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Hey guys! Here are the LAST TWO EPISODES of Firefly!! I'm so sad that it has come to an end so quickly. Gorram Fox. Don't worry though, I'll be continuing with Serenity shortly... don't let me down Joss!

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oh lets go!!!!

Texas Anla'Shok

Aw, we've come to the end. Just Serenity to go.

Colin Gutierrez

Still haven't gotten over them cancelling this great show.


I think Heart of Gold is actually my favorite episode. Of course it's heartbreaking, but it's exquisitely so. And in the sense that a good show makes you feel something, that episode always breaks me; when Inara bawls, I do, too. And they play the will-they/won't-they stronger than any show, because even compared to The Office (iirc), you don't actually see Jim or Pam at their worst, which this show has the bravery to do. And I appreciate it for that.

Jen Barnes

Objects in Space is my favorite episode. I cannot WAIT to watch Serenity with you.


After you finish the story we have, you should consider reading the comics. They are quite good.

Robert Haynes

Firefly is the setup, Serenity is the payoff. I'm super looking forward to you watching Serenity!

Doug Fisher

The reason for those flashes Cass is River was reading those thoughts we all have in the back of our minds; they might not even be thoughts that we actually believe in but they are there. We all share your frustration at the lack of "connection" between Mal and Inara, or between Simon and Kaylee. You have to keep in mind that this was the middle of season one, and as I am sure you know any good show keeps the tension building between characters. They might have gotten together by season two, then broken up, got back together, etc. to keep that tension in the show. Not fair but usually how show runners keep fans coming back for more.


It all gets tied up with Serenity,... Great cast, great writing... and great reactions. Felt really sorry for Inara in Heart of Gold,... Jubal Early was a real historical person,.... he was a general during the Civil War,... and survived a whole bunch of battles. This Jubal Early definitely had some issues and had a different way of thinking,... some of his thinking was downright evil for sure.


Oh man I missed you uploading this! So excited to see the conclusion of the series, but yea the movie is a MUST. I love these last two episodes.


Objects in space is, hands down, my favorite episode. Early terrifies me, I love kaylee so much, so his threats always terrify me. The nuance gets me as well as the direction. The character arc for river is, in my opinion, the best. I really love this episode a lot. ps I don’t care… I love river so much


Its sad it ended so early. On the other hand, some good shows go on so long that they become bad in the end. Maybe its better to have a great show thats short..? Enjoy the movie! Its a little different , but it is great and afterwards you will have closure.

Brian Jones

So Serenity tomorrow, right? JK..... Sorta..... :)


I knew Heart of Gold was gonna tear Cassie up. Perfect reaction.


She's already seen the episode by the time she's edited and posted it to her Patreon account. There also isn't a subsequent episode for me to post this comment on, because it's the end of the show.

Shawn Kildal

As great as Firefly was, the movie Serenity was even better! I can't wait for Cassie to see it!

Greg McDaniel

I watched this series shortly after my mom passed away. She had cancer, and after she passed, some family members that had been no contact with us reached out and came over. I was 17 at the time, and still had not forgiven them for how they'd treated my mom, so I stayed in my room and binged this show while they were at our house. Tim Minear, one of the head writers and executive producers of Firefly, is my mom's cousin, and apart from helping us stay afloat while she was sick by paying her medical bills, he gave me the series on DVD so I'd have something to watch when we spent nights at the hospital. I didn't get around to watching them until after. He's a good man, and I owe him more than I can ever pay back.


Sweet. I'm headed out to work with the hope of it being a short day thanks to the holiday. This will be a great way to end the day.


If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire......

Jon Johns

Cassie, my theory on River "seeing" their thoughts is this: everyone has thoughts, even if they don't mean them. Example: Book thought, "I don't give a hump if she's innocent." That was not his dominant thought, but he might have thought it once for a brief moment. In her insecure moments, she was reading others darkest thoughts about her. Also, Serenity answers about 98% of all your questions. But have some happy tears tissues available. Also, after Serenity, watch the extras on the Firefly Blu-ray, and watch some YouTube stuff like the "Tam sessions" which will flesh out some of the mystery. You can learn more about each of the characters in the comics, and novels, or just get the quick synopsis' of those things via YouTube.

Zachary Carter

Excited for Serenity. "I aim to misbehave."

Jon Johns

Okay, getting ahead of myself, but... What's the next tv mini series? True Detective?


Is Ben Hur tonight?


As if True Detective was "mini" :) I still suggest Queens Gambit

Jon Johns

Queens Gambit: Cassie was disappointed it didn't win, so my guess is she'll watch it someday. 🤞♟️

Ed Garland

Great reactions as always. Please watch Serenity very very soon! Can't hardly wait to watch it with You!! Thank you 😊

Gábor Árki

Lonesome Dove was suggested quite a few times now. I would be interested in that. Also I do wonder whether Cassie saw Pride and Prejudice, the BBC miniseries version.


This is the first time I realized that the song at the start of Heart of Gold is "Chaiyya Chaiyya" from Dil Se. At least a few bars from it. Wow...and I thought "Inside Man" was the first Hollywood project to use it.

Damon Corrigan

"This show is like a Disney movie..." This may be a more true statement than you realize, Cassie. :) Great reaction, as always. I always thought River was born a reader or a psychic - that's how she was always able to learn things so quickly and so well. It was the school that twisted what she could do and mucked up her relationship with her gifts that really messed things up. Objects in Space (last episode) aired December, 2002. Whedon was working on a script for the movie since the show's cancellation, according to wikipedia. Universal had to acquire the rights from FOX to make the movie. Serenity premiered to the world at large in September 2005.

Jen Barnes

100% agreed. Kaylee is my favorite character. I love her in every episode, but her acting in Objects was perfection. That scene between her and Early is terrifying.

Cassie Tremblay

So they really were thinking those things, in the back of their head? I won’t believe it haha

Cassie Tremblay

me too, i want them both to stop playing it so cool, i was hoping Mal would walk in and see her :(

Texas Anla'Shok

Maybe, maybe not. You've demonstrated yourself that the show is very easy to fall in love with. Maybe it would be just as beloved if it had been allowed to mature.

Cassie Tremblay

that’s how i felt too, at least they didn’t have the chance to ruin themselves, although at least a season finale would have been so good!

Cassie Tremblay

I’m so sorry for the loss of your mom, you were so young :( This show would be the perfect distraction, that is so cool you have a relation to a head writer, amazing! He sounds like a very good man, i would expect nothing less from this shows writers!

Cassie Tremblay

yes, i can’t wait to watch the extras after Serenity! Yes i think you’re right-she read their very back mind thoughts, the ones that hadn’t been filtered through their good people filters. Oh poor River. I’m watching Serenity this weekend, I can hardly wait!

Cassie Tremblay

thank you, been meaning to look that up! I wonder how much mail fox got after cancelling, was it not an immediate hit? became a cult classic after? I hadn’t thought of that, she was born a reader and they messed with her, that makes a lot of sense to me actually !

Robert Haynes

I think it shows how hard it is to be a mind reader. Everyone has all these little thoughts and doubts that come up. They don't define us as a person, sometimes we actively reject them. It's a challenge just dealing with our own thoughts sometimes, imagine having to sort through everyone else's. I think River is smart and intuitive enough to realize this, but it still has to be a challenge for her.


Things back then were muddy but exciting, if I remember correctly. There was a huge fan campaign to keep Firefly at the top of Amazon's DVD-sales charts, and we ALL bought the DVD sets to keep it there. That led to Universal noticing the interest in the series, and led to them getting the rights from Fox. It was also the early days of things being "viral." I remember that clips of River started to show up on sites like Yahoo (before Youtube) and forums, and Serenity's tagline ("Can't Stop the Signal") became our tagline as we tried to spread online word of mouth. We were incredibly excited. Universal said that if the movie got either $30 million in the opening weekend or $80 million total box office, sequels would be greenlit. "Oh, that'll be easy!" we said. Needless to say, it....didn't happen. :( But it was fun while it lasted.


I would love Arcane on Netflix. That show is awesome. Please give me a reason to watch it again.

Brian Jones

Arcane was one of the best surprises of 2021. Beautiful animation and great storytelling and characters. It's a show that deserves all the accolades and more eyes on it.

Sean Novack

"Gorram FOX!" Welcome to the Browncoats Cassie. I think every fan has said this exact thing. What killed us is that the SciFi Channel (now called SyFy) at the time was producing silly weekly "stupid monster" movies that got zero viewership. If they had taken that money and offered FOX a small fee for the rights to Firefly we could have had several more seasons. By the time this came out on DVD sales went berserk and FOX realized its mistake it was too late, the actors were doing other things. Often people would buy a DVD set of the season and donate it to a US warship so the sailors would be able to watch it. Then of course those sailors would buy a copy for home use or for their families.

Dirk Rheeder

I hope we watch Serinity soon, can't wait, I haven't seen it since it came out. I mean I did see it several times then, but it's been a long time!


That could have worked, but at the time they were about to get into the Stargate franchise. So I'm pretty sure that's where their money went instead of Firefly. Stargate SG-1 exited showtime and landed on the Syfy channel. They were also gearing up to do the children of Dune miniseries which was a fair chunk of change for them at the time as well. So I don't think it would have worked.

Terry Yelmene

the firefly shirt is great but the Jayne hat is friggin fantastic! Kaylee and Simon - Inara and Mel - we feel your frustration Cassie - if… you would appreciate an epic soulmate love story for the ages... that still has the whole will they/won’t they thing… AND… if you could still appreciate an Adam Baldwin character that ISN’T Jayne… please consider reacting to another series called - ‘Chuck!’ ya, it’s all that and pop culture references, sci-fi tinged spy intrigue, action, adventure and high jinks all from what appears to be a Geek Squad counter inside a Best Buy store - sorta... at any rate…until Serenity… stay shiney!

Dean Holt

So happy you’ve enjoyed watching them all and it’s been brilliant watching them all for about the 10 time on your watch alongs. Can’t wait for you to see Serenity I know you’re going to love it, so glad you don’t have to wait about 2 years to watch it though 😂. Also the T-Shirt and the Jayne hat are brilliant.


One of things that always makes me the saddest is realizing that they left the door open for every one of our favourite villains/guest stars to continue to show up throughout the series had it continued to air. Obviously Early's departure makes that a bit more of a stretch but I wouldn't have ruled it out either! Part of what makes Firefly, and other JW shows, so special is how they all make for such great re-watches. So many lines, moments, and story arcs take on additional meaning and it's easier and very rewarding to piece together connections once you have future context. So on the slightly shinier side I would suggest you have that experience to look forward too. Can't wait for the movie reaction, cheers!

Chris Reise

Cassie, you had the same reactions and feelings toward the series as I did when I first watched it. Loved seeing you wear Jayne's hat...it suits you. I don't have the hat itself, but I DO have a T-Shirt that a friend made for me using a stencil and bleach. I will look for your email address and send you a pic of it. :) YOUR shirt is awesome and you HAVE to wear it when watching "Serenity"...trust me. I am SO looking forward to watching your reaction to the film.

Cody Nelson

The show was aired and cancelled in 2002 and the movie Serenity came out in 2005. It also takes place 4 months after the end of the show. I can't wait to see your reaction to it!


Cassie welcome to the Browncoats! So glad to have you as a member.

Doug Fisher

The Browncoats were petitioning FOX and the sponsors of the show before it was cancelled, as they had heard it was in trouble. It was not an immediate hit Cass for a few reasons... one, FOX butchered the release order; two, FOX did not advertise the show well; and three, FOX put it in the death slot (Friday night 8-11pm ET). It really didn't have a chance. The main problem is FOX executives were not familiar with Sci-fi, didn't know how a Sci-fi show works, and didn't really want the show. It became a cult classic because, as you have recently found out, once someone is exposed to this amazing show they tend to love it. Not just geeks but normies too because the show offers something for everyone... romance, horror, action, comedy, crime, etc.

Doug Fisher

My experience with Joss and Tim (Buffy & Angel) would suggest there would have been at the minimum of 4 great seasons. If fact their shows tend to get stronger not weaker. Their character development and writing skills (especially Tim's writing) are too strong and this was Joss' passion project so you know he would have poured everything into it.

Brian McGovern

Lol. She found her beanie and had to wear it. Classic.


I like the fan theories that he's an early version of River, that the blue-handed men's limited success with Jubal is what emboldened them to dig deeper with her. Some 'reading' ability would explain how he knew how to efficiently deal with such a diverse crew with such different tactics for each person (threaten Kaylee, knockout Mal, reason with Simon, etc.). And Jubal was able to point his gun at Simon without looking, knowing when he was going to move.


I would have said true detective, but having binged Arcane over last weekend, I would totally want her to watch that first

Rumpus Parable

Love how vicious feeling you seem to get during these episodes at times... lol. There were some horrible people the crew (and friends) had to deal with... And as always love how invested in every direction you got with Firefly and the crew's life(ves). Something I've not seen anyone mention anytime so may you or others here will have a note: I think it's another one of those little moments of insight on Jayne that was a bit of slow character building. We've seen so much ugliness, self-centeredness, greed, but then also the bonding moments occurring with some crew members, he's excitement over his mom's letter and hat, and even the inappropriate but positive-interest in Saffron when he tries to trade for her.... then on Heart of Gold he's sooooo cringe regarding "getting sexed" and grabbing at a couple of the girls when he's being mouthy about it to everyone... Then he spends the episode with a specific girl, is shown talking with her, cuddling in their sleep fully clothed waiting for the battle next day, at one point he's sitting brushing her hair when people are talking. I don't much love Jayne, honestly, but I think there was definitely sweet moments in HoG shown about him where more of that "regular guy with feelings" thing gets shown behind his brash and mercenary exterior traits. Just the shot of him sitting brushing the woman's hair... Every now and then in episodes they were slipping in bits and pieces more of rounding him out, like little snippets of conversations with Book from time to time... Objects in Space... I'm in agreement with another(s) that yeah, I think that's just part of the unfortunate end of River's psychic abilities: at times hearing those subconscious thoughts even that the individual may not or may not want to realize is there. With Simon, it tied into how she explained in Safe how she understands she took him away from what was his life, which takes just awareness and no psychic ability, but that she flashes here when he's laughing with Kaylee, and then when Simon and Kaylee are speaking in the hallway he mistakenly first phrases his being away from the hospital as "if she hadn't...." pauses and then rephrases it as "if the Alliance hadn't...". I think Simon does subconsciously carry that angle some, because of how those played out here and a bit in Ariel + how he dealt with it in Safe. Heck, I don't think it's even purely a buried subconscious thing, I think by what he said here and corrected himself, that he's aware of that line of feeling/thought... but also that his words and actions shows he knows it's not rational, it's not reality, and that his priority and direction is correct. I could be taking it in wrong, but that's how it comes across for me. And for me that makes his character increasingly rounded out and realistic, too... it'd be natural and normal for someone to have that little trace inside them even though they know where they really truly stand and what they really, truly believe. Love that he and Kaylee had progressed to where they're at the legs-across-him/pushing him in the face with her foot teasing together stage. Regarding that, back to Heart of Gold... omg, standing right next to him when he asks about a patient to examine and her saying how she doesn't have anyone lined up to "examine" her hahahahaha. And Wash every time gets a Gold Star Friend sticker from me for his response when she asks to be told she's pretty by him. Each member of the crew, regardless of what level I like or am attached to them, I like in some way or amount... they're a set of characters made so enjoyable and especially their interpersonal developments... but Wash is easily near the top of my list. When Jubal comes out of nowhere with the R line at Kaylee... just drops the stomach. The acting in that scene is heartbreak/clenching and you just don't threaten Kaylee. I look forward to it every time, and especially to new Browncoats' first seeing it, because it's that fascinating kind of horrible. I love how protective they managed to make us of Kaylee from first episode to #14. Looking forward to the reaction to Serenity. Minor warning that they had to retcon and adjust some things in the film because they had to try to make it for the show fans but also try to make it standalone theater viable - so they had to alter a little to make someone unfamiliar with the show understand things going on in the film story. But, it's great and am so much excited to see you go through seeing the way the ending of Firefly is handled, what they did with all the loose ends and whatnots and whatfors and so on! :D

Godzilla Jones

Bad news: it's over Good news: Buffy the Vampire Slayer exists and there's a lot of it

Texas Anla'Shok

Had a couple thoughts about some of your comments. Regarding the fandom, I think that might be a benefit of it being so brief, there's jus the fourteen episodes and the movie, and that leaves very little to argue over. There haven't been any additions, the creator hasn't gone back and made changes to the original, so there isn't really anything to split the fans. If that rumored reboot actually happens, we'll see if that remains the case. When you talked about River hearing things people aren't really saying, it occured to me it's the exact opposite, she's the only one who can hear what people are REALLY saying.


Yes! I totally agree with Godzilla Jones you definitely should watch Buffy! If you like firefly you definitely will like Buffy!

Doc Savage

Lol I had just finished the Unforgiven watch-along when I started this.. go figure. sad to see the end but, "to all good things". A piece of advice if you will.. since you really like dthis show I recommend you watch Farscape and the 26 episode ANIME series Cowboy Bebop (NOT the Netflix live action bastardization). Both are western sci-fi type universes with characters and story arcs that EASILY could be extensions of Firefly. Honestly.. those 2 shows really helped me stay in the Firefly world after it was wrongly cancelled. Now.. time to start Serenity.


During Heart of Gold you asked, "Who's running the house now?" Most likely it was Petaline who took over for Nandi.


The Ranger is right (watch Babylon 5 to understand Anla'Shok = Ranger). River was hearing thoughts and, in Wash's & Zoe's case, feeling their emotions. Like Simon says (lol) in ARIEL, "She feels EVERYTHING... She Can't NOT". The alliance turned an intuitive genius into a telepathic, telempathic weapon/assassin before she was seventeen and this is only a semi-spoiler if you wanna read the Serenity graphic novels/comics: She isn't the only one!