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Hello, one and all!

First off, an update! Starting mid next week I'll be back at full throttle, so expect regular livestreams a few times a week again. Things have been somewhat crazy over here, but I shan't bore you with the details.

I hereby announce an EXCITING CONTEST! Have you ever wanted your likeness to be drawn and animated (and annihilated by M.Bison, most probably) in an animated film? If the answer is yes, then email a few photos following the attached template image and I shall select a couple of lucky victims/winners at random and put you in my Street Fighter film! There are two slots open, and you'll know if you've been selected by October 31st.

You must email those images to be eligible though!

Send your mugshots to: otaking.works@gmail.com


Squad Leader Johnson




To quote Arnie: "Stay here. I'll be back!" Seriously though, I might give that contest a shot.


I want to try out for this!