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Hey guys! Here's my full reaction to the final prequel! I don't want to spoil my thoughts about it on this post, so you'll just have to watch to see what I think! I am planning on watching the recent sequels even though they are highly regarded as not-so-great by a lot of Star Wars fans. But before I watch those, I'm going to watch Rogue One and Solo. Anyway, hope you enjoy the reaction!! Have a fantastic week!

PS. You can hear the movie pretty loud in the background, I'm uploading another version that fixes that as we speak, but you can watch this for now! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Find your own copy to follow a long with. 

Download this full reaction. 




Cereal And Grape Juice (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 14:39:30 Congratulations on doing the impossible. I hated Ep 1 & 2 but you made them tolerable.
2023-01-26 02:58:54 Congratulations on doing the impossible. I hated Ep 1 & 2 but you made them tolerable.

Congratulations on doing the impossible. I hated Ep 1 & 2 but you made them tolerable.

Mike LL

I think the divisiveness in the Star Wars fandom about the prequels is the reason some reactors have chosen not to react to the sequel trilogy. What Cassie must think of all this if she has read all these comments!


I think the divisiveness of the sequels themselves is what keeps many reactors from the movies. The hate for those movies has little to nothing to do with the prequels.


No, the hate for the sequels is not universal. I think Part 7 is ok. I think Part 8 is the second best Star Wars film. I think Part 9 is the worst Star Wars film, the only SW chapter i have not, and never will, rewatch.

nick bell

The prequels are just terrible movies that are fun to look at.


Loved The Last Jedi as well, too bad Rise of Skywalker ruined it : (

Charles LELEU

Two things I want to adress : First Anakin only saw Windu with a lightsaber on the verge of killing Palpatine. He didn't see the chancelor turning evil and killing Jedi, so he saw what Palpatine wanted him to see. It seemed like a coup from the Jedi, and once Windu was dead he knew he couldn't go back anyway so the only hope he had left to save Padme was through following Palpatine.

Charles LELEU

Second, I forgot what it really was so I will say this, the clones weren't evil from the start, at one point Palpatine started implanting some clones with a chip that would make them obey to a certain order (the famous order 66) but the clone themselves didn't know about it. So from their point of view they just did what they always did, follow the order of the leader of the Republic (whatever the name you give it and the type of regime it really is).


I don't hate the sequels, but just feel meh about them. Part 7 is ok. Part 8 is the first Star Wars movie that I only watched once in the theater (starting with Episode 1) and didn't end up buying when it was released. Just fell completely flat with me. I have many issues with it. The worst in the whole series IMO. Part 9 is meh. Honestly don't remember much from it. But I remember not disliking it as much as The Last Jedi.

Jake H

please watch this, it's how the real fight went down in episode 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to2SMng4u1k

Björn Von Knorring

You killed me with the ”Nothing. He is just like a girl”-comment. I loved it😂

Sean Novack

Palpatine: “Leave him, or we'll never make it.” Anakin: "His fate will be the same as ours!" Well, yeah...they all died on a Death Star!

Kristopher Wood

I've said this before but it bears repeating. I enjoy watching you guys sit down and discover the joy of these movies for the first time. It never gets old. 😄


Am I missing something? Why is the movie blurred out halfway through the opening scroll?

Richard Ryan

It's in Watch-Along format. Play this, then start playing your own copy of the movie at the right time and enjoy.

Chris Lüders

Hello Cassie, even if I'm a two months behind, I can only appreciate your decision to watch episode VII-IX, because they are simply very good movies, better than 90% of the movies that were released in the particular year. 😊 First a short explanation, I'm as much a Middle-earth nerd (and the discussions about 'The Hobbit' are quite similar 🥱) as I'm a Star Wars nerd. For the first time I saw the original Star Wars (today Episode IV) in 1983 in cinema just before The Empire Strikes Back was released. Back then I was 8 years old, actually too young, but my brother and my cousin (both 4 years older) took me with them and since then I love this world, these movies and the characters. And this fascination never ended. So I can get that there are people who don't like the sequels because there was another story implemented before Disney took over. But I for myself decided that I can accept another plot very well. There is nobody who says this story is right, that story is wrong ... it's just the decision to accept it or not which everybody for themselves has to chose. But most of the people who were disappointed afterwards had too high expectations. They expected Star Wars 2.0 ... the fascination of the original trilogy with new tricks, technology etc. and all of that - just better. But that isn't how it works, such a fascination is only once possible with the same storyline and stuff and afterwards it only can be on the same high niveau, but it isn't new anymore. So I decided for myself to accept the story as it developed now and not to complain about it. The same with the movie 'Solo: A Star Wars Story'. The people expected a young Harrison Ford clone to play Han Solo, but this clone doesn't exist. So there is another actor and Alden Ehrenreich plays it really good, very Solo-esque. 😎 The story is also okay and fits, so no reason to complain for me. 😉 The biggest problem of the movie was that a lot of people were disappointed about episode VIII and their own expectations, so Solo had a smaller audience. But it is a very good movie. So I would recommend to watch this movie too. 😄