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Good evening!

Here's my work in progress on this shot so far! Next up is inbetweens, followed by mouth movement/lip synch and inking.
Obviously she'll have clothes as well.

My strong point has always been battle scenes and stuff blowing up, so as many of you know I've been working on bettering my character acting. Luckily, Maki actually did animation at university so she helps out on these scenes especially and is always sharing resources and references with me.

Anyways, it's staring to get a bit colder so I hope you're wrapping up warm. I actually have a hot water bottle here and I've been drinking these fancy instant cappuccinos, so it's pretty cosy over here.

I might stream something this coming week, maybe! I've been wanting to play some of the original TIE Fighter collector's edition CD-Rom game from '95, since everyone's talking about the new Squadrons game that just came out (no way will that run on my graphics card!), but I just can't seem to get it working in a streamable way (the game boots in 640x480 and takes over the screen, so I have no mouse control to do stream things such as check the chat, turn volume up and down, control the coffee breaks, etc etc) so that's annoying! It's not much of a stream if I can't even read the chat. Bah, anyway...

Cheerio for now!

- Paul




In the Dain app I mean lol


That's OK. The card should arrive tomorrow or the day after so I should be able to get the app up and running in no time.