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Game loading...

You shuddered, eyes fluttering open as the words flashed before you, as if they were being beamed directly into your brain.

Launching assets...

You got to your feet, clutching your head as you cried out in alarm, you were... you didn't know where you were! It was certainly not your room; the place was completely empty, constructed entirely out of glowing wires, like a film or TV show would depict the inside of a computer.

Loading data...

What had you been doing? Playing games mostly... you were just about to launch that Spirit of Justice ROM you installed onto your 3DS. It took a while to find one for some reason; Nintendo had been taking down a lot of the usual sites lately, even though it wasn’t something you’d have to resort to doing if they still had the eshop up!

"But where the hell am I!?" you cried, the sound echoing for what seemed like miles, the sheer lack of anything only adding to the feeling of being on edge. Something was wrong, very wrong, but before you could even think about working out what...

ERROR. Data not found. Data not found.

"GAH!?" you gasped, buckling over with an almighty burst of bliss, shaking as unnatural feelings stirred within your core. "Oh god this- this feels weird... but also k-kinda nice? But weird I don't- I don't- I DON'T LIKE-"

Beginning restoration of lost assets, please don't turn off the power...

You bucked, screaming as wires wrapped around you, the squeezing soon turning to painful, yet pleasurable crushing, your plain body soon forced into a curvy, slender form. All muscle was deleted. Literally. All of it vanishing in an instant as the unneeded bulk was selected and removed by the game files, the sudden lack of any kind of physical strength making you feel weaker than you ever had before.

Model is being altered to match specifications of missing data.

"WHAT THE FUCK, WHAT THE FUCK, WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!" you screamed, blushing as your clothes dissolved into pixels and polygons, leaving you completely exposed to the whims of the data. "W-WHY DOES IT FEEL SO NICE~!?"

Your cock was somehow harder than it had ever been, your eyes watering from bliss as you couldn't help but stroke it softly, whimpering in a voice that sounded less and less like your own every second. It sounded like a girl’s, a frightened yelp slipping free as your hair suddenly morphed rapidly, swapping between different styles like someone was using a custom character creator. Each one looked equally absurd, until finally settling on...

"What the hell!? Why do I have this fucking pretzel-looking hair?!" you hissed, "I sound like a girl too! What the fuck is-"

Applying censorship restrictions in consideration of ratings boards and character traits

"going on! I look so girly and dumb and stinky and- and- why can't I fudging swear!?!?" you squeaked, "this is stupid I hate this I-"

Switching character model from /M to /F. Applying further traits of Pearlfey.exe

"GAHHHHHHHHH I L-LOOOOOOOOOHHHVEEEEEE~!" you declared with a giggly shout, your ass and thighs ballooning outwards, your own set of bouncy balls surging free of your flat chest, hips stretching out from the pull of an invisible cursor all at once. You felt your face compress in delight, as a second later a POP announced the death of your masculinity, your brain stuffed with increasingly happy, feminine thoughts.

"I LOVE ITTTTTTTTT, I LOVE BEING A F-FUDGING GIRL- I- THIS IS THE BEST!? I LOVE THIS!? W-WHY DO I LOVE THIS!?" you questioned, squealing happily as beautiful purple robes appeared to cover your new girly form, leaving your cute legs exposed along with it.

Pearlfey.exe files restored. Applying animation.

"What does that-"


You didn't even get a chance to finish your question, your confused expression forced to turn neutral while your body twitched into an unnatural T-Pose, legs tightly pressed together while your arms spread as wide as they could go. Your new pussy tingled in arousal, but you could do or say nothing to acknowledge it, simply wait until...

Loading Pearlfey.exe Animation Five...

Your hands slammed onto your face, a wide smile flooding your features. You- you could finally move again! And you felt super good too! God you couldn't help but give a little shudder in delight, shutting your eyes as you felt every little sensation of your polygon body; it was better than anything else you had experienced! Wait. Were you somewhere else now? Why did it feel like someone was watching-

Looping animation.

Your hands slammed onto your face, a wide smile flooding your features. You- you could finally move again! And you felt super good too! God you couldn't help but give a little shudder in delight, shutting your eyes as you felt every little sensation of your polygon body, it was better than anything else you had experienced! Wait. Were you somewhere else now? Why did it feel like someone was watching-

Looping animation.

Your hands slammed onto your face, a wide smile flooding your features. You- you could finally move again! And you felt super good too! God you couldn't help but...

Looping animation.


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