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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for Steel Magnolias, which will premiere shortly!



Maria Soberanis

Still technically Easter time if your Catholic! Loophole hahaha

Rob Jones

You two will love this movie.


I was today years old when I found out that Dolly Parton starred in films. On the topic of Dolly I've been adoring X-Men 97 as of lately and Rogue just reminds me so much of Dolly with her southern country accent. Even her 1990s design always reminded me of Dolly a little with the big hair so I wonder if her voice actor in the show took inspiration from Dolly when crafting Rogues voice and use of phrases. Edit: After watching Dolly in this film she's the perfect casting for Rogue, also cried so much during this film.

Celeste McAllister

Love,love Sally,Dolly & Julia, Best C&C reaction of 2024..to date!🌹

Happy Hanukkah

I'll take advantage of the occasion to recommend Moonstruck (1987), which earned Olympia Dukakis a supporting actress Oscar.

Happy Hanukkah

Heck, maybe some people think she's only an actor :-) , so this is for them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQW7I62TNOw


There's no doubt people who only know Arnold Schwarzenegger as the former governor of California lol

Lana Pico

I commented this on the other video but I always like to share this tidbit because I find it both heartbreaking and sweet... the real Shelby's (Susan in real life) parents were on set during much of the movie and during the hospital scene the mom didn't want to leave because she said she wanted to see Julia get up and walk away since she never got to see her daughter wake up. xo


Been quoting this movie since 1989! Love.


I hope this movie serves as a jumping off point for other movies with Sally Field, Shirley MacLaine, Olympus Dukakis, etc. These women have monumental filmographies that deserve exploring.

Matt O'Keefe

Shelby was diabetic. With real sugar lows, diabetics can get very agitated and refuse to do things like consume sugar. My wife and mother both have type 1 diabetes. My first experience with a real sugar low with my wife(girlfriend at the time) was at my place one night. She got really agitated and I had to force her to drink orange juice. Thankfully she finally did. Never dealt with a real low before.

John Liebling

Cassie, do you remember a long time ago you watched the "Apartment" with Jack Lemmon and Shirely Maclain? Wheezer is Shirely over 30 years later. Hey PIB community do you think it's time for Cassie and Carly to watch the Academy Award winning "Terms of Endearment." Too much six degrees of separation, with "An Officer and a Gentleman." Both movies I feel Cassie and Carly would enjoy.

Jason Jardine

Just wondering if you have Conspiracy Theory on your radar. Not a romcom by any means, but to me, it's one of the most underrated movies that she'd in. Plus, Mel Gibson pre-cancellation days!

Larry Darrell

You’ve done it now Happy. How ‘bout this… https://youtu.be/mfIvRKR3OHw?si=slpil3YfAoIp0B9M and this… https://youtu.be/DvJUPyK-Vws?si=QL9H4er9ZeogVmuz this too… https://youtu.be/Fua6PSz4-kY?si=t5EOs6e0EavYuQMw why not this… https://youtu.be/8zkrS1dfOVE?si=cvyRZHRzZYzi2HxH and of course this… https://youtu.be/CrdHVx6mayY?si=0or_1_u4Jwbe-M4c She wrote the last and the first two.

Larry Darrell

I made a prediction during this years Poppies… Steel Magnolias, with Carly, for Easter. Best Drama Poppie 2025. That’s 3 out of 4. One more to check off. ;-)

David Lee

Sally Field is at the top of her game in this movie. Few actresses could have played this part as well as she did. "Laughter thru tears" captures the movie in three words. The director wanted to show the strength of the women he has known through a play and then later the movie. His sister was represented by Shelby. All the women in this movie are amazing actresses and this is a once in a generation collaboration.

David Lee

I will add a song that Dolly wrote that everyone attributes to Whitney Houston... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW2TgGy5gjY&ab_channel=ShoutFactoryVEVO


She is so very good in Moonstruck. Everybody is en pointe!!!

Johnny Salinas

Just wait until you guys see "Terms of Endearment" 😊

Paul Rich

You will seldom find an ensemble cast as talented at this. Julia Roberts magnetism mirrowing her endearing performance in Pretty Woman released at the same time, maybe filmed the same year but Julia had her solo vehicle in Pretty Woman, the title named after her character. The mother is the late actress Olympia Dukakis who won Best Supporting Oscar for Moonstruck, another mother role in 1987 which you must see if you haven't. Surprsed you didn't recognize the father. (Tom Skerrit) from Top Gun -- Tom Cruises commandng officer who flew with Mavericks dad. Skerrit also plays Brad Pitt's father in A River Runs Through It. The legendary Shirley Maclaine who won Best Actress Oscar in Terms of Endearment .But the brigtest light here is Julia Roberts which is why we cry so hard at her shocking death in the end. Filma are all about evoking emotion. Darryl Hannah the mermai in Spash shows her action chops with the most character growth. Another super bright light is the effervescent Dolly Parton and her silly funny obsession with hair. I mean talk about all-star cast! Best Actress Oscar winner Sally Field (Norma Rae). So props go to casting director. And it lifts you back up in the end after the waterfall of tears. Just a timelss classic brilliantly written and directed. And great reactions girls. Glad there were two kernels of popcorn here not just one. You are stars in your own right as Patreon creators.


Definitely watch 9 to 5. First movie I ever saw DP in.


When this movie came out... I was working at the Carter Presidential Center in Atlanta. All the female staff got the afternoon off to be treated to this film... because former First Lady, Rosalynn Carter was the dubbed the Steel Magnolia during Carter's presidential campaign in the '70s. Good memory. This is another.


Whew… this hit me hard. My wife died suddenly due to an undiagnosed heart issue when our daughter was five months old… twenty years ago next Friday. Still impacts me to this day. My daughter is now 20 and a very successful college student, taking after her mom. This movie brought so much of those feelings to the forefront. It was hard to watch.

Carol Rocha

Cassie (and Carly), I just wanted to say what a joy it is to listen to reactors that don’t drop “f” bombs every 3 minutes (or less). It says a lot about your character. I know the movies have language in them sometimes, and that can’t be avoided, but you don’t go down that road. And I’m proud of you for that. I didn’t know another way to get a comment to you, so I’m leaving it here in hopes that you will find it. Loving being part of this community and watching with y’all. Much love (and respect), peace & blessings to you gals & your families!

Ronald Carpenter

I can't stop loving the channel. Must be the people who created and keep it going.


What a cast!


Watched this for the first time, was surprised for sure that I liked the movie. On a side note, looks like you may be getting a NHL hockey team in your state.

Happy Hanukkah

And while Whitney puts on an impressive vocal display, I find Dolly's original rendition to be superior by far. Perhaps because she doesn't treat the song as a showcase, imagine that. Speaking of Dolly covers, here's Home Free's a cappella version of 9 to 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xxv_Fizvsw

Happy Hanukkah

Would the fact this team traces its ancestry back to Winnipeg be a plus or a minus for Cassie? :-)

Author Travis Adams Irish

This film is a masterpiece! Sally Field wasn't acting in that cemetery. You can't fully appreciate this movie until you imagine how much talent it takes to write something this profound. My new novel pays homage to this style, but only in a few sequences.