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Sorry it's been a minute!! It's been sick city over here with strep. We're on the mend though. Anyway, this was a wild ride! It definitely had that 90s action-flick vibe and I didn't mind! They may have gone overboard with some of the gross effect though haha.. Arnold was classic Arnold, which is not a bad thing! I actually enjoyed him in this. I know a lot of people don't like the remake of this, but watching the original has me curious. What do you guys think of the remake (without spoiling too much)?

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[Full Reaction] Total Recall (1990)


Kevin Ryan

You were thinking of 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.'

Ricardo Rodriguez

I'll bet money Casey would like Eraser and End of Days. The last 2 decent (not great but decent) movies of the heydays of Arnie.