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Ggguuuuyyyyysssss I'm sorry. I'm so behind....on everything in my life, but definitely an upload. Myself and my two oldest kids have strep throat. We just didn't know it until today at the doctor, and we were all just sick and waiting to get better but were not getting better. Luckily we all started on antibiotics today and they usually work pretty fast on strep so I hope we can all start feeling better asap! womp womp. I will get Total Recall up as soon as I can along with this week's uploads!

I hope all the mothers had a wonderful mother's day. Despite not feeling 100 percent, I had a great day and felt loved and appreciated by my family. I also got to see the beautiful northern lights in the early hours of Saturday night which felt like a magical gift. Did you see them?




This week we have my PPOTM-Pleasantville, our 100-250 request poll winner with Last Action Hero and starting on ST TNG S4 episodes-The poll is not quite over so go vote! Next week we will have Das Boot from our Foreign Film Poll and continue with X Men! Our Animation Poll will be up this week too!

Important dates-

5/21 Extra Butter LIVE

6/1-Patreon Pop Quiz Trivia Night!

Thought this was fun:


R-READING My book club this month is Carrie Soto is back. Very tennis heavy. I am not loving it so far, she is not likeable yet, but excited for the cute tennis outfits for our the actual book club.

E-EATING Have not much of an appetite this week since being sick but the kids and Ben smoked some delicious burgers for Mothers Day! Been craving ichiban too!

P-Playing "Alias" Finally started Alias (20. years late) after my mourning period of The NEWSROOM was over. I did not realize Bradley Cooper was in it. I love her spy looks so much!

O-Obsessing over the Northern Lights pictures I have seen from all over the continent. It felt surreal and bonding for all of us? I'm also loving the hilarious memes of people who missed the lights because they went to bed.

R-Recommending -Fall Guy movie, "Yoggies" found at Costco, such a yummy snack my kids and I love and planting some flowers.

T-treating myself to a nice bottle of amoxicillin and a hot bath!

I would love to hear your REPORT!!

Ok thanks guys, love your socks off!


 ps-only 2 YT edits this week as our awesome editor is on a much needed trip!


D.M. Lipkin

For years I thought I didn't have a celebrity doppelganger until a coworker told me she was watching the Newsroom and it freaked her out how much Jim reminded her of me. Not just his looks, but his mannerisms and speech patterns. I can definitely see it. John Gallagher Jr. isn't really a name that people would immediately recognize if I say it, but at least I can point them to youtube now.


Fingers crossed we maybe get LAH tonight. 🤞 With 1:00 a.m. uploads sometimes I just stay up and watch a movie after working all weekend like I did with war of the worlds.