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Hey guys! I'm excited to hop back into the Star Wars universe with Solo! I'll be continuing the journey with the newer sequels after this, and then most likely the Mandalorian show after those. Hope you guys enjoy! 

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Did ppl actually like how he got the name Solo? That was this movies greatest sin for me. Other than that its not bad

Mr Jordan

I can't watch Solo again, even Cassie's reaction to it. There is a reason why they stopped all the SW anthology movies after this and went to Disney+ series. So, I skipped to Cassie's summary at the end. "The young Harrison Ford, I mean, the young Han Solo". We all know what she is really thinking :-)

Gábor Árki

You should check out Anthony Ingruber: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bba_wPdLxp4 He is as close to young Harrison Ford as you can get, especially when doing impressions. He also doubled as the young version of Ford's character in Age of Adaline.

Gábor Árki

Same here. Maybe I will check out the YT edit, but still thinking about that.

Mr Jordan

I will probably check out the YT edit as the live chat is pretty entertaining and it will be interesting to see what others think about the movie. Who knows, may learn something new.

Paul Murphy

I can't even by Solo cups anymore. Too upsetting. Other than that not bad. I give it a B+

Robin T

I recall a reviewer said this was the first movie where Chewie was more than just Han's dog, and I have to agree. While I don't think this is a great film - there's too much plotting and not enough of it comes together, and there's far too much explaining things that don't need explanations (the Solo name bit especially is just awful) - it's certainly not a bad film either, and its faults are worth it for the chance to finally put a spotlight on Han and Chewie's relationship, and let Chewie be a real character. All that stuff was great. Also, I love that you watched this right after Firefly, since it's clearly going for the same "cowboys in space" concept, though perhaps not as well developed.

Robin T

Nope, that was stupid. And, on reflection, especially stupid for him to take on that identity during a film about him *not* being solo anymore and learning to take on a friend or two. It makes the opposite of thematic sense.


I think a big part of Chewie in this film is the performance from Joonas Suotamo. I loved Peter Mayhew, but unfortunately he was in a lot of pain, he suffered from Marfan Syndrome, which limited his mobility, especially in the later years. Joonas is just a very tall athlete, and he gives Chewie a mobility and athleticism that is new to the character, and feels youthful, especially in this movie.

BJ Stephens

Honestly I actually enjoyed this movie for the most part, and I would put it in my Star Wars film watch list for repeated viewings, except for one thing... I just cringe every minute that droid character is on screen. I understand what they we're trying to do with it, but they just used the wrong personality for it, and it just came across incredibly annoying and unlikable. Not to mention the weird implied baggage involving Lando...

nick bell

I wish you quit star wars after Return of the Jedi. They're all pretty awful other than Rogue one


I’m going to watch this movie again with Cassie and a bottle of Pepto Bismol. Cassie, this was a dark period for SW fans like me that were less than enthused about the direction President of Lucasfilm, Kathleen Kennedy was taking the franchise. It’s not a bad story, but it was the beginning of “The Force is Female” [and boys are stupid] run of Star Wars films. https://insidethemagic.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/archerfilmfestival-web-img_4330_-_h_2017.jpg

Philip Alan

"Is that Crimson Tide?" Haha! Priceless! I love SOLO. Minority probably.

Chris Lüders

Juhu! (Hooray! on english) 😄 I will watch it this evening. 😊

Alex Gorell

I hope you start watching the mandalorian next as it’s next in the timeline, and it’s honestly the best thing to come out of the Disney Star Wars era.

Brian Jones

Glad to see you enjoyed the movie Cassie. It get's far too much sh*t for a host of reasons, some fair, some ridiculous. It's honestly not a bad movie. While you can never replace Ford, Ehrenreich did a serviceable enough job as a young Solo. Certainly not the best Star Wars film by any stretch, but it's entertaining enough. Great reaction as always. Look forward to seeing what you think about the sequel trilogy.

Steven Ashford

You have been busy. My gosh, when do you sleep? I’m way behind. It’s going to take me some time to get to this full reaction, but as always I learn so much from the comments.!!

Brian Jones

The problem with casting Ingruber was his lack of acting chops. Also why his part was so small in Age of Adaline. Great impressionist though, and he does do an amazing Harrison Ford.

Brian Jones

Meh, I had a good time with it when I saw it in the theater. It's entertaining enough. It had so much going against it on release, even prior to release, and I think it catches far too much crap. It's certainly not the best Star Wars film by any stretch, but for a good time popcorn flick it's not bad.

Gábor Árki

I fully agree with you. He couldn't have been a lead of a movie and no studio in their right mind would have given 100+ million dollars to a project like that. I think what could have worked is having him in a cameo or minor role if they would have decided on doing a Lando movie instead of Solo.

Serge Joncas

The Mandalorian is a great show :)

Cole Jennett

I’ve watched a lot of people react to the prequels and the new trilogy and they almost all seem to really like them. I’m with you, Rogue One was very good, but the rest of have been massive letdowns for me. I think the longer you had to wait in anticipation, the more disappointed you are. If you aren’t as familiar with the lore, you don’t notice the flaws.


I really like Mandalorian. Favreau and Filoni have done really good work with that. My only real gripe with it can’t be said till she starts releasing some episodes though because that would be pretty bad spoilers.


If you grew up with the original trilogy(like I did on VHS) you’ll probably tolerate, or hate the newer series. I can’t say what some of the things are that made me dislike the remastered versions and the prequels without giving away big spoilers though. The prequels, and newer movies are geared for the younger generations(born in late 80’s and on).


Happy 100th


Solo is exactly what Star Wars is supposed to be... Fun!

Mike Lipke

whats so strange to me is that some people think Star Wars is the bible . to me they are movies , they are fun distractions from our lives . however some people think if you deviate from their understanding of the storyline then blasphemy has occurred and they refuse to accept a movie for what it is , I do agree however , Kathleen Kennedy inserting her woke point of view into said movies has removed the fun these stories used to be . but I will still watch

Chris Reise

If you get a chance, check out the deleted scenes, there's a fun snowball fight between Chewie and Han.

BJ Stephens

We'll some people are passionate about things that are important to them, it's strange to me that others who aren't feel the need to belittle that.

Chris Lüders

Sorry, that's just nonsense. Maybe you didn't like them, but that's just your own opinion and she has to make her own judgement and that requires watching the movies.

Mike LL

Congratulations on number 100!!! Yay, lets watch . . . Solo? Well I always like your reactions, but I know the movie itself is so underwhelming, but it can be good in a popcorny way, if that's all you're looking for. I believe Aidan Emmerich got the chance to play Hans Solo because of the great performance he gave in Hail Caesar, which was a clever Cohen Brothers comedy satire of the Golden Age of Hollywood. Emmerich steals the movie in a supporting role. He was funny, magnetic and charismatic. Easy to see why they picked him to play Han Solo. In that small role in that comedy he really shone. In Solo as the lead, not so much. Of course Solo didn't have the benefit of a Cohen Brothers script. If only it did. But I always get something out of a Cassie reaction, today I learned the term "double edge backstab" in place of double cross! A great new Cassieism!


Mike, I feel this is directed at me since I’m the only one that mentioned Kathleen Kennedy. I did say I would watch. I did say the story wasn’t bad. So, it seems we are in agreement - except my comments were about the movie and not someone else’s opinion. 🙂


At the end of the day, like Solo, or hate it. Star Trek is better

Stephen Aech

My least favorite of all the “new Star Wars” stuff. I never thought I’d watch it again, but I will definitely watch it with Cassie.

Mr Jordan

I think Cassie's insights will be the only reason why I would ever watch it again (but the YT edit). Totally agree that Aidan's talents were wasted here. He could have done so much with this iconic character if he was given a better script and better direction.

Wu Sha Ling

I have grown up as a fan in the 80's. But the 90's and 2000's was a rude awakening: these are toy commercials. Not a judgment, just a statement of fact. Lucas saw where the money was and gambled, and he won big. After SW, everyone got in on the action. Make stories that make kids wanna buy toys. He-man, transformers, teenage mutant ninja turtles etc. The 80's were dominated by these and still bank on nostalgia these days. It got so bad congress needed to make policies to limit the wanton marketing to kids, who didn't know any better. The children's tv act of 1990. I know for fans, it's their identity and a community. a thing that gives them meaning, a good thing. But i don't think many are ready to reconcile with the truth as i did, that these are stories about toys. Some told well, and some aren't.

Mike Lemon

I'll disagree with you on Force Awakens- but only in the time before Last Jedi. When it was about the Force awakening, -edit out small spoiler-, it was almost great. But then Rian had to get into a ... uh... measuring contest with Abrams and piss all over everything with inane "twists and subversions" that it was ruined.

Chris Reise

Here ya go, Cassie. I found one of my favourite deleted scenes from "Solo" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRnbO2zYwR4

Paul G

The “big gangster” on Tatooine is Jabba the Hut

Paul G

You honestly believe the new SW movies are trying to elevate women at the expense of men? I've seen every SW movie multiple times and as a man I've never felt attacked by any of them. Women on the other hand have a legit reason to dislike the original trilogy considering Leia was the only significant female character in the films. And how is Cassie supposed to feel when you say you'll watch the film again with her but you need an antacid because it elevates women?

Damon Corrigan

I don't care. Anything Star Wars, and you got me hook, line, and sinker. Jar Jar, whatever. Retconning or fixing mistakes, I love it. Fan service? Completely! All of it is for people like me, and I love it. Please - Lucas, Disney, whoever - just keep making content. You, too, Cassie. Loved this reaction, and you keep making content, too. You don't always pick my favorites, but we can't have everything, right? You have found yourself an amazing niche, and no one does reactions better than you - and I have watched a good many of the people trying to do it. Your quality is stupendous, your are honest and sincere. You are not over the top, you have no weird gimmicks. You are just you. Just keep moving forward and honing your product, and no one will catch you. Thank you so much for being who you are.

Mike LL

Maybe we could save the heavy discussions about these movies until, you know, Cassie actually watches them?

Mike LL

Well Star Wars is a fantasy, and Star Trek is science fiction (at least the best Star Trek is sci-fi) so its not really fair to compare the two.

Chris Lüders

Now I've watched the movie with you and I can only say - I like your reaction very much, Cassie! Thank you and congratulations to your first 💯. 🤗 Especially that you didn't watch the movie with any preconception or reluctance is very nice and I love it. Certainly there are people who say the opposite, but you can only asses something when you know about it. In my opinion it actually is a very good movie, better than 90% of the movies that were released in that year and it has a fitting story. I watched it back then without any expectations and maybe that's the reason I now haven't any resentments too. I don't know, but I like the movie. However some people probably expected a young Harrison Ford, a clone or even just tons of CGI, but that isn't how it works and the same people would moun about the mass of CGI. So I just want to appreciate you that you've watched the movie and made your own opinion about it. I hope you will enjoy also the 'rest' of your journey in the same way, although there isn't an end at the moment, at least if you decide to watch 'The Mandalorian', 'The Book of Boba Fett' and more upcoming stuff too. 😊

Mike Lemon

@2nd Good point about the not watching yet. I'll edit out the small spoiler.

Mr. Killeverything

I just realized that we missed our chance to have her watch Star Wars: Holiday Special, lol.

Mike Lemon

Caravan of Courage and The Battle for Endor never get any love.

Chris Reise

***Spoiler Alert for those who haven't watched it yet... Yes, that IS a Sith at the end of the film talking with Q'ira, but not just ANY Sith. It's none other than Darth Maul. We find out in the "Clone Wars" animated TV show that he was not killed and over the course of many years went through many prosthetic changes.

Mark M

The Adventures of Hans and Young Mango.

Andrew T

If you're familiar with Mango from Saturday Night Live, this takes this to a whole new level.

Mike Lipke

no , Kathleen Kennedy is well known , she is needs to be replaced


Don’t put words in my mouth, Paul.

Krusty “Topher”

That’s very interesting. I never knew that. I’ve got to watch that clone wars. Others have said it’s excellent.

Jen Barnes

I always assumed the gangster on Tatooine was Jabba.


Amazing reaction Cassie! I know this movie doesn't get the best reviews but I always really enjoyed this movie. I thought Alden Ehrenreich played a great Han, I loved the origin story, and I thought Donald Glover is the perfect Lando! I also love the evolution of you as a viewer. I remember at the beginning of watching Firefly, "Wait... they're criminals?? Do they *have* to do crime??" to now, when you see the first ship flying towards the train you perked right up, "ladies and gentlemen we have a job!!!" That made me smile. Great job as usual! I look forward to what's next!

Garren Haskell

I always wondered where Han got a blaster. Somebody gave it to him! I always wondered why Han had a last name. So unusual! Oh wait I get it now, he is by himself at one point in his life! But the real kicker is I always wondered just how in the world "Chewbacca" came to be shortened to "Chewie"! I mean, what a stretch! I'm so glad this movie came along to explain these gaping plot holes. Now if only there was an explanation as to how Chewbacca, "Chewie" got a bandolier. It's such a huge mystery.

Mike Lemon

I have a feeling you would like the Red Letter Media Star Wars reviews (Phantom, Clones, Sith) if you haven't seen them. They have a similar attitude towards Vader.

Garren Haskell

Pure classics! I think I've seen the Plinkett reviews of the prequels more than the prequels themselves!

Mike Lemon

Same Here. I can't even watch the prequels anymore because of it.

Sara Elizabeth Joyce

That was great Cassie thanks! Now to backtrack and re-watch all the firefly ones in full! Can't wait to see you hit the Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett!

Alex Villarreal

George Lucas directed the scene in the Millennium Falcon where Han Solo and Qi'ra have a small, intimate moment. Director Ron Howard and Lucas have a long history together: Howard starred in Lucas' second film AMERICAN GRAFFITI, and Howard directed the Lucas-produced WILLOW. And I love the scene where the droids revolt. And also love how Donald Glover matches Billy Dee Williams' charm and energy. Glover even mispronounces the name "Han" the way Williams did.

Mike Vasconcelos

@PopcornInBed - hi Cassie ! So I loved your reaction to this movie! Never take what people say that serious over the newer films. It doesn’t matter what other people say about movies, it’s up to YOU whether or not you like a movie or not. Regardless of what people say about the newer films (7,8,9) I actually really really loved them. They are entertaining, full of emotion, drama, terrifying battle scenes, good acting, good stories, nice call-backs to older films and older memorable occasions, good plot twists etc. I really enjoyed in particular about this film was the portrayal of the empire from within. It’s really interesting and also terrifying to see what it’s like being an infantry soldier on a frontline in a massive invasion for the empire. They are heavily compared to hitlers regime, and ideologies. A pure evil empire that is trying to take over the world all while producing propaganda to make it seem they are peacefully restoring the galaxy for good. Being an infantry soldier in the empire is gruesome, heartless, horrifying and short lived. You would be forced to fight in all types of environments against all types of different aliens. The scene where Han was on the frontline with the empire storm troopers - you could literally see the grit, anxiety worn, weary and terrified soldiers underneath their helmets was like a scene from WW1. War is hell. And I love how starwars has these short small moments of like “holy shit, this is raw.”


Darth Maul is the Boss of Crimson Dawn, yes he came back from Kenobi’s mid torso slice. Even through the hardship with Palpatine, he considered himself only a dark force user, and trying to find/kill Kenobi. Maul did managed to killed Kenobi’s love interest. At the end Maul & Kenobi fought a small skirmish in Tatooine. In A New Hope the next day of this skirmish is when Luke found this Obi won Kenobi.


I don't mind this one, it's a fun watch. My feelings about the films and shows has developed over the years. Lucus in essence, a successful businessman! But collectively, comparatively and consistently, a terrible film maker. Who else was he going sell his cinematic marketing company to. Like he was target of the backlash during the prequels Disney owns the rights to that as well now. Now I just love to enjoy these movies for what they are. Those I loved as a kid and where the nostalgia lies. Is where I stopped thinking that they are being made for me. I'm not merch hoarder and I don't play with toys or have shelves of collectables. Each set has been made for the next generation of consumers. That there is the only consistent element regardless of whom ever has had the reins. Now we are going through a phase of attempted fan appeasement with the latest run of these shows. Which for me, have been an obvious and unimaginative exercise in audience placating. This helps to turn me off a lot of the time as it's so apparent. They have this approach because they know where the long term bucks come from and which sections have the loudest voices. There are still plenty of moments of creativity that are mattered throughout the course corrections making this feel disjointed rather than cohesive. I'm looking forward to your continued individual take as always

Flocon McKinley

haha ! love your shirt ! "Han shot first" as i liked the "pew pew" shirt ! great reaction Cassie !


morbidly curious for the sequel trilogy reaction. Pretty sure you will like The Mandalorian and Baby Yoda, although that show is mythology dense.


As a life long Star Wars fan, I will agree PRE-JJ Abrams Trek is better than Star Wars Disney. But Pre Disney Star Wars crushes all Trek. ;)


Hi Cassie… yes, the backstory in this movie is correct. In the original films, Han talks about how he won the Falcon and he is always correcting people that he did the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs. The gangster they mention is Jabba the hut. When we first met him in IV A New Hope, he has become a known smuggler with bounty hunters after him because he owes Jabba which is why he ended up frozen in carbonite when Leia says I love you and he says I know. In the script he was supposed to say I love you too, but HF felt that Han Solo wouldn’t say that so he said I know and the rest is history.