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Hey everyone! It looks like Airplane won the poll, I'm excited to switch up the genre a bit!

I've setup a poll.ly so I can gather movie suggestions from you guys for the next poll. Just click here to add some movies you'd like to see me react to! 

I'll be adding a separate suggestion poll for YT to compare but the Patron-only suggestions will carry more weight (you guys are the best).

Make sure to "heart" your favs so I know what you guys like most.



Alyssa Anderson

I’ve added a few, will see about adding more as they come to me.

Be Kind

I love this idea! At first, I wondered how many we could add; then, I saw Alyssa’s entries and was so relieved. I mean, you never know until you put it out there, right? (I only wish there were some way to alphabetize it.)

Jimmy Crackcorn

Wow. So many entries in the poll. What about all the movies that were in the last poll but lost to Gladiator? Do those need to be nominated again?

Be Kind

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to sound like a complaint. I’m just thrilled that you’re even able to do this.

Be Kind

Between the YT list and ours, I think I’ve seen most of them. But, yeah, I would add them.


For sure. Nomimate the poll runner ups till the make it to the top. The ultimate underdog story.