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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for "X-Men: The Last Stand" which will premiere shortly. Enjoy!




You guys seemed like you had a lot of questions, wondering where the story goes next, but this movie is basically the end of this timeline, and is not really continued after this. There are some things which linger (mainly that Wolverine killed Jean), but just about everything else is never revisited. So the question of whether Magneto gets his powers back and whether Charles is still alive, are unfortunately never addressed again. Audiences really hated this movie and also the next thing that came out, X-Men Origins Wolverine, so after that they basically reset everything and started fresh. You'll see as it goes along, but all the questions you had after this movie, it's best to let those go, as they've never been addressed again. This movie has essentially been retconned.

Story Archer

Yeah, the Origins film was about as bad as it gets. Honestly, as a life-long X-Men fan, most of these films were carried by their cast and no so much the shoddy writing. Logan was an absolute masterpiece and the Deadpool movies superlative, but the rest of it was just really great actors in really bad roles. I mean seriously - how do you screw up the Phoenix Saga TWICE?

diego kontarovsky

i really hope you don't skip the wolverine films. they are an essential part of the franchise!