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Hey guys! Just wanted to give a quick update on the brackets. 


Winners Bracket:

Losers Bracket:

"Silence of the Lambs" won the winners bracket handily! We'll see if any of the others can beat "The Fugitive" in the LB finals! I'm excited to find out! 



You will enjoy Silence of the Lambs Cassie, do us a favor….if you can have your sister join you for this one!❤️❤️


Hey Cassie!!! I'm sure it's not going to win in the losers bracket, but Momento is one of my ALL-TIME favorites!!! I know it's more of a cult classic, but it's really unique in the way it's shot and how the story is told... It tells the story by "flip flopping" between shooting a scene from the beginning of the story moving forward in time, and then from the end of the story moving backward in time... And you don't get the COMPLETE picture until both storylines meet in the middle... Sound super weird and confusing??? Well it should!!! But by the time the movie is over, your mind is blown!!! Really brings a whole new meaning to "suspense"... Sorry for the long comment, but I had to put in my 2 cents and support one of my faves!!! 😁


No spoilers here... If you watch you'll get it... Please forgive me, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings to the point where you had to comment...

Matt Gwinn

Loser's bracket will probably end up being Fargo. I think you'd like Fargo better, but Silence of the Lambs will probably get the win. You really can't go wrong with any of the remaining films. They're all great in their own way. Memento is a bit hard to follow due to how they filmed it, so as a first time view you may not like it as much as the others.

Mark M

I think Fargo will be interesting because the ND accent is nearly a Canadian accent.

Norrin Radd

The Game (the best movie on this entire list) lost twice! What do you guys think that means?

Matt Gwinn

I think it's a Minnesota accent. Fargo is right on the border. The Minnesota accent is heavily influenced by Swedish, German and Norwegian accents. The "oh" sound in the accent comes from the Dakotah language. The accent is also common in parts of North Dakota, South Dakota, northern Iowa and western Wisconsin.

Mark M

I always thought 'best movie' is so difficult when recommending something for someone else to watch. If I loved hamburgers and wanted to branch out I hope that people would not first suggest I try Borscht.


Yes Dante, that is a total spoiler. If I wanted to ruin someones experience with this movie, I'd do it just like you did.

Norrin Radd

I considered that, but it was a possibility far too horrifying to accept. Alas, you might be right. Silence of the Lambs is a worthy winner since it did literally SWEEP THE OSCARS, and more importantly force Gene Siskel to eat a bucket of deep fried crow.


Im excited to watch as ive never seen these myself! First time watching and with Cassie? Count me in xD


As a Canadian I'd like to take light-hearted offence to the incessantly repeated idea that one singular accent is attributed to an entire country whose landmass is the second largest in the world. Exasperated sheesh-ing over here on the west coast... :-)

Sean Novack

I know I'll be voting for "The Fugitive"! One of Harrison Ford's non-action movie masterpieces, and Tommy Lee Jones almost steals the show!

Derrick C. Shields

I'm really hoping for something I haven't seen to win the losers' bracket. Which basically means anything but Fugitive. I feel like I've seen almost all of Zodiac in pieces but never start to finish and I barely remember any of it.

Patrick Flanagan

Yeah despite being called FARGO the movie takes place almost entirely in the state next door. "Fargo" is just meant as a bit of synecdoche, the same way L.A.'s Chinatown is used in CHINATOWN.


Aaaaaaaaand we can scratch Memento from movies that Cassie will be watching. You just sunk your own battleship! lol