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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for Pleasantville, which will premiere shortly!




20 years later, you would have thought we as people would have learned something. Release it now, you might get some 'PEOPLE' happy about the first part of the movie... 😆 🤣

Paul Rich

Brilliant writer-director Gary Ross grew up when the hit shows at the time were in black and white. Shows like Father Knows Best where the lead character was name Bud like in Pleasantville, an obvious homage. Other shows at the time were Ozzie and Harriet, Leavie It to Beaver, The Andy Grifith show were they lived in the pleasant town of Mayberry -- all unrealistically perfect, likely because folks were still traumatized by WWII and the Korean War and enjoyed shows that, well were. 'pleasant'". The idea that dad expected dinner to be made by his wife was how it was before womens' liberation. Color TVs came into popularity in the 60s when they were considered a novel. household luxury. My gosh a remote control so you did't have to walk up to the TV to change the channel or adjust the volume! So color was a metaphor in how culture changed and not always a fairtytale, not so pleasant. I really loved this movie and actually met Gary Ross at a tennis match in Los Angeles.