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Hey guys! Just wanted to provide a quick update and reminder for the runners up bracket. We had 1 match in round 1 where the lower seed won... #9 District 9 beat out #8 Ready Player One. I'm sure we'll start to see some closer matchups! Each round lasts 3 days, but make sure to go vote if you haven't! Remember, I'm watching the winner of each category!



Darren Gibson

I am torn Cassie because whilst it is one of my favourite movies of all time, I do not think you should be exposed to RoboCop. I like you too much to even think about watching you react to it. It's a practically perfect movie but I am not sure it's your thing...

Em McG

lol, on Sci-Fi I prefer 2001 A Space Odyssey or Contact. With 3rd option Close Encounters. For Robocop to fall you have to match it up with something that will trounce it, maybe if the matchups were random vs alike, although I'm not sure how they were matched up. Don't kids play mimicking Robocop's walk and saying "Dead or alive you're coming with me!" = ) Or maybe they say "(Insert villain name), you've failed this city!..."

Em McG

for pre-1961 Classic I'd like to see North by Northwest VS Seven Samurai that would be something. Although any Hitchcock to win would be great.

Richard Maurer

She watched American Werewolf in London which is pretty gory and handled it just fine. I think Robocop won't be a big deal.

Sean Novack

Cassie: "I never watched Rocky even though it is my husband's favorite movie, because I just don't like boxing!" Poll Crowd: "Let's vote for Raging Bull instead of a baseball movie with a love story!"


Yeah, that's a weird one. She would really enjoy The Natural, but Raging Bull? No way haha - that movie is dark and so far from a "feel good" movie. She definitely won't have any fun watching that.

Rich Campbell

I agree. I never understood why 'Raging Bull' was so well regarded. Horrible abusive character. I think Cassie would have really liked 'Bull Durham'.


Imagine Cassie liking even a single character in this movie, especially the main character. I'm sure she would just love watching him beat his wife and be a jealous, unlikable asshole the entire movie.


The list is super strong. Can't wait till Cassie gets to watch some of these.

Gary Quick

The Quiet man didn't make it!?!? Say it isn't so! It's such a good movie of John Wayne's, very charming and endearing I thought...

Catherine LW

Cassie, I think you forgot to put the Wizard of Oz in your Letterboxd list of watched movies.

Adam Wetstein

Strange head to heads in this round should have been caddy shack Vs Major league. Two comedies.

Jon Johns

Rich! Letterboxd.com is a website anyone can use, I don't think it requires a log in? But if so, it's pretty simple. The, fing the search bar and put in: "pib1" which should link you to Cassie's page. She has around 750 movies in there so far that she's seen. You can sort the list in a variety of ways, but I have not yet figured out how to search her list...

Richard Maurer

Rich Campbell -Raging Bull is based on the life of Jake La Motta - who was a horrible abusive character. So, it's well regarded for not sugar-coating the story of an real person, as many Hollywood films are guilty of. That being said, I agree that The Natural or Bull Durham would be better choices for Cassie , and would make a better reactions too.

Sean Stuart

when does round 3 begin?

Em McG

ooh fun in voting. I would never have believed I would be asked to choose between Predator and Close Encounters - heh they're very different movies but I had to take a long time to figure it out. "My men are not expendable!" VS "This, this is an event sociological."

Sean Novack

People! She's NOT going to enjoy "Raging Bull"! I know that it's a landmark film, but why are you pushing it on someone that isn't going to appreciate it?


I can't believe people want her to watch Raging Bull! It's dark and depressing. Jake Lamotta beating his wife and being a jerk the whole movie, and there isn't a likable character anywhere. She will be glad when it's over, and will probably need to take a shower and pet some kittens to cleanse herself after watching it. Cinderella Man has a great story and she'll be rooting for the main character. Raging Bull though.. yikes!

Shehab Dawoud

She also didn't "enjoy" Schindler's List, which is a MUCH tougher watch, but it's a film that she's admitted several times that she appreciates. It could be the same here. Besides, De Niro's performance is arguably top 10 all-time.

Sean Novack

Shindler's List is a true story about a tragedy that must never be forgotten from a worldwide historical perspective. Jake Lamotta was an asshole who happened to get famous because he was good at punching other people. No comparison.


At least Schindler's list has some good characters that you root for in it.

William Whalen

I just joined and I noticed a great sports film not in the running. Next time there is a sports nomination we should include "Cool Runnings" from 1993.


Cinderalla man, holy smokes forgot all about that one. SUCH an awesome movie!.