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Hello everyone,

So! Berserk won the drawing poll by quite a wide margin. I'll get drawing up some Berserk goodness and we should have a nice Godhand-infested postcard for you to put on your walls and fridges/castles/dungeons/battlefields.

Meanwhile, I've been working on scene 7 shot 16 of the film. You can't have a space horror without a scene of bay doors opening and stuff getting sucked out into space, so I've gone all-in on this one, trying to make it one of the standout money shots of the film. You can see the raw background render above, but what you can't see is the 2D characters (which I've hidden for reasons) and the bodies, 2D animated tools and items etc being sucked out into the void. And the air current effects and whatnot. Once it gets to the colouring phase and I get the strobing light effect from the orange warning lights on the ceiling, it should hopefully be something to behold!

I scoured my anime collection for reference for a space depressurisation sequence to see how the pros animated it, and Gundam 0083 has some fantastic stuff - (23 seconds in)

Actually, every second of Gundam 0083 is absolutely magnificent. Highly recommended!

Anyway, back to work. Treat yourselves a pumpkin spiced latte or something and say it's from me!

- Paul



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