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  • Episode 2-The Ensigns of Command 62
  • Episode 4-Who Watches the Watchers 261
  • Episode 6-Booby Trap 73
  • Episode 10-The Defector 145
  • Episode 12-Sins of the Father 369
  • Episode 13-Deja Q 330
  • Episode 15-Yesterdays Enterprise 555
  • Episode 23-Sarek 381
  • 2024-04-08
  • —2024-04-12
  • 2176 votes
{'title': 'STAR TREK TNG SEASON 3 EPISODES FINAL POLL', 'choices': [{'text': 'Episode 2-The Ensigns of Command', 'votes': 62}, {'text': 'Episode 4-Who Watches the Watchers', 'votes': 261}, {'text': 'Episode 6-Booby Trap', 'votes': 73}, {'text': 'Episode 10-The Defector', 'votes': 145}, {'text': 'Episode 12-Sins of the Father', 'votes': 369}, {'text': 'Episode 13-Deja Q', 'votes': 330}, {'text': 'Episode 15-Yesterdays Enterprise', 'votes': 555}, {'text': 'Episode 23-Sarek', 'votes': 381}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 12, 5, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 8, 21, 44, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 2176}


Here is our final poll-I took the top FOUR from our other polls and this will determine the 4 episodes I watch this season PLUS the SEASON FINALE!!

Vote away, vote awwwaaayyyyyy...


Craig Russell

Wow. I thought the purpose was to have her watch episodes that would give her the best idea of this show and the crew of this Enterprise. The top 2 in this poll have nothing to do with that, good episodes, but not important episodes.

Colin Gutierrez

Drat, I find Who Watches the Watchers to be a pretty important episode, not to mention just generally good entertainment. Looks like it's gonna end up solidly in 6th place unless it rallies on the last day. -_-

Katie Jackson

All the episodes I voted for was in the second half of season 3. Maybe for the final poll for season 4 it could be the top 8 episodes based solely on vote percentage no matter what half of the poll they get sorted onto. That way great episodes like The Offspring make it to a final poll. I hope that makes sense the way I worded it. Right now it's the top 4 episodes from each poll which means you get episodes in the final poll that maybe nobody really wants because 4 have to be chosen from each. Just an idea. It doesn't effect how the initial 2 polls are made, just how the final 8 episodes are selected for the final poll.

Robin T

I see what you're saying but I don't think the vote totals from different polls can be reliably compared. If they could we could just take the top 4 from across both polls and have done*. But the outcomes seems to be heavily influenced by how each specific mix of competitors interact with each other, which I think makes it necessary to treat them as completely separate and advance an even number of winners from each. I do think there's an argument to advance maybe the top 6 from each, to give edge cases a second chance among a different group of competitors. But there's not really a perfect solution, short of Patreon changing the code to allow an entire season to fit in one poll. *In that case the winners would have been Yesterday's, Sarek, Watchers and The Defector, in that order

John Sullivan

RIP Who Watches the Watchers 💜


At least the most important 3 are getting in. I voted for Who Watches the Watchers in ahead of Deja Q just because it is a more impactful episode generally, but I'm not gonna throw too big of a fit over it.

John Liebling

Cassie, we all had to wait months after the season 3 finale, that is why I suggest you start the season 4 poll as soon as possible, because you will be soooo surprised, in a good way when you watch the season 3 finale, you'll be wow! I never knew Star Trek could be soooo good! And the conclusion with the first episode of season 4 is even better. And the second episode of season 4 is also very good...I hope it will win as one of the four, in the next poll. There is no going back. Cassie is absolutely a Trekker!


What if you watch one extra episode per season, starting after 4? (i.e. five eps for season 5, six for 6, seven for 7) It would give audience a fair bit more coverage satisfaction, while the TNG seven main characters become their most developed and well written, just in time for max investment for 4 feature films. :D

Elias Shaikh

So Cassie, inquiring minds want to know, has your fondness of Star Trek moved you to stash your own supply of Romulan Ale yet? (Don’t let Starfleet find out, they’ll know you crossed the Neutral Zone!). Hehehe

Joe Jupiter

Shame that "The Ensigns of Command" didn't make it. It's a Data-centric episode that I think you would quite enjoy.