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Hello all, and a merry approaching Christmas to you all! Can you feel the festive energy in the air? We already have the tree up here.

I took a moment back in June to do a poster for Taito's classic RayStorm arcade shooter series. Strictly Limited Games are releasing a very nice HD collection of all three games called Ray'z Arcade Chronology and this is being used as the cover image for the western releases by Strictly Limited Games:

I grew up playing Taito classics in the arcade, like New Zealand Story, Bubble Bobble and Chase HQ (my local swimming pool had the rather niche title Xain'd Sleena in the cafe overlooking the pool right next to Double Dragon, so that's a very fond memory from Fridays after school when I was learning to swim!), so to have art on an official Taito release is quite an honour for me! The first arcade cabinet I ever saw was Space Invaders in a fish and chip shop when I was... three years old?

But yes, here's a look at a few mockups and the final result.

Big thanks to:

Well, back to work!





Yeah, those old school cabinets were something back when everything was new. Quarter in the corner. I got next.