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Hey guys! This is a special request from a high tier patron. I had no idea what to expect going into it. You'll have to check out the reaction to see if I enjoyed it or not :P (it's a rom-com). I'm also curious as to how many of you have seen this movie before? Let me know!

Thanks to the patron who recommended this movie and thanks to all of you for the support! Hope you enjoy the full reaction!

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[Full Reaction] Same Time Next Year (1978)



Is this reaction not available anymore? I finally found a copy of the movie to watch along with.

D. T. Nelson

Oh, wow. I watched this years ago... numerous times. Always wanted to direct the play it's based on. If this was streaming somewhere (or I had a copy of it) I'd watch it right now.

Allen Bond

The Sea Shadows Inn is still there, it's now named Heritage House Resort & Spa. Awesome reactions!

Jay Kawala

I've not seen this one before - but am entertained. Alan Alda plays a neurotic person quite well. Doris' character arc is also quite satisfying.


Yay! I forgot about this movie and am so glad someone suggested it! I remember finding this movie in a very weird way, through, of all people, Quentin Tarantino and Kevin Smith. Both of those writers(for me) did an amazing job of making a kitchen table conversation completely engrossing. This got me on a kick of watching a ton of movies that focus completely on the characters versus the action. My ma suggested this one and while I balked at first I ended up falling in love with it. It's funny because I watched it in high school and has helped lay the foundation for my feelings of love, marriage, character, and evolution with time. Great movie and great react! Oh! Fun "Popcorn in Bed" connection... Alan Alda played Hawkeye in MASH who was named that because his father like the Hawkeye character in Last of the Mohicans.... (or something like that. I am sure someone can fact check me if I wasn't 100% there :D )

salim alvarez

Hello Cassie , well I have never seen that movie also, and I believe I felt the same at the beginning, a 70s classic? mmmmm let's see, anyway I am free this afternoon ...hahahahaha but definitely a surprise! It was nice to see you in your "natural environment" with romantic comedies....and nice suggestions of my fellow patreons!

Jimmy Crackcorn

Well, I don't think I'd ever have gotten around to watching this one on my own, but since you were doing a reaction, I decided to give it a shot! Definitely some clever writing... especially in the first half. Ellen B. And Alan A. are just stellar actors. Still, I found myself yelling at old George for being so selfish at the end. He lost his spouse, but hers was very much still alive. Oh, I lost my spouse, so time for you to lose yours, ... because I don't know how to live alone? Get out of here with that! Not sure how I felt about their thing to begin with, but that proposal at the end ticked me off. Just unforgivably selfish, IMO.

Catherine LW

Wow I have not seen this in ages! I remember watching it back in the 80’s. It’s very engaging but I have problems with the premise because they’re cheating on their spouses. It kind of reminds me of Forrest Gump in showing the changes in society over decades (or I should say Forrest Gump reminds one of this movie). Both are great actors. Blast from the past!

Be Kind

Yes, I’ve seen it. Funny, I was thinking of older TV series to rec, and I remembered M*A*S*H and Alan Alda, which made me think of this movie for some reason. Such a weird coincidence that someone else would’ve thought of it too.

Jay Kawala

Like you, I doubt I would have watched this one on my own - but since Cassie was sticking with it, I managed to stop myself from quitting when the introductory scene song started playing (though I think I may have rolled my eyes a bit)... I also found myself exclaiming "No, that's not fair!" to George in the final scenes, so maybe I was a little bit more invested than I would have suspected :)

Jay Kawala

Good point Catherine, it does have some similarities with Forest Gump - though I do find that the personalities of the characters seem to change in an effort to try and match the zeitgeist of American culture at each point we encounter them. At times, I thought this stretched the bounds of believability - but then Cassie made a point that when they met, they had the ability to bring each other back to their natural 'selves'. The persons they truly were at heart - or at least were when they were together. I also liked seeing the photographs and trying to figure out the year. One triumph was spotting the Jack Lemon photo from the movie "The Apartment" from 1961. I think it won best picture if I'm not mistaken. As soon as I saw it, I thought Popcorn might enjoy that movie too.

Catherine LW

I missed that photo- how appropriate since The Apartment was used for affairs. I just watched a reaction to that film on YouTube. Love Jack Lemmon.

Cassie Tremblay

Yes! That part was very tricky. He had never really mentioned leaving her before and then just couldn't be alone. Poor George and Susan :( And the part of finding out his wife knew for 10 years and never said anything, oh that hurts.

Be Kind

Just watched your reaction, which was adorable. I think the film really holds up, and I’m glad it perked up your curiosity about “older” films. Although the premise seems like something contrived for entertainment, I remember a friend who lived w/a guy for a long time, had a good relationship, cared for each other ... but after his death, she found out he had been meeting a woman at the same lake house regularly throughout his life. The other woman even went to his funeral.

Be Kind

Other movies that take place in one location: 12 Angry Men Rear Window Rope Panic Room Cube Reservoir Dogs Die Hard

Brian Harris

Hi Cassie. This movie was based on a play, a very popular and well-received one, that gets performed frequently now in community and amateur theatre. Anyway, that play has a sequel, Same Time, Another Year, that follows George and Doris into the nineties. So if you want to see what happens to them, you should pick it up from Amazon and read it. :)