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Hey friends,

Well the month of May is trying to kill me but the end is near. 4 more days of school for the kids, volunteering for track and field day, recitals, end of year gifts, club-soccer tryouts, a church youth camping trip I am chaperoning, popsicle social for the neighborhood and trying to do a flower garden and fix our backyard landscaping and then we're good haha.

Also don't forget PIB EXTRA BUTTER TIER LIVE TONIGHT! We'll be watching the TNG episode "Data's Day" and then just chatting. I'm sorry it has to be late and will be at 8PM MST. My older kids have soccer tryouts so i'll have to get me little one to bed before I can start. I hope to see you there, I always love our hangs!

AAANNNDDD Still planning on Pop Quiz Trivia Night for Patrons only on 6/1!

In other news-3 POLLS went LIVE! Animated Poll 1 and 2 for me-top votes will go to a final poll! aaannndddd an Animated Poll for Carly ( I think we will watch the top 2 and do an ANIMATION WEEK)

I hope you are all filling your freezers with popsicles and your porch with flowers! I am still loving Alias and yay for Season 3 of Bridgerton (such a guilty pleasure) and I told you how much I liked Fallguy right? I loved seeing your REPORTS last week-someone mentioned DQ Peanut Buster Parfait and I have been craving it since!

Ok talk soon,

Cassie OUT!


Daniel Fuchs

Hey cassie, comes today your reaction of the movie: Das Boot?

Kyle Prince

mmmmmm... Das boot! Two German Movies I recommend: Stalingrad and Katarina Von Blumm. I wonder if Cassie will do Run Silent run Deep or Greyhound or the enemy below?