the movie was pitch perfect. You knew exactly who she was, what she stands for and what she's meant to be without her saying pretty much anything.

London Davis

Where's the download? This one is for Starman.


Love this movie, and remember don't let people tell you how to feel about a movie, always decide for yourself! And just have fun.


I feel like she ment in the fact that she has a little crush on him, according to her smile, and how she kept talking about him. Me too girl!!