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Happy 2020, everyone!

Do any of you know the game Jim Power?

I never played it, but someone else must have because it was on the SNES, Megadrive, PC and Amiga back in the day. I only heard of it recently as a studio had approached me to do a cover image based on it. Unfortunately this studio never paid me and it’s been months since contact, therefore I decided to finish it somewhat on my own and figured to share it with you all. 

Here's the Amiga original: https://youtu.be/Wd1p2UmoE-Y
The sprites, scrolling and level designs were all changed up for the SNES port, including reversing the parallax scrolling and creating a nausea-inducing backwards scrolling effect in many players! Here's an article if anyone's interested -  http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/jim-power/ 

These kind of commission jobs can be really time consuming. As you can see from the above article, the main character looked totally different depending on which platform the game was on. I had to research the character differences, the various bosses, the backgrounds... this all takes time and you don't get paid for the research - just the final image. So it's a real pain when companies just decide to cut contact halfway through. 

This is why I don’t want to do commission work unless it’s something that personally interests me and gives me absolute freedom to handle the project how I want. Otherwise it is not fun for me, and even when it’s ok, then I have to deal with the messiness of chasing people up for images, references and payment. It’s not the most fun thing in the world. Anyway! I mentioned it in the Discord, but for those that don’t know, I was sick with a mystery illness the past week and half. It seems to be over and now I can finally eat again! 

Thank you for helping make animations throughout all of 2019. I hope you enjoy each post and I do work relentlessly to get each frame per second to you as fast as I can with the highest standards achievable. Please be patient with livestreams, because I know you enjoy them, but they do slow me down considerably in getting the project completed. I do like answering all the questions in the live stream chat, but I do also I feel it’s my duty to work as fast and best as I can so I can provide more content for you all, so it's a bit of a tightrope balance sometimes.

Let’s finish more things this year and I hope we get to watch it together using Youtube Premiere!

Wishing you a great year,





Never heard of it, but you still did a fantastic job on this! Sorry about them not paying you or keeping in touch; they have effectively broken two cardinal rules of commission work. (On a side note, I like giving anyone I commission a lot of freedom to do stuff how they wish; seeing their take on my stuff provides a really fresh perspective for me, so if I ever do get the chance to commission and/or otherwise work with you that will definitely be the case.)


Never heard of it, but your drawing looks great as always.