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Patrick Toscano

These are all good choices. Memento may be a little confusing during a first time viewing.

Norrin Radd

This is the greatest list of movies ever compiled! Usual Suspects vs Collateral is just cruel! Let’s go The Game!

Jon Johns

I think she watches both winners. Also, she'll probably watch all these films, we're just voting on what's next.


I hope all of these get reactions

Jeff I.

Yeah, there are several movies that won't make it that I think she would really enjoy. I'm thinking a good idea would be to redo the brackets with the ones that didn't win every couple of months, so eventually she gets through some of the ones that are great movies but didn't make it because they had a rough first or second round against an equally good/popular movie or something.

Björn Von Knorring

As someone who hasn’t seen it. Is it Mulholland drive-confusing or 2001: A space odyssey-confusing? Or just more regular ”how did this time travel go?-confusing. Honest question.

Björn Von Knorring

Good. I cannot vouch for all these movies but there are many good movies in this poll. Its well worth stopping here and go through most of these.

Björn Von Knorring

Yes, I cannot vouch for all these movies and I note that there are lots of different opinions in here. But there sure are a lot of great movies in this poll.

Patrick Toscano

I dunno if this is spoiler territory or not but it might help understand the movie better.The movie plays from end to beginning but in 5-10 minute increments. So the beginning of one 5-10 minute scene Is the end of the upcoming 5-10 minute scene. Then there are some black and white scenes that are some black and white scenes that play separately from the main movie to explain the main characters condition.

Flocon McKinley

OMG ! i just finished voting ! the battle is tough ! The departed is leading on Usual Suspects ? Hard to choose !

Mark M

Has the bracket always been a thing? I think a bar graph for each film would be easiest to keep score. Every patron with 5 votes, top 5 movies get watched. 5 more movies join the bar graph but if any votes were cast in the previous round that movie keeps it’s votes making it easier to win eventually.

Sean Novack (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-14 11:35:42 The finals should come down to The Silence of the Lambs & The Fugitive. In a close race The Silence of the Lambs would win that one...but both should be watched. For the record: 3 and 4 is a toss-up for me between The Usual Suspects and North By Northwest - I'd recommend both of those too.
2021-08-14 16:22:37 The finals should come down to The Silence of the Lambs & The Fugitive. In a close race The Silence of the Lambs would win that one...but both should be watched. For the record: 3 and 4 is a toss-up for me between The Usual Suspects and North By Northwest - I'd recommend both of those too.

The finals should come down to The Silence of the Lambs & The Fugitive. In a close race The Silence of the Lambs would win that one...but both should be watched. For the record: 3 and 4 is a toss-up for me between The Usual Suspects and North By Northwest - I'd recommend both of those too.

Jon Johns

Björn, Mulholland drive is a great film, it is only as confusing as any other film by Lynch. I think I've seen several explanations on YouTube about that movie, I, personally, didn't understand many of the deeper meanings, but enjoyed it "as-is" for the superficial plot, and performances.

Jeff I.

Dude, you basically spoiled one of the main plot devices of Memento. Oh well, I'm sure Cassie already read your comment.

Patrick Toscano

Thats why i mentioned that it could be spoiler territory when i explained it just incase it was to much info

Charles Mills

I'd have to rewatch to get the exact quote, but the part where she questions if they were going to show kids being eaten.