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It was a long and gruelling battle, but Jack had at last emerged the victor.

The knight gasped for breath, leaning against a pillar as he looked down at the dragon's body, the beast slain after centuries of legends, Jack almost disappointed it wasn't stronger after all the build-up. Hopefully the rewards hadn't been exaggerated as well, the supposed legendary horde of the great dragon, alongside the princess that supposedly laid captive within.

He didn't want to say he had gone on this quest purely for the girl, but he would be lying if he said that had no part in it. But that didn't matter! He'd finally beaten the stupid dragon! Sure he almost got burnt, eaten, and got cut by some scales and her claws, but he won! Now he could go and get the girl before taking his place in legend like he always wanted!

He smirked at the thoughts, ignoring the dead dragon and heading deeper into her lair, his body tingling with excitement with every step as he approached the ancient doors. Jack was so focused on this goal that he didn't notice what he was leaving behind, his body hair trailing behind him as it left his tingling form.

The man gave the doors a push, his eyes narrowing as they didn't even budge, determined to pass as he put more and more force on it, not noticing as his hands began to shift from the force, cracking and bending under the pressure as fingernails sharpened into little claws. Yet the door still didn't budge, not until his blood boiled slightly, the human mixing with something new as his spine tingled, his back arched, his head throbbed, and his ears shook.

"U-um... a-ah~? T-this must be s-some weird defensive magic..." Jack muttered, assuming he'd just gotten too close to the door's barrier, unsure why it seemed to be rushing through his ears of all things. They both felt good too, likely a result of the anti-magic ring he bought a few towns back, the man growing smug yet again as he thought he outsmarted the dragon, of course having no idea the ring was counterfeit and didn't work at all.

His ears were reacting to the shifting blood, their shape shifting, stretching outwards, sharpening into points as he gasped softly in confusion, the knight still focused on trying to push the door open as his cock hardened at the thought of the princess that may lay beyond. His newly pointed ears twitched, small specs of red appearing in his determined eyes as the magic sealing the door finally detected the blood of the horde's master, suddenly flying open as Jack stumbled into the now open horde.

The knight groaned, almost falling over from his stumbling as he wobbled upright, clutching his head as the annoying throbbing returned, wondering just what was causing it, probably just exhaustion after the fight with the dragon. He soon forgot about that though, caught off guard by the sight he was met with, his mouth falling wide open from shock as he stared at the gigantic horde.

There was no other way to describe it, everything perfectly cared for, gold and gems of all shapes and sizes, some even able to fill the hand of the dragon itself based on Jack's rough estimates. But he wasn't concerned about that, simply taken aback by the shining treasures that had been gathered over the centuries, his ears twitching as his blood boiled in need.

"W-wow... so m-much... s-so many? I-it's... m-mine?" he didn't need to stick around and look through it all, but the instincts drew him deeper into the horde like a magnet, the red in his eyes deepening as they sparkled in excitement.

His soles pulsed with each step, following the example of his hands, only a bit more forceful, violent, overall quite dragonish as slim feet were born from the ashes of his former self, freeing themselves from the annoying restrictions of his boots without him even noticing. He was too transfixed by the horde's contents for something as simple as that, the knight even spotting an old throne sticking from a pile of gold coins, blinking as he shook his head.

"D-did.... did I forget about the princess? N-no of course not... it's not like the g-gold is more important than a person r-right?"

So why did part of him want to seal the doors and roll around in this gold without a care in the world?

The knight shivered, such a strange thought spurring conflicting feelings within, confusion and arousal making him pant and gasp, his cock outlined in his pants. Those strange feelings he thought were a side effect of magic were still here, hell if anything they were even stronger once through the door, the ring that was supposedly protecting him falling uselessly off his slimmer finger.

He staggered drunkenly, his eyelids fluttering with pretty princess eyelashes as he wobbled, the familiar feeling of dragon fire suddenly breaking out within as he groaned and moaned in alarm. It was hot. The hottest feeling known in the world, and it had completely flooded his insides, but unlike the battle, he felt no pain, only pent-up euphoria.

"U-ugh? Ah? Shit~? H-hot! T-too hot! I-I'm- A-AH~! B-burning up!? Dragon!? A-are you doing this!? Cease this~! A-accept your- HOLY FUCK IT'S JUST TOO HOT!" he screamed, tearing off his armor in a frenzy, panting as he desperately tossed away each layer, but still finding no relief from the heat.

It didn't work, the man still feeling like he was being roasted alive, groaning and gasping almost animalistically, his undergarments soaked with sweat as gradually reddening eyes rolled upwards.

"S-SOMETHING- I-INSIDE M-ME~? T-TRYING TO- TRYING TO-? I-IT'S- hurk~?" he thought he was going to be sick, raising his oddly small hands over his mouth as something surged upwards, something hot. Jack knew he couldn't let it out, even as the muscle in his arms and legs atrophied, though only in size. When it came to raw power, the blossoming strength within had doubled, then tripled past the results of any of his training.

"Of course, they could be bigger I suppose. But that does rather go against the image I'm going for here. Not really... traditional enough, you know?"

There was a voice in his head, the knight's eyes widening as he let out muffled moans of alarm, his teeth grinding together as a sudden violent burst forced him to stick his ass outwards, something violently crunching as he turned around to see a flaky lump wriggling happily, twitching alongside his shaft.

It was too much, Jack wanting to question the voice, to shout and make it answer, removing his hands to do so before realising his mistake.


Fire. Fire was erupting from his throat. A massive stream of flame escaped from his mouth as naturally as breathing, the sheer force and power of the action sending him flying back into a pile of treasures. He wriggled, hands rubbing his shaft in blind desperation, his mind consumed by shock, terror, and the increasing part of him that simply watched in smug, arrogant delight.

The fire laid waste to him. Lips swelled around it, the bones in his face shifted from being exposed to the heat long enough, and his Adam's Apple simply burnt to cinders, even his mouth feeling like it was melting under the volcanic warmth. He didn't know how long he was breathing it, only stopping when the pent-up dragonfire finally ran out, the knight left gasping and wriggling in shocked bliss.

"W-what t-trickery is- i-is... WHAT THE HELL!?" He scrambled, finding an old mirror shield in the pile, lifting it up and shrieking like a scared schoolgirl. “THIS ISN'T MY F-FACE! I LOOK LIKE A GIRL!  W-WHAT'S- WHAT'S-"

He was already lost for words, and that was before he noticed the other oddities, things that turned his shock into horror as everything slotted into sense. He had fangs, his eyes shining with the intensity he had seen in his fallen opponent, his newly forked tongue slipping out just to confirm what he was feeling was in fact reality.

"I-I'm a... d-dragon? N-no! I can’t be a dragon! I-I'm a knight! I s-swore to protect the k-kingdom and-"

"Wow, you still say things like that? I thought you would all stop that ages ago. Never gets old!" he bucked at the sound of the voice, more of the tail snaking out from his rear as he realised the voice sounded almost identical to his new one, only wiser, more controlled and echoey, yet also playful.

Jack moaned, grinding his cock into the side of a golden emblem, unable to stop the action as he managed to gasp, "W-who said... w-who... are you the d-dragon!?"

"Oh you got it~! That's probably the fastest someone’s guessed this! You should feel pretty accomplished right now~. Well, you already should anyways since you're being used as my host and, I mean, is there anything that's a greater honour than that?"


"Oh but I can, you worthless little thing~! It's dragon magic! I've been using it since... well forever~! Anyone who slays me gets turned into my new body~! Why do you think there's so many legends of me and people going off to fight me? Some didn't come back because, well, they weren't ‘them’ anymore! Not all of them though, the others were tasty. Either way, it’s a win for me~. And you're next in line~."

Jack felt like he might pass out from fright, panting in terror, shivering and shaking his head as burning cum dripped from his cock, whimpering as he felt little lumps emerge from his back. "N-NONONONO P-PLEASE~! S-STOP I DON'T WANT TO BE A D-DRAGON~! I DON'T- PLEASE- PLEASE- PLEASE DRAGON I-"

"Ok first of all, my name isn't "dragon". Honestly human. You are truly lacking in creativity. I am a princess. I demand you refer to me by the name I was gifted millennia past. My name is Corrin~."

"O-ok I'm s-sorry C-Corrin, I-I'm sorry but I didn't know since you c-couldn't tell me when you were-" the fear-stricken knight managed to gasp as pleasure surged.

"Oh no, I could totally talk, silly~! I just don't talk to people that are below me~! Huh. No wonder this is the first time I've said a word in six centuries."

The pressure in his back was getting worse, a strange weight being applied to it as his eyes spun into red spirals, his whole body bucking as the tip of his spine burst out of his back further, happily rubbing against his thighs as he stained the coins with his cum.

"You don't seem to be saying much at all though! What's the matter? Dragon got your tongue~? Or are you too horny to care~? Well actually, those should be coming in right about... now~!"

"S-SHUT UP! S-STOP PLEASE, G-GET OUT OF MY HEAD, GET OUT- GET OH FUCKING SHIT S-SOMETHING'S COMING OUTTTTTT~!!!!!" Her words were making his head throb, but he only now realised there was more to it than just his mind, something physical bursting free as he screamed helplessly.

It was hard. Whatever it was, it was fully solid, the proud virgin knight cumming uncontrollably to the rough touch of a dragon woman, slamming his head into ancient relics as he slid down the pile, his arms spasming as he fell right on his front. He shakily rose, only to be reduced to a mess of desperate, pleasured bucking, both his head and back hit by assaults of relentless, pleasurable growth.

"HNGH~! R-RAH~! G-GROHHHHHH~!!!!! N-NOOOOHHHHH~!!!! F-FEELS TOO G-GOOD~! TOO G-GOODDDDDD~!!!!! NOT F-FAIRRRRR W-WAS SUPPOSED TO F-FIND PRINCESS AND- KYAAAAAAA~!" Jack pleaded, his forked tongue sticking out as long, proud dragon horns forced their way out of his skull, more of the tail doing the same as his rear swelled from the repeated growth, tearing free of his pants and slamming into the ground with a meaty, heavy THUMP.

It wriggled to the best of its ability, something that was much more difficult than before with its additional heft, Jack wondering if he was losing his mind as he felt his horns in shock, cumming and crying at the inhuman but wonderful pleasure they brought with them. It was too much for his mind to take, the dragon instincts forcing his tongue to greedily lick some of the gold as his tail and back nubs twitched.

"Oh, the princess? Wow, you really are stupid. I already told you I'm a great, almighty, overwhelmingly powerful princess didn't I~? How was that not enough to put two and two together~?"

He was coughing out puffs of smoke, screaming as his new tail acted like it had a mind of his own, wriggling more and more desperately as it forced itself free, the terrified knight trying to grab it and push it back in, only to find the scales much too slippery to get a good enough grip. Tears streamed down his face as another chunk pushed free, his own hips a casualty of the explosion of the change as they burst apart into almost inhumanly wide and alluring forms.

To his horror, he realised that was to be expected, after all. He wasn't fully human anymore, was he?

"PLEASE~! PLEASE I’ll DO ANYTHING~! I DON'T W-WANT TO BE A DRAGON GIRL~! P-PLEASE~! JUST STOP~! I DON'T- DON'T- WHAT ARE YOU S-SAYINGG~!? R-RNGH~!” Even his moans were turning animalistic, his back breaking under the draconic weights growing from his body, the newfound arch only transferring the height he lost to the constantly growing inhuman features. His horns burst longer, his tail even longer, the nubs on his back more like tiny w-wings and o-oh shit, oh fuck those were wings, those were wings, he was growing fucking wings!

"The princess in the legend? It's me! Obviously! I mean, I'm far more beautiful than anyone in the land. That should be obvious! Even as a full dragon! But to your uncultured brain, I guess this human form is the only one you would consider attractive. Moron. That said though... I do need an outfit more fitting for someone of my status..."

Her words triggered violent waves of burning delight to wash over the knight, his eyes scrunched shut as his clothing began to shift, some parts hardening, others softening, but all of it almost addictively soft and terribly tight. It was crushing him, the rips made by his burgeoning tail not even being sealed over as his ass and thighs were left exposed to the warm air.

He had never felt such a wonderful-feeling outfit before, every dip and curve of his shifting form squeezed as much as possible, as if the outfit was designed to make him feel as much bliss as his body could possibly take, rubbing pleasurably at his flesh with even the slightest movement. But it was as if the dragon had taken that as a challenge, her tail and wings the answer as he squealed and screamed wildly, his toes and fingers twitching and spasming in violent, unrivalled bliss, helpless as they both continued to grow.

There was space for his wings now, the change in wardrobe allowing them to flex from the gaps in the back of his armour, his cock unloading almost everything it could as the scaly appendages extended further and further.  His tail was slamming into the floor with each surge of delight, cracking it open with each desperate sway, little embers slipping from his plump lips as Jack was forced to accept the reality of his situation.


“How rude~. Right after I dress you in the garbs of traditional dragon royalty too~. I should teach you manners, you wretch! I am Corrin~! I am the princess of the dragons~! And. You. Are. MINE~!" she sounded like a dragon as she snarled the last word, the still growing tail bursting out once more as Jack screamed, feeling the claws in his psyche dig deeper into him as he weakly got to his feet, wobbling as his plump ass jiggled.

His body was cracking under the weight of his tail, Jack walking weakly forward as his heavy, fat tail swayed behind him, the flaky section wriggling as the man attempted to reach the exit. But try as he might, he wouldn't be able to escape from his fate so easily, the dragon determined to conquer the would-be slayer as his tail suddenly moved by itself, Jack squeaking in terror as it suddenly coiled up his body.

"N-NO! GETOFFGETOFFGETRAWRRRRRR~!!! O-OH FUCKING S-SHITTTTTT~!!!!" he roared like the dragon he was becoming, his attempts to pull off the gigantic tail ending in inevitable failure, helpless as it brutally began to tighten. All he could do was scream, bucking, crying, and cumming as the tail laid waste to his core, effortlessly crushing it, his eyes growing even redder as dragon instincts engraved themselves within his fragile consciousness.

His own tail was squeezing him like a tube of toothpaste, forcing his molten hot seed free as he gurgled in instinctual delight, his whole body thrashing as hard-earned muscle was flattened into slim paste, yet also buzzing with the power and might of a fully grown dragon. It felt like refining a gem, crushing it so it could become more beautiful, his sides forced to collapse as he was left with a perfect princess core.

It felt so wrong to be so curvy, to be so sexy, yet that made it all the more intoxicating, the feelings only made all the more wonderful and better as the remnants of mass were sent hurtling in opposite directions. His only choice was to wail from the bliss, crying from how unimaginably good it all felt, his nipples surging outwards as the inflating pillows fought for room in his restrictive, tight clothes.

The sensation of growing breasts was making his eyes spin, his breathing uneven, mind imploding from delight, his still growing wings flexing and twitching as they only made him want to give in more. "N-no! No I c-can't g-give- c-can't- o-oh fuckkkkkkkkkk c-curvyyyyyy~. T-treassssssssssureeeeeee~. M-mineeeeeeee~!"

The greed was clouding his thoughts, his hands twitching from pent-up bliss as they greedily ran down his curves, biting his lip from how good it felt to have them. His tail wasn't done influencing him yet either, pushing out heavily and coiling around his thighs, tickling and teasing the sensitive flesh as they too began to grow and expand.

His thighs had become a dumping ground for the now unneeded mass, bursting with fat and choke-holding his shaft as he let out a draconic roar of delight, thrashing and wriggling on the ground as his long, powerful wings spread free. He wasn't a knight anymore, he wasn't even a person, h-he was- he was- h-he was-

"A dragon, yes~. A powerful, beautiful, elegant dragon girl~! A princess~. You're moving up in the world~. Is that really so bad~?" her voice taunted him, his thighs surging out further as they were tickled with the sensitive tail flakes, tears in his eyes as his unremarkable hair finally surged with dragon power.

It was shifting, softening, morphing into the same colour as her scales, flowing down both gracefully and gently as it almost seemed to shine, looking like it was torn from a fairy tail as another chunk of tail burst free, its full length seeming to match his full body in raw size. It was too much, it was too fucking much, the dragon within threatening to tear free at any moment, his limited willpower unable to do a thing to stop it.

"N-NO! PLEASE G-GET OUT OF MY H-H-HEAD~! GET O-OUT~! L-LEAVE ME ALONE~! L-LEAVE ME- R-RAWRRRRRRRRRR W-WHY DOES IT FEEL SO GOODDDDDD~!!!!!" he screamed, his wings surging out one final time as he unexpectedly shot forwards, his feet leaving the ground as he glided across the hall.

He came out molten cum and spat out embers as he flew for the first time, his mind falling deeper and deeper into the new instincts, selfishness replacing selflessness, greed overwhelming kindness, vanity corrupting modesty, and cuteness annihilating any semblance of seriousness.

Jack couldn't understand the feeling of flying, of flapping his wings, such an inhuman, impossible action making it hard to think; to form a single thought. It was because of this that he didn't even resist when he noticed the massive diamond, his eyes sparkling as he landed right next to it, eagerly wrapping himself around it without even thinking, his forked tongue flicking out in greedy pride.

"I-it's mine! M-mine! M-my gem! M-mineeeeeeee~!" he hissed, grinding his cock into the reflective surface, his breasts bouncing as he did so. Fighting was impossible, the reality of that finally starting to set in as he giggled in smug pride, drooling and cumming as his tail finally forced itself free, wrapping around the diamond along with his hands.

The once-knight was never going to let go, his wings even coiling around the massive diamond as they burst into their final size. Dragon blood had claimed his body, forcing him to accept his birthright as Jack's curvy form rubbed and grinded on the reflective surface. But he wasn't feeling much like Jack anymore, the name meaning less and less to him by the second as his ass, thighs and breasts bounced out a few sizes, his muscles burning with the strength of the beast within.

She giggled, feeling herself being consumed, falling to the dragon just as everyone before her had, squeaking as every thought, desire, and instinct was overwhelmed by a draconic replacement. "N-no... k-knight... a-am a... a-am... J-Ja? No c-can still f-fight for m-my..."

"Hmmm~? You're still here~? Silly knight. It's time to go away now~!" Corrin giggled, what remained of Jack screaming from bliss as her repeated wriggling and rubbing sent a chunk of her shaft collapsing into her forming dragon's den. The new dragon bucked, the conflict literally fucked out of her by the shrinking cock, each thrust sending more and more of himself falling into the draconic.




The new princess roared in delight as her cock fully inverted with a simple push of her tail, cumming harder than ever before as she rode the waves of an orgasm that humans would be driven mad by, drooling as she slid off one of her many jewels. She barely noticed as she rolled down the gigantic pile of treasures, her eyes spinning into red, only settling as she reached the bottom.

Corrin blinked, still mostly curled into a ball from her rolling, wings stretching within her cape as she rubbed her tail’s massive girth between her thighs, giving a cutesy smile as she savoured the feelings of her new body.

"Hehe~! You lose, silly knight~! I'm so sorry you didn't get your happy ending... but I'm afraid the princess and villains are more important for the legends, aren't they? Besides, you got your princess in the end~. And you certainly were a dashing hero for giving me a body~. Teehee~!"

She got to her feet with another smug little laugh, her tail and wings flexing in an expression of traditional dragon pride, the princess overjoyed to finally be in full control of her wonderful new body. Corrin loved it all, every little feeling of her new body making her shiver and giggle in delight as she admired her reflection in the gold.

"Beautiful and elegant as always! Teehee~! But what else did I expect really~? I am the fairest and most deadly dragon in the land after all~." She smiled, holding her cape and spinning around, swinging her massive tail behind her as she laughed to herself.

It was marvellous having a human form again, especially after so long, the feeling of bodily conquest always one of her favourites as she smiled more. Now with her new body she could... oh yeah. She didn't exactly do much, did she? It was getting harder to go out without being attacked, so it had been a few decades since she could add to her horde. These days she just laid around the place. Oh well, maybe she'd figure something out after reorganising all 2,573,903,638 gold coins again.

That was the plan at least, until a distant voice rang out from the entrance, Corrin mentally berating herself for forgetting to shut it. "Hello? Is anyone here!? The dragon's body was outside so... I'm here to rescue you! I guess?"

"Oh hells! A knight hasn't ever come directly after a rebirth before!" Corrin cursed out loud, unsure what to do as she shot behind a pile of gold, peeking out to see the human looking around in awe, the dragon getting a brief look at his face. Oh, he was rather… dashing wasn't he? Kinda cute. Not too muscular to make him unattractive, but certainly no scrawny twig either. The dragon giggled like a schoolgirl, her tail swaying behind her as an idea came to mind, one that made her raise a finger cutely in thought.

"Well... I did want some new experiences..." she thought, a smirk filling her face as she emerged from her hiding place, putting on an expression of fake fright as she cried out, "Oh can it be? Has my hero emerged at last? After so many centuries!?"

"Princess!" beamed the knight in surprise, a small smirk remaining on her face at how much he blushed at the sight of her. "Just as the legends say! I knew they were real! They've passed down my kingdom for generations."

Oh that was a promising choice of words too, Corrin's tail wagging as she squished her plump thighs together and her wings flexed happily, eyes sparkling as she raised a hand to her chest, wriggling in place as she looked up with eager eyes. "Gasp! A prince! My fairy tale prince has come at last? But how did you get past the most deadly beast seen in our world's history!?"

"That's the strange part... the dragon was already slain when I arrived! I'm unsure what happened... did you hear anything, fair-"

"Corrin! My name is Corrin, dear prince~! And I'm afraid I did not! I was sleeping beautifully in this expertly picked horde! But whatever brought the dragon’s end must be deadly indeed!"

"True... we likely should leave here as soon as we can... although... may I ask what..." for a moment Corrin wasn't sure what he was asking about, only to make a small "o" with her mouth as she realised she had to explain her dragon traits.

"Oh it's awful k-knight! I forgot to tell you that the strong, almighty, legendary dragon- I mean the evil beast cursed me with its tainted blood, giving me these dragon features! Although, they really aren't as bad as you think. If we are to be wed, I'll be able to show you!" she quickly covered up with an innocent smile, fluttering her eyelashes as her tail and wings stretched cutely.

Her charming gambit worked with flying colours, the dashing prince going bright red at her words as he stammered, "W-well- I- we- I would be happy to- anyways! We should go at once! I-in case the dragon laid any traps for us!"

"Not yet!" Corrin hastily added, "Look at where we are, my prince! This horde is the most valuable thing in the land! We can't just leave it here!"

"A-are you sure? Wouldn't it be smarter to focus on ourselves over this golden junk?"

"HOW DARE YOU- I mean~!" she giggled nervously to cover up her roar, "All this stuff is super valuable! A-and I got really attached to it while the a-almighty, unk- now dead dragon kept me trapped here? So could you maybe taketheentirethingpiecebypiecesoIcanhaveitalltomyself?" she smiled and turned her head with a blush.

"A-all of it!?" repeated the prince in shock, Corrin pouting cutely.

"Oh of course brave prince! This horde is filled with the most rare and important items in all the land!"

"B-but don't other dragons have other hordes?" asked the prince.

"Pff, they're made up of junk. Those idiots never could tell apart the good and the worthless. Literal trash heaps. Or so I've heard! My dragon instincts are quite certain!" Corrin quickly added at the end, making a mental note to get better at this acting human thing when she got back to the kingdom.

"Well... I should be able to summon some of my royal retainers to help move it once we get outside... then they can assist us in moving this to the royal treasury. Though truthfully, it's more of a vault. We never need to spend any of it after all."

Corrin drooled with sparkly eyes, the tip of her tail flicking. Luckily the prince didn't notice, about to lift up one of the old shields as the dragon was broken from her thoughts.

"W-wait! Be careful with that!" she cried, running towards him as her massive tail and wings trailed behind her. Sure this new life would certainly be different. But with an expansion to her horde, trying out being a human princess for a bit with a dashing prince at her side, life was certain to get a lot more interesting~.


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